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The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
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    I am having trouble getting a blogroll code to work IN a post. I don't know why but that isn't the point of this post. Later, when I am back and sit down to look at it harder I am sure I will fix it, besides, it is for the "Kerry 180 blogroll" so I have another 5 days to fix it.

    Anyway, as I was saying, she sent me the link in the title to give me a hand. In case you are wondering it was Cao that sent me the link in the title. So I am cruising around this site and I came across this page.

    Ya gotta look at it. It is a page that tells you whether your site could be considered legal or not in some countries where your website could be illegal for reasons that include the blind being unable to access it.


    I know.

    Shake it off man, it's early.

    So for kicks and giggles I checked my page.

    It failed.

    Part of the reason it failed was for "Bogus or deprecated markup". I saw that and thought "What in bloody hell does THAT mean?????

    So I clicked on that, of course, and was greeted with, among other things, this:

    "Complex relationships between parts of a page may be difficult for people with cognitive disabilities and people with visual disabilities to interpret."

    This is the thought process that then flitted through my mind at the speed of my misfiring synapses':

    >>>I don't have a page that has "complex relationships between parts of my page", I do jump around a bit on subjects, visual disabilities I can understand, after all if you can't SEE then how do you view a webpage that is silent? but Cognitive disabilities? what the he........ OH!!!!!!!!!..........hehe.....maybe I should put up a disclaimer for those leftists that stop by huh?<<<

    I had to wipe the coffee from my desk. Those guys in my head crack me up.

    Fresh out of bed, half cup of coffee and the snarkiness just flows. Good Morning!!!


    Ogre said...

    Oh, and Yes, the XML feed works, as I'm reading it now.

    Ogre said...

    The complex relationships to which they refer are relationships between TAGS, not content. Things like opening paragraph tags without ending tags. The latest version of HTML requires ending tags inside of closing tags (image tags that never needed closing before now "require" a space and slash before the ending greater than symbol).

    TJ said...

    Kender - I don't believe you will get blogroll code to work inside a post on BlogSpot ... no scripts permitted in content.

    You can, however, put it on your sidebar (that's what I have done).

    If you find a way around this, please let me know!
    NIFThe Wide Awakes

    KraftyOne said...

    Actually, Kender, thanks to some cool modern technology, blind people can surf the internet in a limited fashion. However, you have to code your website in a way that is "readable" by the software that reads the website and then speaks it back to the user. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be for people, but I suppose if you only had a limited set of websites that you visited, it wouldn't be too bad.
    Anyway, I think what you stumbled on was just a tool that would help you universalize your website if you cared to do so, which, I don't think you do.

    kender said...

    Ogre, if those complex relationships are not content related, how does someone with cognitive disability have a harder time reading it vs someone with out a cognitive disability?

    Unless someone with a cognitive disability reads the code, kinda like a Matrix thing.

    Ogre said...

    It's the reader program the user uses to read the page that has problems. When the reader program attempts to read the page, if everything is not formatted exactly for the program, the program will not know how to read it to the user. Wow, that sounded confusing.

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