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    If Terri loses her Fight for Life, and is murdered by Greers death squad I think that the churches of this great land should toll their bells.

    I realize that is something usually reserved for people of great stature, but those of us fighting for Terri, those of us whose hearts cry out for Justice in defense of Life, have been dismissed by the MSM and the merchants of death.

    We have been called an insignificant minority.

    I refuse to believe that this great country has lost so much, has sunk so low, that the death of an innocent woman, when there are so many questions, could be just another blurb on the news and that there are so many Americans that are so seflish and cold hearted.

    I simply CANNOT accept that conclusion.

    Let those bells ring....let the merchants of death hear all across this land that we are not the minority. That the life of an innocent means something.

    Let them hear the bells and hang their heads in shame.


    Ticklebug said...

    Sadly, we are the minority here.

    M+ said...

    A splendid idea! Unfortunately, those who are in favor of starving Terri to death have neither shame nor conscience.
    And I don't agree with ticklebug. The polls we've been seeing have been strangely skewed in favor of the culture of death.

    loboinok said...

    Bells are good or headlights or black armbands...or a blogburst for terminating activist Judges...

    loboinok said...

    Kender...I don't know if you are aware of this or not but... March 30, 2005

    (CBS/AP) A federal appeals court early Wednesday granted Terri Schiavo's parents the right to file a petition for rehearing for an injunction that could allow their daughter's feeding tube to be reconnected.

    The ruling came just after midnight from a federal appeals court in Atlanta

    loboinok said...

    Church Bells sounds like a good idea to me. Let them ring across the nation!

    Raven said...

    I can ring my own bells..I have chimes and mobiles with bells...I'll do that after I contact my friendly Father down the street. I bet he will tone his bells for Terri.

    hypermeta said...

    Come on, there isn't going to be any church bell ringing. It's best to stick to realistic ideas.

    Joe S. said...

    I couldn't agree more. Since the appeal was denied, I guess there will be an opportunity. :(

    I agree also with lobionok...all of those ideas are good.


    Maggie said...

    Kender, I just found your blog. You know me from Crystal Clear. When will you send the money for the therapy?

    kender said...

    Maggie...I am lost...what therapy? Did I forgte to do something I said I was going to do? Email me love.

    Maggie said...

    OOh Kender,

    I was just having a joke because of your comment about not paying for therapy. I did see on Crystal Clear's blog that one of your devoted followers posted a nasty gram about you.

    Hee Hee, someone has done the same to me, and called himself Maggieisreptitive. He failed the spelling test for common sense.

    I will have a look at your blog later, I am off to the doctor's surgery.

    BTW please pray for my sister Maureen. She has been admitted to hospital and her weight is down to 39 kg.

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