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You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.

Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Iraqi Blogs
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
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    I hate it. I like winning. It is an integral part of the human condition, I believe, to want to win. It is a very animalistic drive to want to overcome, to triumph, to survive. It is one of the driving forces of being alive. The will to win...the will to survive.

    It's one of the reasons I like being on the "right" side of things. The right side is the good side, and I am not saying here that the "left" side is evil but today it certainly seems that way. Good is supposed to win. It is how things are supposed to work, and if I didn't believe that then morals and ethics would have no place in this world and nothing would have any meaning.

    Losing a game, or an election, or even a race is really no big deal in the grand scheme of things. But we CANNOT lose this fight for Terri. Losing this fight causes us to lose our humanity, for it is not only the fight that is lost, but Terris' life. You can always play another game, run in another election or race another day, but this loss is a loss of life, and that cannot be replaced.


    flash q fiasco said...

    Well, the sure way to 'lose' your side of a civil debate is not to bother understanding what those who disagree with you believe. If the debate over Terri's fate were cut and dry, if there were an easy 'right' and 'wrong' nobody would be here. Assuming the opposition to be inhumane or stupid liberal assmonkies is a pretty definitive way of saying that you really don't care about the issue, you just care about the fight.

    kender said...

    I NEVER fight about issues I don't care about.


    flash q fiasco said...

    You can't fight properly if you haven't prepared. I haven't see anything that approaches a structured argument here, just ranting...

    kender said...

    Your first mistake fiasco is assuming I am unprepared.

    Your second one is not reading the title to this blog.

    It is NOT Kenders' Structured is Kenders' Musings...and they tend to be loud, in your face rant style musings that do get a point across, just don't take offense that your pointy little head can't wrap around those bits I toss out here.

    Stepping up against me will only frustrate you if you want reasoned quiet debate.

    I am here to tell you the truth of things.

    Not about things I "feel", but things I know to be true.

    You may call them beliefs, but they are KNOWNS to me.

    Deal with the fact that you are wrong, get a stiff drink or call your therapist, but remember my disclaimer:

    I will not be held responsible for your therapy bills.

    flash q fiasco said...

    The only assumption I made was that someone who fancies himself a patriot like you would appreciate why our forefathers included deliberation - and not ranting - as the keystone of our republic. If schoolyard name calling is what gets you off, then by all means grab a handful of vasoline and go to work young man.

    Nice hat.

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