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    ...and a man I can always count on when I am on a rant about the left is Charles Krauthammer.
    Big Tip o'me Tam to long time gone.

    Some bits from his article.

    At his news conference on Wednesday, President Bush declined an invitation to claim vindication for his policy of spreading democracy in the Middle East. After two years of attacks on him as a historical illiterate pursuing the childish fantasy of Middle East democracy, he was entitled to claim a bit of credit. Yet he declined, partly out of modesty (as with Ronald Reagan, one of the secrets of his political success) and partly because he has learned the perils of declaring any mission accomplished.

    Of course he did. Unlike most of those on the left with huge egos, (and inversely proportioned nether parts I suspect), those on the right do things because they are the right ting to do. They may not be the most popular thing to do, but ask any kid if they want that splinter dug out of their finger and they will say no, but we all know that even though it hurts, it needs to be done, and sometime doing the right thing hurts at first, but in the long run it is better for everyone involved.

    We do not yet know, however, whether this initial flourishing of democracy will succeed. The Syrian and Iraqi Baathists, their jihadist allies, and the various regional autocrats are quite determined to suppress it. But we do know one thing: Those who claimed, with great certainty, that Arabs are an exception to the human tendency toward freedom, that they live in a stunted and distorted culture that makes them love their chains -- and that the notion the United States could help trigger a democratic revolution by militarily deposing their oppressors was a fantasy -- have been proved wrong.

    I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful paragraph than that. I especially like the last part. "proved wrong"....that seems to be happening alot these day in teh world of the lefty socialist unrealist whiners doesn't it?

    This amazing display has prompted a wave of soul-searching. When a Le Monde editorial titled "Arab Spring" acknowledges "the merit of George W. Bush," when the cover headline of London's The Independent is "Was Bush Right After All?" and when a column in Der Spiegel asks "Could George W. Bush Be Right?" you know that something radical has happened.

    I will bet you two euros that those articles had alot of people in europe spitting mad, and probably about 49% of the folks here too.

    The international left's concern for human rights turns out to be nothing more than a useful weapon for its anti-Americanism. Jeane Kirkpatrick pointed out this selective concern for the victims of U.S. allies (such as Chile) 25 years ago. After the Cold War, the hypocrisy continues. For which Arab people do European hearts burn? The Palestinians. Why? Because that permits the vilification of Israel -- an outpost of Western democracy and, even worse, a staunch U.S. ally. Championing suffering Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese offers no such satisfaction. Hence, silence.

    Until now. Now that the real Arab street has risen to claim rights that the West takes for granted, the left takes note. It is forced to acknowledge that those brutish Americans led by their simpleton cowboy might have been right. It has no choice. It is shamed. A Lebanese, amid a sea of a million other Lebanese, raises a placard reading "Thank you, George W. Bush," and all that Euro-pretense, moral and intellectual, collapses.

    As I wrote here yesterday. The left is full of hateful people that should be very ashamed of themselves and rightly should beg those on the right and the rest of the world for forgiveness.

    On the other side of that coin is naturally those of us on the "RIGHT".......and we are sooooo right in soooo many ways.......those of you on the right stand tall and stick out that chin knowing that Good is triumphing over evil...the forces that would see us destroyed are on the run regardless of their words, and all of you were a part of it.

    God Bless each and everyone of you.


    KraftyOne said...

    The only thing I strongly disagree with in this is this quote:

    > The international left's concern for human rights turns out to be nothing more than a useful weapon for its anti-Americanism. <

    Maybe I'm the minority, and I don't always fall solidly on the left of things, but my concern for human rights is ABSOLUTELY NOT anti-Americanism unless you tell me that having concern is anti-American to which I will tell you that YOU are anti-American. I also really don't think I am in the minority. Perhaps it is anti whatever the right believes to be Americanism, but I do not think this is the case either. I think the real problem is a difference of opinion on priorities and practices, especially priorities.

    KraftyOne said...

    Hmmm...missed an important phrase there in that quote. "International left's".

    I suppose you could make this arguement, but I really don't think so. I don't think that anyone in Germany, France or Spain is concerned about the people of Iraq because they are anti-American. They may BE anti-American, but I think that this is seperate from their concern over human life. Again, its a matter of priorities.

    kender said...

    I will take a decent stab at this and say the rights stand on Americanism is America First.

    As in Defend America First, even if it means going to war elsewhere, as that is better than going to war here.

    Chasing down those that would do us harm is a major priority. Changing the world for the better, and changing it for our benefit is for the better for all, after all, when is the last time we have gone to war with a peaceful, successful country that can stand on its' own?

    The article has made very good points. When has the international left rallied around any group that was suffering human rights abuses when that support of those people suffering would not be against the US?

    The answer? They haven't.

    The international left says almost nothing of the Sudan or africa in general. The say not one word about south africa, where the incidence of AIDS has shot up dramatically. The AIDS rates in SA in young girls is horrendous due to them being raped by infected men that wrongly believe sex with a virgin will cure them.

    Check the CIA world fact book on SA and see that it is in worse shape than most countries and then wonder why the IL hasn't begun demonstrating for aid to SA or changes in that government.

    They haven't because those demonstrations would not reflect badly on the US.

    KraftyOne said...

    Or maybe, just like here, those things don't get enough press to come to the spotlight? Granted, things with the US tend to get the spotlight, but it is also much easier to report on an event (like a war) that has new developments all the time than an ongoing crisis.
    Maybe the real culprit here is lousy reporting - THAT is a reality worldwide - although to be fair, our news in the US is far less informative than news I watched/listened to while in Europe.
    Also, I thought Europe did make a big fuss about Sudan? At least as much as we did...

    Troll King said...

    The thing that has not been said here that brings Kenders views into focus is this...

    What does the rest of the world say when Human Rights are being oppressed, and the USA DOESN'T do anything...then all of a sudden we aren't helping because...and they find some reason, usually monetary or oil for why we are not there. But let us take the lead and initiate action and we are war mongers, or "pushing" our views on the rest of the world...

    I say piss on 'em...lets take care of ourselves and let them sweat it out for a while.

    kender said...

    Very well put Troll King.

    I clicked on your link, and I must say you have a beautiful exceot teh dad...he's an ugly bugger aint he?

    Miss you brother.

    Dan said...

    troll king why does taking the initave have to be war. every right winger looks over the possibility of something called diplomacy. which is what the UN was doing when they were screwed by the US. the whole taking money from iraq scandal calling the leaders of the UN takers of blood money was crap. they told the US not to go to war. calling them killers of americans is totally unfair to them.

    Raven said...

    We don't overlook diplomacy, we
    just realize that sometimes diplomacy needs to be delivered by
    precision guided munitions and flying lead.

    Cao said...

    Watch out, Raven, you might be using terms that they don't use in first grade.

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