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    ...and the shiite flying around about Terri's case.

    Terri has been subpoenad (sp?). Whoevere thought up that briliiant move deserves a raise, not only in their paycheck but with a pint of fine ale.

    First, some asswipe has written the biggest pantload. Fucking atheist.

    Second, from a The Tampa Tribune comes a few stories and some quotes that will put chunks in your cereal.

    To wit, they are still saying persistent vegetative state......and this gem from that asshole murderin' mikey......

    "``Some people do not agree with the decision the court made to remove Terri's feeding tube, I struggle to accept it myself.''"

    Are you screaming yet?

    What a useless piece of garbage murderin mikey ihas turned out to be. It's probably a good thing his parents aren't alive....imagine their heartache at having raised such a blackhearted creature.


    Cao said...

    I still want to know the REASON for it. He's gone on with his life, how can he say he still loves Terri when he's going out of his way to see her dead and denied her any rehabilitation? Something is really stinking on this.

    Dan said...

    god forbid a man have any remorse in losing his wife. if you actually read that "gem" as you call it you would see that he also says the fact is that Terri left us 13 years ago and shes not coming back. its the statement from a man who doesnt want to lose the woman he loves but has come to the realization he has to move on. or does the idea of remorse in Michael Shaivo surprise you because contrary to your belif liberals actually do care for people. seriously start stating facts in your blog instead of just your oppinoin and maybe youll sound like more than a whiny baby.

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