About Me
Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!
(Right) - Mackers World
(Right) - Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!
(Right) - RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
(Right) - Madtom at ThisFuckingWar!
(Right) - Cao's Blog
(Right) - Michael J. Totten sets things straight!
(Right) - Rebel Rouser tells it like it is!
(Right) - Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!
(Right) - Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!
(Right) - Where's Your Brain?
(Right) - Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>
(Right) - Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!
(Right) - Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings
(Right) - The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!
(Right) - CouchGrouch
The VERY occasional rantings of another Right leaning Libertarian like me! - The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! - Out of the Ashes
(Right) - Erics Random Musings
(Right) - Skiritae
(Right) - YankeeBlogger
(Right) - Stop the ACLUdotORG
(Very Right!!!) - Stop the ACLU
(Very Right!!!) - Tazmedic
(Read the archives!!!) - Amandarin
(A clever friend from the other side of the street) - Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend! - Popdex
Iraqi Blogs
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
Blog Archive
- About My Living Will
- Todays Anti ACLU Rant.
- Terri Has Been Murdered!!!!!
- Exposing the Selfishness and Hate Behind the Right...
- If Terri Loses Her Fight
- I Thought I Was Done With This Issue. (long post w...
- This is So WRONG!!!!
- Is it tuesday again?
- The ACLU, as usual, on the wrong side of things.
- Search Engine News
- The Death of Americas Soul
- I thought we could all use some levity
- Drug Laws, Womens Rights & The ACLU
- This needs to happen a HELL of a lot more!!!!!
- I Hate the AP too!!!!
- Some insanity from the DU...
- Just a thought....
- I wish to volunteer
- Results 1 - 10 of about 15,700 for michael schiavo...
- In Honor of World Water Day
- My Niece Kicks Seven Kinds of Ass!!!
- A Little Bit Of Patriotic Coloring
- One of my heroes.....
- I see I am not the only self-abusing person out he...
- Thirty hours
- Quick thought..
- This was part of a comment I made at Crystals
- That dickhead Felos and my hunger strike.
- I HATE TO LOSE!!!!!!
- Judge Greer....
- Some things that are pissing me off about today.....
- Stolen from Raven...
- This is a LIFE OR DEATH Request!!
- This is too funny......
- This is a Great Tale.....
- What would you say......
- About Sitemeter
- Cao is playing a great video and I am posting drunk
- Go here and Salute!!!!
- Can You Piss Off A Liberal Like This?????
- The Purple Flew (or my delightfully evil son)
- The Crew in My Head.
- I think I may have been BANNED!!!
- Ron Reagan ... Why couldn't he have stayed quite?
- A post at Kats....
- First off this is a sad story....
- should I be worried?
- A new Terri Shiavo bit.
- I'm expecting (and hoping for) "friends"!!!
- Ladies and Gentlemen......
- Economy & Errata
- Yes, I am wearing pants.
- And OMG this is a funny blog!!!!!!
- I am only bringing this up to piss off the Left
- Go here and Vote!!!!!
- Way off the normal beaten path....
- Some items from the Chinese report on the humans r...
- An Open Letter to the World!!!!!
- A helpful friend sent me a link.
I have spoken of the crew in my head a few times, but rarely on this blog.
Today that changes, as I am going to introduce you to The Crew in My Head.
Before you start thinking that I have gone completely insane let me assure you, I have been there for many years. I believe we all have crews in our heads you see, only I am in touch with mine, whereas most people think that the crew in their head is simply "conscience", "morality" and "inner dialogue".
The crew in your head runs these things:
Thoughts on what you see.
Your Belief System.
Your Reactions.
Your Feelings.
Your Psyche.
Now, the crew in your head has a hierarchy, like the military and government. Really, where did you think people got the ideas on how to structure things? From the crew in their head.
At the top of the command stucture is, of course, The Commander.
The Commander is more of a figure head, only stepping in to make decisions when it is truly warranted. Most of the time he is actualy sleeping though since all of the Commanders work has been delegated to lesser members of the crew.
Below the Commander are the Section Chiefs. There are five of these, one for each thing the crew in your head handles. They report to the Commander when they catch him awake, which gets more rare the older you get.
The grunt work on the crew in your head is done by the Department Chiefs, of which there are ten for each Section Chief, with the exception of Your Psyche, which only has one Department Chief due to the minimal amount of work that is involved because they only process and interpret the data that all the other departments collect and then secretly assign strange reactions and neurosis' to counter and or complement this data.
The Department Chiefs are in charge of the moment to moment handling of ALL data that your flows into you through your senses. Note: Each dept., except Psyche, has a chief assigned to each of the five senses, as each sense recieves the same data, but each dept. translates that data by the parameters of their assigned program.
Following are the responsibilites of each department.
This system is responsible for what you BELIEVE. It takes in the data from what you hear and see and translates this information to feelings. This information is then sent to the Logic Processing Center. If the Logic Processing Center, (run by one section chief from the first FOUR departments, psyche has no logic support) deems the new beliefs to be logical and agreeable by the Logic Committee then they are programmed into the "Pattern" and become automatic processes. This dept. mostly deals with what is SEEN and HEARD, although as was previously pointed out, there are Dept. Chiefs assigned assigned to each sense.
This system is responsible for how you REACT to the outside world. The section chiefs in this dept. are tasked with a high amount of data at every waking moment and is a very important dept. They take the data your senses provide and run them through a "History" program. If the sensory data meets criteria for a previously encountered event, standard protocols are enacted, (i.e hot=don't touch). If this data is new then a program that runs the data against the "Feelings and Thoughts" protocol is used to decide HOW you should react to it. For example if it is a physical sensation then the "pleasure/pain" subroutine is the first program used, however if it is auditory then the "commonsense" subroutine runs, cross referencing with the "knownfacts" data base.
There is another program that runs at this time IF the sense is auditory AND the Feelings Section has recieved this information and linked programs they are running, (Feelings Programs to be discussed below) and this program actually affects the "Reactions" by judging if the source is someone that the system wants to engage in coitus. If the source does meet that criteria then a subprogram is run weighing the factors of "Hotness" plus "Chance of Success" and rates the value of the sources input to come up with a "Tolerance Factor". This "Tolerance Factor" is highly susceptible to corruption by alcohol and the last time the "Sleep Program" was used.
If the "Tolerance Factor" is high enough then the sources input is either filed away for later retrieval or outright deleted, and the "Coital Program" starts and accesses the "Chance Enhancment Program" which is tasked with supporting the "Coital Program" to it's successful conclusion. (Note, in many men the "Coital Program" is immediately shut down by the "Sleep/Flee" program, especially if it has been corrupted by alcohol, at the moment the "Coital Program" reaches a successful conclusion.)
This system is responsible for what you FEEL, not only physically but also emotionally. This system is over developed in leftists of all stripes, but seems to b particularly so in those with a "HIGH SOCIALIST REACTIONARY VIRUS", (HSRV) which is a viral infection that corrupts the "Logic" program.
On a basic level this system takes all physical data and runs it through the "history" program, comparing data from past experiences and, if necessary, shunting the data back to the "Reaction" system for action.
On a deeper level this program takes retrieved data and runs it through the "History" program and cross references it through the Beliefs Database and runs a "Logic Protocol" on the data to either bring up old programs that have dealt with this data or creates new routines to deal with the new data. In leftists of all stripes research is showing a corrupted "Logic Protocol" and an inability for the programs to create new protocols for new data.
In those on the right the "Logic Protocol Program" seems to be the first program accessed, and has a tendency to cause a subprogram ("Disbelief") to run when confronted with those who seem to have (HSRV) infected thought processes.
The Physical and Emotional routines do run in conjunction quite often. Usually they are running in conjunction when visual data is received and run through the "Coital Program" and if the results are suitable, the "Mate Program". The "Mate Program" is always run secondary to the "Coital Program" as the "Coital Program" is a superior program run by the master "Instinct/Surivial" program.
As noted above, these programs are highly corruptable by alcohol and lack of a timely Sleep Program.
This is a little understood system, although there are a great many people that claim to understand it. This system is responsible for all Subconscience and Unconscience programs, and is manifested mostly during Sleep programs, although leftists ahve been shown to manifest certain Psyche program malfunctions when confronted by such programs as "Truth", however this is probably a side effect of their "Logic Protocol Program" needing to be erased and rebooted.
There is of course a "bridge" where all data input is routed through, sorted, sifted, analyzed and acted on or deleted.
This "bridge", or "control room" is where the inner voice comes from. Basically it consists of the Section Chiefs that discuss the input and the results of the data as it compares to past experiences and that is also where conclusions are drawn, actions finalized and responses generated.
As you can no doubt tell, my "bridge" has a very good Sarcasm program that runs the subprograms of Pissiness and Dismissal on a regular basis.
Today that changes, as I am going to introduce you to The Crew in My Head.
Before you start thinking that I have gone completely insane let me assure you, I have been there for many years. I believe we all have crews in our heads you see, only I am in touch with mine, whereas most people think that the crew in their head is simply "conscience", "morality" and "inner dialogue".
The crew in your head runs these things:
Thoughts on what you see.
Your Belief System.
Your Reactions.
Your Feelings.
Your Psyche.
Now, the crew in your head has a hierarchy, like the military and government. Really, where did you think people got the ideas on how to structure things? From the crew in their head.
At the top of the command stucture is, of course, The Commander.
The Commander is more of a figure head, only stepping in to make decisions when it is truly warranted. Most of the time he is actualy sleeping though since all of the Commanders work has been delegated to lesser members of the crew.
Below the Commander are the Section Chiefs. There are five of these, one for each thing the crew in your head handles. They report to the Commander when they catch him awake, which gets more rare the older you get.
The grunt work on the crew in your head is done by the Department Chiefs, of which there are ten for each Section Chief, with the exception of Your Psyche, which only has one Department Chief due to the minimal amount of work that is involved because they only process and interpret the data that all the other departments collect and then secretly assign strange reactions and neurosis' to counter and or complement this data.
The Department Chiefs are in charge of the moment to moment handling of ALL data that your flows into you through your senses. Note: Each dept., except Psyche, has a chief assigned to each of the five senses, as each sense recieves the same data, but each dept. translates that data by the parameters of their assigned program.
Following are the responsibilites of each department.
This system is responsible for what you BELIEVE. It takes in the data from what you hear and see and translates this information to feelings. This information is then sent to the Logic Processing Center. If the Logic Processing Center, (run by one section chief from the first FOUR departments, psyche has no logic support) deems the new beliefs to be logical and agreeable by the Logic Committee then they are programmed into the "Pattern" and become automatic processes. This dept. mostly deals with what is SEEN and HEARD, although as was previously pointed out, there are Dept. Chiefs assigned assigned to each sense.
This system is responsible for how you REACT to the outside world. The section chiefs in this dept. are tasked with a high amount of data at every waking moment and is a very important dept. They take the data your senses provide and run them through a "History" program. If the sensory data meets criteria for a previously encountered event, standard protocols are enacted, (i.e hot=don't touch). If this data is new then a program that runs the data against the "Feelings and Thoughts" protocol is used to decide HOW you should react to it. For example if it is a physical sensation then the "pleasure/pain" subroutine is the first program used, however if it is auditory then the "commonsense" subroutine runs, cross referencing with the "knownfacts" data base.
There is another program that runs at this time IF the sense is auditory AND the Feelings Section has recieved this information and linked programs they are running, (Feelings Programs to be discussed below) and this program actually affects the "Reactions" by judging if the source is someone that the system wants to engage in coitus. If the source does meet that criteria then a subprogram is run weighing the factors of "Hotness" plus "Chance of Success" and rates the value of the sources input to come up with a "Tolerance Factor". This "Tolerance Factor" is highly susceptible to corruption by alcohol and the last time the "Sleep Program" was used.
If the "Tolerance Factor" is high enough then the sources input is either filed away for later retrieval or outright deleted, and the "Coital Program" starts and accesses the "Chance Enhancment Program" which is tasked with supporting the "Coital Program" to it's successful conclusion. (Note, in many men the "Coital Program" is immediately shut down by the "Sleep/Flee" program, especially if it has been corrupted by alcohol, at the moment the "Coital Program" reaches a successful conclusion.)
This system is responsible for what you FEEL, not only physically but also emotionally. This system is over developed in leftists of all stripes, but seems to b particularly so in those with a "HIGH SOCIALIST REACTIONARY VIRUS", (HSRV) which is a viral infection that corrupts the "Logic" program.
On a basic level this system takes all physical data and runs it through the "history" program, comparing data from past experiences and, if necessary, shunting the data back to the "Reaction" system for action.
On a deeper level this program takes retrieved data and runs it through the "History" program and cross references it through the Beliefs Database and runs a "Logic Protocol" on the data to either bring up old programs that have dealt with this data or creates new routines to deal with the new data. In leftists of all stripes research is showing a corrupted "Logic Protocol" and an inability for the programs to create new protocols for new data.
In those on the right the "Logic Protocol Program" seems to be the first program accessed, and has a tendency to cause a subprogram ("Disbelief") to run when confronted with those who seem to have (HSRV) infected thought processes.
The Physical and Emotional routines do run in conjunction quite often. Usually they are running in conjunction when visual data is received and run through the "Coital Program" and if the results are suitable, the "Mate Program". The "Mate Program" is always run secondary to the "Coital Program" as the "Coital Program" is a superior program run by the master "Instinct/Surivial" program.
As noted above, these programs are highly corruptable by alcohol and lack of a timely Sleep Program.
This is a little understood system, although there are a great many people that claim to understand it. This system is responsible for all Subconscience and Unconscience programs, and is manifested mostly during Sleep programs, although leftists ahve been shown to manifest certain Psyche program malfunctions when confronted by such programs as "Truth", however this is probably a side effect of their "Logic Protocol Program" needing to be erased and rebooted.
There is of course a "bridge" where all data input is routed through, sorted, sifted, analyzed and acted on or deleted.
This "bridge", or "control room" is where the inner voice comes from. Basically it consists of the Section Chiefs that discuss the input and the results of the data as it compares to past experiences and that is also where conclusions are drawn, actions finalized and responses generated.
As you can no doubt tell, my "bridge" has a very good Sarcasm program that runs the subprograms of Pissiness and Dismissal on a regular basis.
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BTW...Thoughts on what you see is where the control room comes in. Just in case your control room didn't catch the roundabout way I put that in.
Decided to return your visit.
How is it going.
I like your blog. Now I know where to come to find the addresses of other good blogs.
Dialysis Nurse needs to quit raining out there - you have too much time on your hands... :-)
Only one comment here. It is about this quote in about Feelings: "This system is over developed in leftists of all stripes."
From another perspective (not necessarily mine), many would say that it is equally under-developed on the Right.
My crew howled with laughter at that comment K1....too funny.
Which comment? The heartless/soulless Right or the too much time?
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