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    ...a conversation with a friend tonight has caused me to post this question:

    What do women want in a man?

    To be specific we are not talking about a relationship here, but rather what qualities in a man turn a woman on.

    I have my answers, but so as not to taint the possible answers I get I will leave them for when I post an update to this post.

    I am looking forward to your insights on this.


    UPDATE: The conclusion of last nights coversation was women are attracted to a man that is strong, not necassarily in body but in character, intelligent, bold in manner, (not a wuss), that can make them laugh and with a bit of the devilish badboy just lurking under the surface. Body types were not factored in as tastes vary widely, (for instance my wife is a six foot tall, redheaded irish blooded vixen that is built like Barbie with a bigger rack, but she prefers short blonde guys (((Luckyluckyme:D))) while her sister prefers the tall athletic type).

    Thanks for the input.


    Tonto said...

    Women are feel all the ways that word may apply.

    Nothing is more of a "turn on" than a smart man who can make a woman feel the same.

    M+ said...

    Isn't this question a bit subjective to the individual women in question?
    People are different in a multitude of ways, and I think this is just one of them. In much the same way that some men are turned on by breasts while others say butts, and others might say eyes, or lips, or whatever attributes a beautiful woman might have. I think there are too many possibilities to consider here.

    Tonto said... are right it is subjective but you will find too that many answers will be the same giving a general consensus.

    And the best part is the rare answer you have not have thought of before but when articulated by someone for the first time to you makes you say "yeah she's right..."

    Ogre said...

    They are looking for large, hairy beasts carrying clubs (and sometimes wearing green party hats). :)

    M+ said...

    You are probably right. I know many a woman who will make comments regarding a mans ability to make her laugh.
    I hope they mean in the bedroom... I can do that!

    kender said...

    "It is OK to laugh in bed......just don't point!!!!"

    Dr. Ruth Westheimer

    KraftyOne said...

    I think it also largely depends on the age and maturity of the woman. I think younger/less mature women tend to be most attracted to percieved confidence. These are the women that guys think of when they think that all women like jerks, because jerks tend to exude confidence, even though sometimes its just a false front.

    Older/more mature women are the ones that Georgina described.

    Mysha said...

    I have to say that there are many factors that women look at, and i think that it is differetn each time with each relationship. Sometimes it is just availability, then there is safety and trust,And intelligence...the ability to talk to them and feel heard...and a sharing of personal basic beliefs that bind people to gether to make a cohesive couple...although this is happening less and less as time goes on...But i do agree that it does depend on the individuals involved, but the same question can be turned arouns, i used to think all that mattered was the ability to cook, keep the bed warm, and always be ready for sex,a dn well this is not the case or i would already be married, and kidded....

    KraftyOne said...


    There's a couple other factors in there for guys (or at least for me). Attraction and not being totally damn annoying.

    Anonymous said...

    ok, krafty, but once again annoying is subjective....and it all depends on what you are raised with and what you like, and the things that people make these decisions on are so varied that you cant just blanketly say this will make women want you or men for that matter.....

    KraftyOne said...

    Sheesh - it was supposed to be kind of a funny comment, but now that you've torn it apart...

    Anyway, I know its subjective, but so is attraction (to some degree) or anything else. I think Kender's question was referring to initial attraction and desire, not long term "What makes a relationship work?" which is far more nebulous.

    mysha said...

    I am not sure why that didn't sign my name to it, but what ever, i am sorry for messing up you funny comment, but attraction, relationships, all of it is subjective to the individuals how do you narrow it down..i mean i have been attracted to males that made me laugh when there was no physical attraction there in the begining, adn i have had the same thing happen with intellegence and just someone having a few of the same interests as me and their approach to i dont think that there is one straight answer, nor solution to any of the love/attraction questions.

    Kat said...

    I know I wrote, sometime ago, a 20 point list of things I look for, but, if you sum it up, here are the basics I think women, who are not emotional or psycological nutcases, want(aside from physical attraction because that IS subjective):

    1) Responsible: that has many connotations, but I'll simplify it by saying someone who understands that somethings need to be taken care of, like food, bills, cars, family, etc, and they take it seriously

    2) Honest: to a point. You know I already said that men who tell their women that they look "fine" or straight out say they are fat are in for some major couch time. It's the nature of the beast. But, what they are looking for is someone that will talk to them honestly about the financial situation or other problems, not try to hide it so they get a surprise later or it builds up to a marriage destroyer.

    3) Faithfulness: as hard as it is for people to remain faithful these days, women are looking for a guy that thinks that they should actually stand by them and not run off looking for some other hiney when their's isn't as firm as it used to be. While women may dream of don juan sweeping them off their feet, they really don't trust don juan.

    4) Respect: Dude, you know, some of us women do have a brain and have ideas that are not completely off the planet and it irks us to no end when the guy that is supposed to love us and all that doesn't listen or just waves those ideas off. Also, don't talk crap about us to your friends and all asundry. You know, we understand you have friends and share confidences like we do, but when you are standing around with your beer buddies talking about your woman being a complete bitch or how she's screwing you, you don't respect her and ought to leave. (of course, this can go for women. complaining a little is one thing, but if you're down to calling your man an asshole on a routine basis to your friends, it's time to say bye-bye)

    Steady: goes along with responsible. If a crisis comes up, they don't go all panic mode, drink themselves stupid or run off. No matter what happens, everything can be resolved or, you can start from scratch if the financial shit hits the fan. You can recover. It's actually much more painful to try and recover from abandonment by the person you thought would stand by you.

    We are the Queen: don't get me wrong, we do like to be worshipped, but not controlled or obsessed over (unless you're a hollywood starlet, then I don't know what they want). However, whatever we look like, whatever we wear, we want you to think we are the sun that rises in the east and sets in the west. yes, we know you look at other women and sometimes fantasize about them, but, at the end of the day, we want a guy that takes, not just his vows or proclamations of love seriously, but would rather be with us.

    Romance: Contrary to popular belief, we don't need this everyday. As a matter of fact, we are likely to become suspicious or concerned about potential obsession if we do get it everyday. Rather, every once in awhile, we're hoping that the guy remembers why they got with us in the first place and expresses that in some way. It doesn't have to be diamonds (although, they won't be turned down) or expensive trips to Aspen, it could be something ver simple like a night out to dinner and dancing, or a movie with just us, or a walk in the park, maybe even just some flowers. and hey, when its our birthdays or other anniversaries, we appreciate the appliances and the cute little t-shirts and cards, but seriously, we are hoping that men put a little more thought into.

    Mainly, on the Romance end, it doesn't have to be all the time because, just like everything else in the world, you don't appreciate it if you have it all the time. on the other hand, if you haven't done jack shit for your lady in the last two years, she's running out of patience. Believe me.

    kender said...

    Kat, re:#4...did you say something?

    mysha said...

    kender, about your comment you can be such an ass and a man!

    Kat said...

    LOL Funny Kender...

    Mysha..I know kender is joking. I'm one of his "contributors". He doesn't have any choice but to listen to me. LOL

    kender said... Kat, of my oldest friends, (Mysha) meets one of my newest friends (Kat)....a round of applause folks for two very wonderful capable women whom I rely on for very different reasons.

    Mysha said...

    Kat I know he is joking, but it is still an asshole thing to say, besides kender wants me to post he knows i will speak my mind and the truth i see no matter what his whiney opinion is.....

    kender said...

    My whiny opinion?

    You're the one whining about something I said. Besides, if I wasn't being an asshole of some type you would think I was ill.

    Mysha said...

    well yes, if i am whiney, then so are you....and yes i would think something was wrong if you weere not being an ass of some fact i am suspisious when you are too nice most of the time....

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