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    The AP is a bunch of idiotic asswipes that wouldn't know research if it came up and parsed sentences at them.

    Regardless of all of the info on Terris' condition just dripping out of damn near every monitor, tv set and news outlet in the country, this ill-informed simpleton at the AP, Matt Crenson, continues to use the term "life support" when referring to Terri's case.

    Listen up Crenson....."A G-TUBE IS NOT LIFE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!"

    Do you get that? It simply supplies food and water, kinda' like your trachea.

    On the upside the story he wrote is highlighting the battle in cyberspace between those compassionate folks on and in the right and their (possibly) temporary and more sensible allies from the left, and the blogs and sites we inhabit, so to speak.

    Oh, and he quotes Dory from Wittenberg Gate and mentions Attempted Murder and caps off his biased little article with this.

    "Polls by so-called 'polling experts' are almost always biased. I have never and will never participate in such a poll," Rick Allen writes on BlogsforTerri.


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