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    **In response to a good point brought up by a commenter, (thanks LadyFreque) I just want to point out that food and water are not heroic measures.....but if they are considered to be heroic measures then I want all "heroic measures" ended imediately to keep those on death row alive until we kill them.**

    A neurologist named Beatrice Angstrom was just on Fox saying she filed an affadavit with the court on March 1st saying that Terri is not PVS, (DUH) and should be given the help she needs.

    The Truth is coming out.

    In the meantime Greer is still refusing to unseal the records....if you are reading this and still think that Greer and his death squad is NOT hiding something then GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY BLOG MORON!!!!

    ***BREAKING NEWS****
    SCOTUS has refused to hear the appeal by Terris' parents.

    **Thoughts on this**
    It sucks that Terris parents can't go comfort their dying daughter. If this were my child only God himself could keep me away. If I were Terris dad I would go kill michael right now. Then he would be dead...and mom would have custody...and if, at that point, greer refused to give gaurdianship to mom then even someone in Terris' condition could see that he is hiding something.

    And to all of you out there that think Congress' actions were "tyranny" I want you to think about this......the courts are the ones being tyrannical...greers refusal to release records is de facto proof that something needs to be hidden from the prying eyes of the public and those with the power to prosecute wrongdoing.

    It is the courts that are acting tyrannical, and they should be called on the carpet for their activism and their blatant obstructionism of the legititmate questions of Congress.

    And since it being left up to Greer, (for some ungodly reason) to decide on Bushs petition for custody of Terri does anyone out there really think that the most dis-honorable pusbag suck-ass judge greer is going to allow it?

    Fuck Greer.


    If Terri were black, or gay or muslim would saving her life be an issue that most on the left would be for then?


    Raven said...

    Fuck all of them. They deserve a fate like Terri's, with people who refuse to look at the facts making their life and death decisions...What goes around will come around.

    Ticklebug said...

    "greers refusal to release records is de facto proof that something needs to be hidden from the prying eyes of the public and those with the power to prosecute wrongdoing."

    People who can't see that, just don't want to -- plain and simple.

    TheBitterAmerican said...

    Hmm,...interesting question,....if Terri were black/lesbian/Muslim,..but I think the big point with the Dems would be,..does she qualify for Medicaid?

    Other than that,..a serious POV on that would put the Dems between a rock and a hard place for sure.

    Kat said...

    She is on Medical assistance. The question has to be how she has been in a hospice which has rules stating up to only 6 months of care. If a person is less "terminal" than that, hospice is not supposed to except them. In which case, it is not "hospice benefits" that are paying for her stay there. This means that, contrary to many reports there is money and it is paying for Terri to stay in a private bed at this hospice facility, not Medical Assistance or Medicare or disability funds.

    And, in regards to why Greer refuses to release the records, he is basically setting it up so that no one can actually review the case in toto and over turn his decision. All other "reviews" on this case were simply to review the procedures and not the facts.

    Procedurally, they are doing all the right steps. Factually and morally may be a whole other story (iin my opinion)

    Anonymous said...

    What amazes me about this case is that it got so complicated. Why is the husband (who now has another family, since it has been several years) in charge of deciding her fate? Why didn't he just give all that over to her family when he was ready to move on and they weren't? Just because he says "she wanted no heroic measures" does that prove that was her wish? And why did he wait so long to start all this legal maneuavering? I know there's a lot I don't know about this case, but the fight over a woman's life like this is just wrong!

    loboinok said...

    Impeachment is the next phase for these judges. I second Raven on this...fuck all of them! It is becoming a nightmare. America is headed down a dangerous road. It is getting me very sick.

    On a side note...come by my chat tonight. Later, Jay

    Ticklebug said...

    Another thing that just came to mind...whether Terri said it or not, when people think of a "living will" or "pull the plug if I become a vegatable", they don't think they're going to end up dying slowing and painfully of starvation and dehydration because they "husband" wants to financially gain from them.

    These pro-Michael Schiavo-ers are total ignoramauses.

    Kat said...

    I'm afraid that most people think of "pulling the plug" is a reference to being comatose, vegetative and non-responsive on a RESPIRATOR that is breathing for you and not this kind of "plug".

    When people think of "machines" most people think of the respirator and the suction machine (which they clean your trach out with), having those heart monitors hooked up and a catheter in your urinary tract because you can't pee anymore by yourself either.

    That is the condition that most people imagine themselves in when they say "pull the plug". Most don't imagine themselves partially brain damaged from a stroke and being fed by a tube or intraveneously through the veins.

    I could tell you some horrowing stories about patients we've serviced including a guy who had a gun shot wound to the gut and had no intestines left. He was alive but he could not eat like you and me and had to be fed intraveneously.

    Now, somewhere there is somebody thinking they wouldn't want to live like that, but, you really don't know how strong the will to live is until you are in that position.

    Ticklebug said...

    That's basically what I was trying to say, but you put it more eloquently.

    loboinok said...

    We need to nueter the ACLU AND activist judges.
    As far as I'm concerned the sooner we nueter the activist judges the sooner we can take care of the ACLU.
    The biggest ally to the ACLU (aside from tax dollars) is the activist judges.
    Remove the ACLU and the activists will continue their rulings.
    Remove the acivist judges and the ACLU will have to start laying lawyers off.

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