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The name say it all
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Luna Kitten
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    The left is historically the partyy of "feelings" and "emotions" would think they could appreciate the rights very emotional response to Terris' case.

    Oh wait.....this involves an innocent being killed.....right-o...forgot they are all for that.



    Ticklebug said...


    By the way, is that really your picture in your profile?

    kender said...

    Yes it is my picture...caught as I turned to snark at a freind of mine, not realizing he had baited me to get the pic....I should've know though when he made a nice comment about the french.

    Why do you ask dear?

    Anonymous said...

    I have persoanl issue with you on the all dems are evil bit you keep throwing out there. You have to some where in the vast mind of your know that not all of us are as close minded of PRO ALL DEM IDEA's. I bet you do not agree with all REP Idea's either. I have actually noted in personal study that both parties seem to be becoming one in a handful of incidents. However no one and I do mean no one seems to want to point out that one small fact.

    kender said...

    When I said all the dems, I meant all teh dems...from teh leadership on down, with the exception of those that are fighting for terri.

    Scroll down and read about the comment I left at Crystals.......the time for making peace and trying to work together will be gone if Terri dies from starvation.......if this is allowed to happen the soul of this nation will have taken a huge hit.

    And the dems will be shown to be the party of death they are.

    If moderate dems like you, anonymouse, truly care about your party and how they act towards this country and the world then go take it back. Bring it back to where it once was.

    And I wish you luck in doing that. I believe you will fail because the path the dems have taken they have been on for many years, and only a MAJOR change in the leadership would change that.

    But please, for the sake of this world, go try.

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