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    While commenting at the blog linked in the title, I started to rant. I cut that rant short. You see, I felt it fit better here. This is something that has been bugging me for a long time. I am sure there is something out there like it already, but I haven't seen it and have decided to put in my two cents worth....ok...maybe a dimes worth, you know how I rant.

    Urban Archipelago My Ass!!!
    (an answer to the whiny lefts cry of "Boycott everything but blue cities)

    Perhaps the "Urban Archipelago" is a good idea. You guys stay in your crowded, dirty, crime ridden cities and out of the clean fresh country air. Take all of your guns away from yourselves, and cry when you have no defense from people that don't care about "laws" that say owning a guns are against them.

    Hope you like that soy milk, cuz ya know what? They don't have diaries in the city. Want a steak? No? Good!! Because they don't raise beef cattle in the cities either. Want a nice stay at a B&B in the country? I hope so, because the folks that own those should charge four times the price depending on where you live.

    Want to keep all that money you pay in taxes in your cities? Good. Use it to pave your roads and enjoy your soymilk and garden burgers. Wait a sec. How many vegetables can you grow in a city anyway? Oh. Not much huh? OK...well, here's an idea. Take all those "homeless" you care so much about and take a cue from Soylent Green.

    You see, out here they aren't "homeless". "They" are transients or bums. Some of them may take a seasonal job, at a low wage, and move on at the end of the season. You know why they work for low wages? Because you folks in those "blue cities" scream about the price of food.

    How about we pay them a "living wage" and you pay 4 bucks for a tomato? What? Aahhhh, come on are the ones crying about low wages for labor. Did you ever stop to wonder how that food you get is so affordable? Believe me, raising all that fancy lettuce for those "salads" you folks love to eat isn't cheap. Especially now that you city folks use so much water and your environmentalist friends worry about the ecosystem to the point of taking away our water for your houses.

    Never thought about that have you? I thought so. What do you guys have that we need? Nothing!

    We have movie theaters. We have our newspapers and get the same satellite TV that you do. We can shop online too. We have roads, but if we end up with dirt roads that's ok, because most of us own at least one truck. If you did come to visit at least you may actually have a chance to drive on something besides pavement in those big SUVs you have.

    In fact, I can't think of any reason to go into the city at all. We have places to shop, to eat at and to entertain ourselves with also. You have opera and theaters that have honest to goodness plays. That's ok. Most of us out here don't have, nor do we feel the need, to have your "culture". As far as we're concerned that is part of the problem with you guys. Those things have made you pretentious. Around here we just call it "Uppity".

    So keep your "culture". We have our own "culture" out here. It includes a work ethic, unlike yours. Alot of us work sun-up to sundown. We call that "livin" out here, and realize the glory of an honest days work.

    We also realize what the American Dream is all about. It is about working hard and being honest, it means that you reap what you sow, and you get back what you put out. It is about helping your fellow man, but not to the point that you are put out also. It is about being true to yourself, giving it all you have and being a good sport when you lose. (Take big fat cue from THAT lats one ok?)

    Basically it is the antithesis of your values, your ideals. It is the epitomy of the American Way.

    So stay in your cities. We really don't want your uppity asses out here, taking up the parking at the A&P and sneering at us "hicks", and as a return favor we will stay out of the cities, and we'll keep our dairy, meats and veges out of your stinking, overcrowded, crime ridden cities too.


    Kat said...

    I was just about to print my own little rant. I wasn't sure who I was addressing it to. there's so many people I want to tell to go bugger off or get their crap together. geesh, glad you started it.

    M+ said...

    I like your Soylent Green suggestion.
    The unfortunate truth about this topic is the fact that many red voters live in blue states (and vice-versa) and ar etherefore somewhat dependant upon the blue cities for their jobs and livelihoods. A segregation of this sort would force a lot of people to uproot themselves and move to a place that they're unfamiliar with. And for what? The chance to live near people who share their ideologies?
    No, I think us red voters are better served by staying where we are so we can better infiltrate and affect the blue states in upcoming elections.
    Let's face it, conservatism is growing. I say we let it.

    kender said...

    If you are going to stay in a blue zone then steel your nerves and enact Plan "D".

    Ogre said...

    Agreed -- but those raving lunatics have to keep their damn nanny-state laws in the cities too. I'd be plenty happy if they'd do that, but they control the state legislatures and take my money to do all their social programming crap in those dirty cities.

    kender said...

    Damn good point....I should have thought of that.

    Tomslick said...

    "Take all of your guns away from yourselves, and cry when you have no defense from people that don't care about "laws" that say owning a guns are against them."

    I couldn't agree more. Who's guns would be forfeited if these whacks had their way? Everyones but the criminals I would suspect. I think I will just hang on to mine.

    These goody 2 shoe types never cease to amaze me. There is always a worthwhile social program as long as they can spend someone elses money.

    Nice site Kender. I thought I would stop and say hello.

    KraftyOne said...

    Ah ha ha ha ha.

    Ya'll are funny. :-) Both sides...

    Want to see how we really voted? Here is a map skewed to include what each county would look like if blown up or shrunk by population and colored not red and blue, but shades of purple. More interesting isn't it? It really proves that no one area is as red or blue as it would like to claim, but rather is just a mix of people with different opinions. Thats what America is now and always has been: A mix of people with different opinions/backgrounds/cultures/values.

    The rural areas could/would not survive without the urban areas and vice-versa.

    What has always made this country strong was our ability to find common ground with eachother. To give a little and take a little. To compromise... So that each of us could be proud to have our own part of our culture represented/permitted by our government.

    The thing which concerns me the most is that through partisan bickering and unilateral decisions, our current government has managed to truly polarize our nation. This, to me, is not the way things were meant to be in America. I still have hope though.

    Writergray said...

    Somewhere along the lines of reading all of this I came upon a rant of my own dealing with GUN'S. Figures it takes looking here Kender to get me thinking in a direction other than faire. LOL

    loboinok said...

    The ACLU is sueing Rumsfeld!

    arerr said...

    Wow, this is one of your best pieces! Nice work.

    Ogre said...

    Kraftyone -- in a word, "No."

    This country was NOT made great by our ability to compromise. We did not compromise with Great Britain. We did not compromise with Hitler. We are not great because we compromised with immigrants of all nations.

    People came to this land and ADAPTED to the land that was here instead of trying to change it to fit their own homeland.

    As for your "purple" map -- there are no people on that map. There are no "purple" voters. Voters selected one of the two (unfortunately) limited choices. Red or blue -- you decide.

    KraftyOne said...

    Ogre - you just outed yourself. You outed yourself as someone who is distressed by complex thoughts. Someone who has difficulties with greys. Someone who thinks the world is black and white and there is no in-between. True, due to our lousy two-party (mostly) political atmosphere, we do have to choose red or blue. However, it does not mean that we are not a country peopled by a multitude of conflicting beliefs. Perhaps compromise was the wrong term to use for what needs to be done now, however, that is exactly what our founding fathers did. The Bill of Rights is a seperate document because it was a compromise between those who wanted them to be part of our Constitution and those who did not. Many of the laws regarding state sovereignty were the product of compromise as well. Anyway, the main point of my previous comment was not compromise anyway.

    The main point was that this nation was founded on the idea of personal freedoms. It was founded on our ability to find our common ground and build on it rather than dwelling on our differences and breaking eachother down about them. We seem to have forgotten this as a nation.

    Ogre said...

    You're right, there are many, many areas of life that simply do not have any areas of grey, no matter who wants them to. I refuse to see grey where there is no grey.

    However, your confirmation of your statement I also agree very strongly with. Finding common ground is quite different from compromise. Finding common ground is finding an area in which people agree, while compromise means finding areas of disagreement.

    So yes, I completely agree with your last paragraph!

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