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    I was going to wait until Terri passes to post this, however hope is lost, not only for Terri but for America as well. I am sure that after a few days the resignation will fade, as those that wished Terri dead, or at least wouldn't help attempt to save her continue to comment and once again anger me and those that still know the greatness of this country, those that still believe that we are not some servant of the elite and the corporations, that we have purpose beyond buying the newest gadget or seeing the latest hollywood drivel.

    So this sadness will fade, dropping down below the surface, to be used as a club against the evil that is creeping ever forward, stealing all that is good under the guise of "humanism" and "socialism".

    This feeling of utter failure to save an innocent womans life will be harnessed to battle those that would steer us away from the moral path, pointing out their lack of compassion and their complete vileness, along the way perhaps to cause some to rethink their beliefs and realize that with life, like power, comes responsibility. The responsibility to aid those in need and fight those that would do us harm for their petty worldy wants and desires.

    Already I am feeling the rightous fire, welling up to scream at those against us, to meet them head-on and vanquish this pervasive evil that creeps ever forward. But it will again fade once those dreaded words come....."Terri Schiavo has died."


    We're The Land of the Free
    And the Home of the Brave
    Always told just How lucky we are
    And once that was True as the People rolled in
    While the Freedom flowed out Wide and Far

    Now it is gone and Liberty weeps
    Our Goodness is slipping away
    Lives we once saved
    But death we now praise
    As Liberties' head hangs in shame

    While the Old world calls out
    For it's prodigal son
    "Join us, we will show you the way"
    Americas' Right sits and screams through the night
    "We have all lost our souls on this day"

    Our "Blessings' Securer" shall soon slip away
    Abandoned and deservedly so
    Through the storm we will rage
    And trembling we'll pray
    And cry "God where did you go?"

    Huddled masses won't swarm to these once Golden Shores
    You see Freedom is no longer here
    For this land of the free
    And the home of the brave
    Is the hovel of death loving fear

    As the years stretch along and Old Glory fades
    While the greatness we've known slips away
    History will peer
    Through the dim mists of time
    And claim that we Died on this day.

    Dedicated to Theresa Marie Schindler
    May she rest in peace, God knows we won't.


    loboinok said...

    Very nice Kender, very nice.
    Unfortunately it is night time and the cockcroaches will come slithering in under the door and leave their droppings all over this board.

    If it is any consolation, I won't forget. The libs are too stupid to realize the significance of this both morally and politically.
    I believe the "Constitutional Option" is about to take on a whole new meaning.

    The GTL™ said...

    This "lib" wasn't that stupid, loboinok, and I'm glad that's a matter of public record.

    To kender - thanks for posting this. It tore me up and hit home at the same time. Yours was the first post that actually made my eyes well up in tears.

    May Terri RIP if we cannot count on even greater miracles.

    Crystal said...

    Wow... I too will not forget and find this post and your email which I used on my blog as inspiration to pause and then back at it...Great job.. you are truly and beautifully inspired..

    Anonymous said...

    Terri Schiavo has died. 15 years ago. LOL get a clue.

    Until you do, I giddily feast on your simmering anger heated gently over your "rightous fire".

    kender said...


    Step right up and see the worlds largest hemmorhoidal tumor ANONYMOUSE!!!

    See it make stupid comments as it tries desperately to stop its' pus-like little brain from dripping from its' ears....hear it whine like the fucking little pussy bitch it is....listen to it blather on as the void in its' heart gets larger and larger....see how it slithers across the floor due to its' lack of a spine.......

    Yes folks, we found this putrid specimen under a rock that was being used as a toilet by homeless, syphilis infected former UN peacekeepers from the congo, and now we bring it you in a biohazard container full of nuclear waste, where it grows more foul everyday....behold as it spews its' vile words around the blogosphere, crying out for the attention that the crack whore that whelped it would never give it...

    Step right up folks...don't crowd...and please try to ignore the stench that copmes from the fact that only two things melt in water, sugar and shit, and this beast certainly isn't sweet.

    BTW....its' details:

    Domain Name ? (Network)
    IP Address ? (IANA - Reserved)
    Language Setting English
    Operating System Macintosh MacOSX
    Browser Safari 1.2
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/125.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/125.12
    Time of Visit Mar 27 2005 10:29:38 pm
    Last Page View Mar 27 2005 10:36:10 pm
    Visit Length 6 minutes and 32 seconds
    Page Views 6
    Referring URL http://www.typepad.c..._mode=red&id=4603430
    Visit Entry Page
    Visit Exit Page http://kendersmusing...f-americas-soul.html
    Time Zone UTC-8:00
    PST - Pacific Standard Time
    PDT - Pacific Daylight Saving Time
    Visitor's Time Mar 27 2005 2:29:38 pm

    Stay the fuck off of my blog moron!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    "Stay the fuck off of my blog moron!!!!"

    Only until the next time I'm hungry LOL.

    The MaryHunter said...

    Hah, ye shined the light on the frickin' troll, see it turn to frickin' stone. LOL

    Cao said...

    What's your name, Michael Schiavo? He's the one that said she died 15 years ago. Terri is/was alive until Greer ordered the court to kill her, she wasn't even terminal even though they put her in a hospice 5 YEARS AGO and the law says you have to have documented by doctors that you're terminal and have only 6 months to live to get into a hospice.

    But that's no surprise since the Florida Suncoast owes the federal government over $14.8 million in fraudulent medicare claims for over 100 patients with stories much the same as Terri's.

    Anonymouse should go crawl back into that rathole...where it's dark just like in Greer's world, since he's legally blind and hasn't even seen the tapes of Terri...he had his staff watch them instead.

    Cao said...

    loboinok, the cockroaches came out and left you here--lol

    kender said...

    Anonymouse....I hate to think that you are feeding here. You see, I ma dedictaed to destroying the things that are evil in thsi world, and for you to take sustenance from my writing is tantamount to aiding and abetting evil, which I cannot do.

    Therefore, in the interest of Good vs. evil, I will promise to take down my blog IF you promise to starve your self to death. "Useless" people are going to be killed with more regularity soon, so I think we should start with you.

    Have your next of kin send me video proving your death by starvation and subsequent cremation, (wouldn't want you rotting into the ground and ruining the water supply now would we?) and I will shut down this blog.


    loboinok said...

    Gun-Toting Lib said...

    This "lib" wasn't that stupid, loboinok, and I'm glad that's a matter of public record

    There are always exceptions and to your credit you are one of them. Thanks for being open and honest, its refreshing.(Gun-toters score HIGH with me :-) )

    TJ said...

    Anonymoose : very brave, eing all pseudo-anonymous and what not.

    So - have you actually done *any* research into the case, or are you too busy trolling sites? And very classy - "she died ... LOL". Truly compassionate.

    Hope you had a great Easter,
    ... NIF
    ... The Wide Awakes

    loboinok said...

    Cao said...

    loboinok, the cockroaches came out and left you here--lol

    Cao, you need to come back here and clean this up. Thats not a nice thing to say to your fellow compatriot and Conservative of the first order.

    Yvonne said...

    Anonymous, you little child..
    trapped in a big peoples' skin.
    You probably still shit in your pants,
    Your poor mother! What a sin!

    I'd like to see, your sister there,
    with the devil standing at her bed.
    Or are you that cold that you wouldn't care?
    You'd probably want her dead.

    Little boy, go home and suck...
    on your thumb tonight as you sleep.
    Hopefully you'll die there in your bed.
    Then, from you, we won't hear a peep!

    Yvonne said...

    Anonymous, you little child..
    trapped in a big peoples' skin.
    You probably still shit in your pants,
    Your poor mother! What a sin!

    I'd like to see, your sister there,
    with the devil standing at her bed.
    Or are you that cold that you wouldn't care?
    You'd probably want her dead.

    Little boy, go home and suck...
    on your thumb tonight as you sleep.
    Hopefully you'll die there in your bed.
    Then, from you, we won't hear a peep!

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