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    And to piss off anyone else that said the US was wrong to go into Iraq.

    As fast as information moves these days this is old news, but I am tossing in my nickel on the Freedom Epidemic that is spreading like gossip in the ME.

    As I noted here a few days ago George W. Bush unleashed that mean old Freedom Virus on the world, and it looks as if Ws secret biowar is working.

    Everytime I read these stories I break out in a smile (another side effect BTW of the Freedom Virus; smiling at good news) and feel a deep satisfaction about the situation.

    Not long ago we were being told, by Americans right here in our own country no less, that the Presidents war in Iraq was going to lead us down the road to destruction.
    We were told we would fail...We didn't.
    We were told the world would hate us...they already what?
    We were told we were only going to excacerbate the terrorist problem...we haven't.

    Some will argue this point, saying that another attack will happen, and it very well may. In fact, I would be surprised if it didn't. But with the FV spreading these evil cretins that hate us will have less places to hide. There will be fewer people that are willing to die simply to kill a few of us. Be assured that when the next attack comes that those that hate America, both in and out of the country, will once again dance with joy and gloat and say "Haha, told you so", and we will pick up and fight even harder.

    This is not going to be like WW1, WW2 or indeed, any war we have ever fought. There will be no defining moment that we can pinpoint as the end of the war on terrorism. We do have a starting date, but in reality the true starting date is much earlier than 9-11.

    This is going to be a long process. The proof will be in the pudding, and as freedom spreads around the globe slowly terrorism will die out, although it may take a few decades....maybe even closer to a century.

    But the recent and ongoing events in the ME are showing the Arab world that they too can be free. Free of dictators and despots. Free to build better countries. Free to think and say and do and even, to worship as they please. Just Free.

    That line has a nice ring doesn't it?

    Just Free!


    Lillet Langtry said...

    Hey Kender,

    You think you can get ol' W to spread some of that freedom virus back here in America? Cause I'd prefer to be free of the fundamentalist Christian wignuts who want my pharmacist to be able to deprive me of birth control, censor HBO and keep Keith and Andrew from getting married so they don't have to fight back anymore. I'd also like to be free from being in massive fucking debt to China and stuff. Can you pass it along?

    I too, am wearing pants, but I am wearing a pink shower cap.

    kender said...

    Now Lillet, while I agree that you should have access to birth control, I also have to consider that unless it is a government run pharmacy each pharmacy should have the right to decide what it will and won't sell.

    I don't agree with the censorship of HBO, or almost anything else for that matter, (NAMBLA comes to mind) and frankly most of America really don't care with Keith and Andrew want to get married. I believe I have posted the solution to this whole dilemma already. Maybe I will have to recap.

    And as for massive debt to china I don't knwo what to tell you. There are the next superpower.

    And pink shower sevy.....gggrrrr.

    Kat said...

    Yeah...let me agree with that.

    All the ruckus about same sex marriage amendment isn't going through congress. But lillet dear, you know it's about money. You know how many people will enter into a same sex relationship, maybe even at the end of their life in order to be able to pass on their benefits to someone else? How much will that be paid out?

    How much Social Security Benefits will be paid out? The state? Health insurance? Everyone alreayd complains about the cost, imagine the cost if they suddenly had to cover between 3 and 9 million additional people?

    My dear, they may frame it as a 'christian wingnut' issue (bythe way, I'm Christian, are you?) but you better follow the money.

    And they say we are blind. hahahaha

    Fargus... said...

    You honestly think, Kat, that there'll be an elderly gay marriage epidemic, just for transfer of funds? Why isn't there an elderly regular marriage epidemic for the same reason?

    And it's just a tad early to be claiming victory on all fronts for ol' Dubya, and to be claiming that his war is spreading freedom everywhere. Wait for a couple of years and then see what's happenin'.

    kender said...

    Why is it that the leftists in this country can't see the good in something they don't support?

    It is never "Wow, ok maybe I was mistaken and if this continues as well as it is going right now well, peace could just break out everywhere and drag peace along with it."

    It's always "Oh yeah? Well...well...well, just you WAIT!!!! Let's see what it ooks like in a few years, TEHN tell me how great it is!!!!"

    FUCKSAKES MAN.....what will it take to make you whiners happy?

    Mysha said...

    A real solution, a true spread of freedom, that doesn't stick around like a bad stain until a better cleaner comes along. Maybe some consistentcy with the administration,a dn maybe real solutions to the problems we have here at home...instead of fixing the rest of the planet, for their own good.....juat a thought....

    mysha said...

    and elderly marriage is not an epidemic, because if you have a spouse then you either both have to be on benefits, or the one on benefits looses money or coverage on health care if there is another income coming in....sorry i had to answer since i saw the is sad when couples divorce for the sdake of being able to make ends meet.

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