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    I have put terri's legal surname in "()" because I don't believe she should have that last name attached to her birth name.

    The florida Dept. of Families and Children (DFC) has stepped into the fray, as has Jeb Bush, and actually things are looking pretty good at the moment.

    Hopefully not only will gaurdianship of Terri be given over to her parents but maybe Michael Schiavo will be brought up on charges for the apparent, (and, legally necessary word here, alleged) abuse of Terri over the last several years.

    In the best case scenario Greer and Felos would be forced to stand beside him for those hoped for charges, as at the least the have been complicit and at most outright co-conspirators, at this moment, to attempted murder.

    An interesting point brought up in a link I can't find at the moment is that Terri's condition was brought on by an eating disorder. The claim was she craved being thin so much that her condition is a result of that.

    I say that her current condition, i.e. on the edge of being murdered by starvation, is also an eating disorder. Simply put, she cannot swallow. However, swallow therapy should be tried. If she can relearn to swallow food, (a scenario that would horrify micheal and his cutt throat accomplices) then the stupid and unfounded case that she is in a PVS, (I have also stopped explaining what this is, if you have followed this case you know what PVS is, and if not, google it), will have to be dropped.

    If it is dropped then maybe someone can file those attempted murder charges.


    KraftyOne said...

    Thanks for the update. has been down the last couple days...

    Raven said...

    3 more weeks, the judge just issued an order for rehab tests and what not.
    This is great news.

    Kat said...

    I'm following this too. Seems some folks have claimed that she had an eating disorder but, strangely, she was 5'3" and 118. That is not an anorexic. That's target weight. She could have been bulemic but there would have been many more signs like rotten teeth, bad skin, crappy hair, all kinds of things that just don't look apparent in her pictures.

    So, I think anorexic is a non-starter and bulemic as a maybe but hardly.

    I noted also some folks from the hospice are claiming there is no brain matter attached to her stem. If this is the case I would find it interesting as to how she can process commands to open her eyes, respond to music or follow a balloon with her eyes.

    I also hear people saying "I wouldn't want to live like that". Really? is my first response. How do you know how much you would want to live unless you've been there? Maybe stephen hawke should have just given up and died right off the bat when he was made a quad and we wouldn't be half as far as we are in astro physics.

    what do people really know what they are capable of until they can or until they must.

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