About Me
Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!
(Right) - Mackers World
(Right) - Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!
(Right) - RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
(Right) - Madtom at ThisFuckingWar!
(Right) - Cao's Blog
(Right) - Michael J. Totten sets things straight!
(Right) - Rebel Rouser tells it like it is!
(Right) - Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!
(Right) - Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!
(Right) - Where's Your Brain?
(Right) - Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>
(Right) - Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!
(Right) - Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings
(Right) - The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!
(Right) - CouchGrouch
The VERY occasional rantings of another Right leaning Libertarian like me! - The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! - Out of the Ashes
(Right) - Erics Random Musings
(Right) - Skiritae
(Right) - YankeeBlogger
(Right) - Stop the ACLUdotORG
(Very Right!!!) - Stop the ACLU
(Very Right!!!) - Tazmedic
(Read the archives!!!) - Amandarin
(A clever friend from the other side of the street) - Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend! - Popdex
Iraqi Blogs
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
Blog Archive
- A new rant and long overdue.
- A little levity from this chicks blog!!!
- Why Terri Should Live.
- Everybody go to Kats!!!!!
- To the bloggers fighting for terri....
- Michael Savage Is Talking about Terris' Case!!!!
- Update on Terri Schindler (Schiavo)
- Iran Sucks!!!!!!!!!!
- Michael Schiavo Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
- This had to be shared!!!
- Crap crap crap....effin reporters.
- Feds want psych evals. for YOUR kids!!!!
- Kerry, release your records.
- Go here...please?
- Euthanasia in the USA - The Living and The Dying
- I am very fucking mad.
- There is no stay of execution for Terri.
- We Are The Blorg, Coverups are Futile!!!
- I am trying to have faith here.
- Is this good news?
- This post will stay on top until monday the 21st.
- Just for Cao!!!!!
- Jeb? Oh Jeeeb? JJEEEEEEBBBBBBB!!!!
- I so dropped the ball.
- Cao said I should post this because it kinda' remi...
- Sometimes Peace is not the way
- I want to read this in the paper monday morning...
- Blog round up
- A great (borrowed) post here
- If you haven't been cruising the blogroll....
- Highlighting Awsomeness!!!
- I have run out of words
- This won't happen.
- Where is the guy in the White Hat?
- I'll not pull another punch.
- Help Terri Live!!!
- Ladies and Gentlemen......
- I am back for a moment.
- This blog-in has been interrupted
- Ten hours.....
- Tired......
- The first link of the run.....
- Still here...still blogging!!
- We Need a Lawyer.
- Research is a bitch
- Man this is getting serious.....
- Four hours in....
- On and on I go....
- Second hour.
- An Open Letter to Michael Schiavo
- Commence Countdown....
- Random thoughts on things I heard about today.
- I saw a story today....
- Just a quick note
- This seems wrong...
- This is Brilliant!!!!
- Lawyer Covicted of aiding Terrorism!!
- Recycling hurts the poor!!!
- I know this story is a bit old.
- My Sports Theory. (Here you go Ryan)
- This is very funny to me.
- This is cool!
- I'm game for this.
- Some beliefs and why socialism sucks.
- Two years ago I lost a dear friend. Even now it is...
- UN Reckoning Day!!!
- Mattel Announces New Action Figure Line.
- Just Go Here!!!!
- Behind the Scenes with my friend Ibn
- My Girl Jihad. Comes with mix and match Koran and...
- My little jihad pony. Pull on the reins, his tail...
- Me love jihad pony. Me love Jihad pony long time.
- Insurgents claimed to have captured soldier!!!
...that said something that really pissed me off. It was one of those little filler stories in the papaer on the side of the page. You know? One of those short paragraph or two blurbs.
It said that some men were arrested in San Diego after paying an undercover FBI agent for, get this, arranging a trip to mexico so these sick ass perverted pieces of scum, could have sex with little boys.
In case you haven't guessed it yet these guys were members of NAMBLA. What's worse is that two of them were TEACHERS!!!!!!
Let me give you that again. There are two teachers out there that are members of NAMBLA and trying to arrange trips to mexico to have sex with little boys.
If you don't know who NAMBLA is I will recap for those lucky few of you out there that are not in touch with the evil that lives in the hearts of scummy bastards.
NAMBLA. The name says it all. Sidenote: The ACLU actually DEFENDS these demons.
These men are sick. These men are the absolute scum, below even the level of radical terrorists. If these two teachers are not fired immediately then their employers should be held responsible should anything come to light about their dealings with their students.
The agent that infiltrated this group of deviant psychotic shitheaded evil piles of demon shit should be given a medal, a raise and be allowed to choose which one of these sick fucks to castrate first!! (can you tell I hate NAMBLA with a passion?)
Anyone that screams "entrapment" should be locked up with these guys. Hear that HEll Spawned Lawyers of the ACLU? I know that everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense, but I really wish that they were also entitled to a vigorous thrashing at the hands of some really pissed off bikers that love kids in a good way.
Anyway, for your perusal, a list of the arrested:
(disclaimer: all of these scumsucking shitbirds are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law)
Arrested in L.A.
Sam Lindblad, 56, of Albuquerque, N.M.,
Gregory Nusca, 43, of Dania Beach, Fla.;
Steven Irvin, 46, of Pittsburgh;
Richard Stutsman, 59, of Seneca, S.C.
Arrested in San Diego:
Phillip Calvin, 43, of Dallas;
David Mayer, 49, of Chicago;
Paul Zipszer, 39, of Deltona, Fla.
Jeff Devore, 53, of Fullerton was arrested on child pornography charges Saturday.
This last guy is charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
The preceding, and anyting else I ever posted in fact, has been my personal rant, unless sources are cited, and everything I called all of the people in this article is solely my opinion, so you aclu shitbirds out there thinking you can sue me for slander of these guys, or libel, can just kiss my red-blooded American ASS!!!!
It said that some men were arrested in San Diego after paying an undercover FBI agent for, get this, arranging a trip to mexico so these sick ass perverted pieces of scum, could have sex with little boys.
In case you haven't guessed it yet these guys were members of NAMBLA. What's worse is that two of them were TEACHERS!!!!!!
Let me give you that again. There are two teachers out there that are members of NAMBLA and trying to arrange trips to mexico to have sex with little boys.
If you don't know who NAMBLA is I will recap for those lucky few of you out there that are not in touch with the evil that lives in the hearts of scummy bastards.
NAMBLA. The name says it all. Sidenote: The ACLU actually DEFENDS these demons.
These men are sick. These men are the absolute scum, below even the level of radical terrorists. If these two teachers are not fired immediately then their employers should be held responsible should anything come to light about their dealings with their students.
The agent that infiltrated this group of deviant psychotic shitheaded evil piles of demon shit should be given a medal, a raise and be allowed to choose which one of these sick fucks to castrate first!! (can you tell I hate NAMBLA with a passion?)
Anyone that screams "entrapment" should be locked up with these guys. Hear that HEll Spawned Lawyers of the ACLU? I know that everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense, but I really wish that they were also entitled to a vigorous thrashing at the hands of some really pissed off bikers that love kids in a good way.
Anyway, for your perusal, a list of the arrested:
(disclaimer: all of these scumsucking shitbirds are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law)
Arrested in L.A.
Sam Lindblad, 56, of Albuquerque, N.M.,
Gregory Nusca, 43, of Dania Beach, Fla.;
Steven Irvin, 46, of Pittsburgh;
Richard Stutsman, 59, of Seneca, S.C.
Arrested in San Diego:
Phillip Calvin, 43, of Dallas;
David Mayer, 49, of Chicago;
Paul Zipszer, 39, of Deltona, Fla.
Jeff Devore, 53, of Fullerton was arrested on child pornography charges Saturday.
This last guy is charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
The preceding, and anyting else I ever posted in fact, has been my personal rant, unless sources are cited, and everything I called all of the people in this article is solely my opinion, so you aclu shitbirds out there thinking you can sue me for slander of these guys, or libel, can just kiss my red-blooded American ASS!!!!
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Castrated with a dull knife without anesthesia, and then have their skin pulled off their body and shoved you-know-where.
Don't you think it is a good thing that people are considered innocent until proven guilty? Wouldn't you want to be if you were arrested?
Other than that, no arguments here.
I do believ in innocent until proven guilty...but these guys were IN NAMBLA. An undercover FBI agent met them at NAMBLA meetings. They may not have made it to mexico to bugger little boys, but they were certainly on their way.
Yeah, but you still have to go through the process... Otherwise, we end up like China where police sometimes get to act as police, judge, jury and executioner all at once...
If the police did their job well which it seems they did in this case, there should be no problems getting these guys locked up.
One would think that K1, but the ACLU defends these scumbucket shitheaded bastard asstwisting wastes of air for FREE...then wants money from the government (taxpayers) for defending their "civil liberty" of being able to bugger young boys.
NAMBLA members should all be castrated, given a bad boob-job and dropped off in the middle of the yard at San Quentin during the middle of the day.
You can be arrested for having pictures of under-aged kids. You can be arrested for setting up a time to meet with a kid for wanting to have sexual relations with them. So why can't an organization that states that they do these things(ie. confession)be arrested for that and the organization taken down. Once they arrest someone for organized crime, they don't let the rest of them go if they have proof that they're involved too. To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson from the movie "A Time to Kill", "Yes I believe they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!"
I firmly believe that some people just need killing.
I agree with all the statements, i hate child molesters of any kind. But these people are allowed to meet adn have their group becaue we are a free country, there are laws protecting their rights to meet and talk about it, but there are also laws that are in polace to punish them for acting on them, not that i agree witht he ways the laws are enacted of followed through with, if any of these guys can give them someone wores the government will elt them off with a wrist slap and they will be free to do this again. but it is sick that there are people that would take advantage of childern in any way or any country for their own perverted sexual fantasies. mysha
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