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    Big tip o' me Tam to RedneckGuru for this story.

    The federal government is trying to take away another one of your parental rights. They want to evaluate all the kids in the country, without your consent, and, I would wager, medicate the ones they think need it.

    This is wrong. What if a parent says "forget about it, you are NOT going to medicate my child"? Will they be thrown in jail and their child(ren) taken away?

    Psychiatric evaluation is a subjective matter. Most of my friends think I have my head on pretty good, even those friends that are IN psychiatry, but I have had a psychiatrist that was trying to evaluate me for a transplant and running late for a meeting at the same time say "I really wish I had more time to talk to you."

    He didn't say it in an apologetic way, like he felt he was bing rude. No, he said it in way that someone says to a long lost friend they run into at the airport as they are boarding a flight "I REAAAAALLLLLYY wish we had more time to talk." It was a tone that said "Damn fellow, you're really twisted in the head and I really want to explore it."

    As I said...subjective. The government has no right to screen my child, or yours either. I don't care what some of you may say about catching things early. This is a wrong headed idea.

    It is also an idea that smacks of Big Brother, and on a deeper historical level one that cries "Communist agenda".

    So I guess along with "Stay out of my wallet" and "Stay out of my bedroom" I must exhort the government to "Stay out of my head"!!!!!!!!


    Lillet Langtry said...


    This is probably mostly because the pharmaceutical companies will benefit, as that's a zillion more people who will be forced to take Ritalin and stuff. Follow the money!


    kender said...

    I do floow the money hon, and thought about that and may post on that very subject later. For now I am pissed that they may decide to medicate kids needlessly.

    Did you know that boys are medicated at a much higher rate than girls? The old saw "Boys will be boys" is long forgotten in teh quest for automatons in the classroom.

    Mysha said...

    Ok I have known about this for a bit, adn well really it seems until now that no one noticed it. I personally think that it may be a good idea to look into the mental health of our childern. But and believe me this is a big one....medicating them is not the solution to addressing the real reasons that a child may have an issue. i think we should look to the reasons that something maybe wrong. Now I also agree that not every head doctor(cause i can't spell today) is right, or even knowledgeable enough to evaluate everyone walking around. but i can see how this may be helpful. But to just say hey this kkid need ritalin he is hyperactive, is bullshit, especially sionce the use of ritalin is not done properly in our medical system. Ritalin should not be used on any child gfetting ready to go into Puberty, and yet they will start boyson it at 9..adn keep them on it until 13...I have experience with this happening with 3 different males growing up...and one of them today is a heroin user. so i think it is wrong, but has the potential for actual good and helping the famlies of america that are dysfunctional and that may actually be breeding mental health imbalances....

    KraftyOne said...

    Kender - you need to fix your link so that it opens that website, not the document itself...

    I like the bill that this representative is introducing. At least give parents the veto in a situation like this and require permission. Personally (and we've talked about this before with ADD) I think that way too many kids are told that they are hyperactive and that it is not their fault and are medicated rather than teaching them some self-discipline to learn how to sit still, pay attention, and work hard.

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