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    I have been seeing alot of coverage on Terri's plight. There seems to be a belief that thsi can be settled peacefully, and indeed, peacefully is how the bloggers and the rest of the country want it.

    Michael Schiavo divorces Terri and goes on with his life, peacefully, while Terri goes to her family for much needed rehab and therapy, peacefully, and the people sigh with relief and cheer.

    This must happen.

    The alternative to peace is war, of course, and a war has been raging, but it has been a legal war, a war of words. A war of frustration.

    Liken Michael Schiavo or his lawyer Felos to saddam, (follow me here kids), and terri is the iraqi people. What happens then?


    Or Schiavo, felos and greer can be likened to the nazi party. Logical course of action?

    Very good kids, I see the history lessons are working.

    You know that old saying...the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

    The bloggers on the blogroll for Terri, (which I would put up if I had gotten the code) are all firmly in the camp of people that will do something when confronted with evil. They are "Good Men" (and Ladies), and certainly brave souls willing to do what it takes to accomplish the goals.
    As a side note I have found, (personal observation here if I am wrong please show me) that the blogroll has no "lefties" on it. I see a preponderance of folks on the right, proud patriots every one of them. I ask, where is the other side of the street? Have I simply missed them?


    Good men that do nothing to confront evil may be good men, but they are cowards.

    The question remains, are the people in power good men that will do something? Or Cowards?


    kender said...

    There is also the question: Are cowards good men?

    Personally I am inclined to say no.

    Anonymous said...

    Does this mean you have never known a coward you thought was a good man? I can think of a coward we both know, well wether he is a good man remains to be your own opinion...but anyway, this is a war for Terri's family, they are the ones fighting, for thier little girl. They have to live with the results of this and the pain of all this time that has been lost in these ridiculous lawsuits...the state should have thier own examiners that they trust, know are true experts that cant't be bought to go over the entire case, including the medical records, and make decisions based on the information compiled that way. We all know what lawyers jobs are..adn we all know that not every lwayer out there is on the "good" side of the law. There are enough questions that even a blind person with no feelings should be able to see that something fishy is going on, but we are talking about our government here, and well they are a little more than slow on the up take. I hope Terri's family are the ones who win in this case. They should be considered, they raised her, adn they know her better than any man that has lived with her, and well hasn't been taking care of her so well. Why hasn't there been a tape recorder left in the room when he is in there, or one of those nifty cameras you can get in any soy shop...i mean they are raising money, shouldn't that be a consideration? maybe i am just not thinking clearly here....who knows...mysha

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