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    (or another open letter to "Murderin' Michael Schiavo")

    I planned to start this post by calling you a cur, a scoundrel, a waste of humanity, but I know many curs, alot of scoundrels and a few wastes of humanity and they are Gods compared to you.

    Plainly put you are a bastard. You are the worst son of a bitch ever to cross my attention. Worse than saddams sons. You know why? Because you are in my beloved country. Your lawyer is scum. Fuck you felos. Fuck you too greer. fuck all three of you.

    We, (The Blorg) have been fighting the good fight. Sure alot of you may think it is based in religion, and that is fine.

    Let me tell you something I have learned about the way the universe works.

    God, (I do not care what name you give him, I prefer the Creator) is EVERYTHING!!! Light and dark.
    Fire and ice.
    Good and evil.
    Pick any two extremes you care to and the Creator is both of them.

    But, and this is a huge BUT, we make choices as to what path we follow. The Creator, (or universe, as the creator is everywhere let us consider the universe the Creators body) knows what is in your heart, and you do get back what you put out.

    Let me expand on that. If you DO good works but only because of the glory or fame or benefits they will bring you then doing them is useless, as the Universe KNOWS what is in your HEART. Therefore if you do selfish things then people will do things to you that are in their best interests, thereby being selfish for them, and you get screwed and get what you deserve.

    Do you see where I am going with this? We have a choice. Evilness and selfishness are a choice just like goodness and selflessness.

    The former road is a much broader and easier path. It is much easier to walk down, and you will have alot of company. The latter road is much harder, fraught with potholes (temptation) and other perils that may lead you astray, sending you down a road that appears more level and inviting but one leading to the destruction of your soul.

    That is where you are now Michael, along with Felos and Greer, you are skipping down a road to ruin, and you are dragging our hearts along with you.

    Whether you win or lose is, in the great big picture, of small consequence, for it is you that must deal with the fallout of your decisions. Our problem lies in this question:

    Are your actions evil enough to warrant retribution NOW, in hopes of ending your private reign of terror?

    The only thing needed for evil to triumph.......


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