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    First off I want to say that if a trashman wakes me up to give me a ticket I will be in alot more trouble than simply not recycling. Good thing that verbal assault is not yet against the law. Onward!!

    Recycling is good yeah? I get that. I am completely behind the idea of SOMEONE recycling things for money, as long as A) I don't have to haul things down to the recycling center, and B) I don't have to wonder, everytime I throw something away, "Does this recycle?"

    I toss my recyclables out...I don't have alot of them, but they get tossed. My city sorts them. So by not recycling I am creating jobs. You see? Recycling hurts the economy because you are taking jobs away from people. People that can stand all day and sort through trash to find the cans and bottles that should be recycled. These particualr jobs are usually city jobs, which means union wages most of the time. That means that when you sort and recycle your city has no reason to hire people that have this skill and pay them twelve bucks and hour to go through your nasty trash to find those soda cans.

    Here's another angle to consider.

    In some countries bands of homeless people live in the local dump, awaiting each days new trash so they can sort it and make a little money. Recycling hurts the homeless. We don't do that in America anymore. Most dumps I have been to have security guards and fences.

    I always thought that was strange. Let's fence in teh garbage so nobody can come steal it. I undertsand about liability issues, (i.e. I got hurt at your dump by trespassing and now I will sue), and I also understand about safety issues, (I got hurt at your dump because I am an idiot and now I am going to sue), but come one people, let's open up the dumps.

    Lets toss out the recyclables. Give the poor and chance. Give the homeless a place to go where they can be their own boss and have a chance to make some honest money without attacking your windshield at stop signs.

    Stop recycling folks. It is good for the bottle, good for the can, but bad for the economic situation of poor and homeless people.


    Anonymous said...

    I have to say that i think you are missing the fact that by having home dwellers sort the recycling that it would be easier for the homeless to collect the things they need for making it on their own. Think about live in a frat ave a recycling can...the homeless guys come by take all the alcohol cans, and bottles, no one is the wiser for the illegal party you threw. I must agree that i just dont understand locking away the trash, or making dumps off limits....but i also dont understand nor agree with this rampant suing that has been going on in our country. hell i didn't wear a helmet, i didn't use knee equipment was something poor kids couldn't get...and hell i still have all my limbs, and i even have a few scars to tell nifty stories about. anyway, i is also illegal for people to go through garbage on the street, in a can, and illegal for workers collecting garbage to take anything out...but um, i know of at least one family member of my own that has and does get cool things out of the trash, andhas found money to boot. Now this may not be something i would do, but dammit to each his own. enough from me, i am off now.....Mysha

    kender said...

    BTW, is another idea for where the homeless can work:D

    JustaDog said...

    That was proposed earlier by John Kerry and Howard Dean.

    Heeeeeee Hawwwwwww

    KraftyOne said...

    Someone in my complex threw out a perfectly good rocking chair with one piece of wood broken. I rescued it, fixed the piece of wood, and now I have a rocking chair. People are so wasteful and lazy...

    Not opposed to opening up dumps either or creating recycling centers where people sort the recycling. I am not aware of any program where I live however that the homeless can go sort trash into recyclables. It is not a bad idea however. We could even provide busses from the homeless shelters to these types of jobs to help people get back on their feet.

    Anyway, on the topic of rampant sueing and our broken law system...
    Check out the link to my business on my blog "Pre Paid Legal". It is why I love my business. I get to make money by helping provide people relief and security within our broken legal system. Check it out sometime and let me know if you have any questions about it.

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