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    I cannot believe this would be allowed to happen.

    I can't, I won't.

    I am going to make dinner.


    Caoilfhionn said...

    From over at my place:

    For his part, Michael Schiavo has not been a model husband.

    Michael Schiavo lives adulterously with Jodi Centozone, with whom he has had two children. In a monumental conflict of interest that should disqualify him from deciding Terri’s fate, her death would facilitate his marriage to Jodi while Terri’s existence only complicates their lives.

    After winning control of Terri’s treatment, plus medical malpractice and other legal awards totaling some $1.6 million, Michael had Terri’s cats, Shanna and Tolly, put to sleep.

    He told attorneys in November 1992 that he took Terri’s engagement and wedding rings and “made a ring for myself.”

    Terri’s family complains that Michael has denied Terri speech-, occupational- and other therapies that could strengthen her mind.

    According to the September 2003 deposition of Terri’s nurse, Carla Iyer, Michael asked, “Can’t you do anything to accelerate her death?” and “When is that bitch gonna die?” When Terri’s health waned, Iyer said he would exclaim, “I’m going to be rich!” then discuss plans to buy a car, boat, and European vacation.

    Terri’s family cites a September 5, 1991 bone scan by Dr. W. Campbell Walker, M.D. It lists “compression fracture[s]” throughout Terri’s body and concludes: “The patient has a history of trauma.” They wonder if Terri suffered domestic violence.

    “This whole claim that Michael somehow abused Terri is totally false,” George Felos retorts. “It was considered by the court at a hearing and rejected.” He says that other doctors have argued that the bone scan shows abnormal growths rather than tell-tale ruptures.

    Absent incontrovertible, documented proof that Terri Schindler-Schiavo wants to die, she deserves the presumption of life. Terri refutes claims she is comatose by interacting with her surroundings. Her cat-killing, ring-melting husband has more pressing priorities than Terri’s longevity.

    If Florida judges grant her husband’s wishes — as they did before an urgently adopted, now-overturned, law reversed them — Governor Jeb Bush’s attorney, Ken Connor, warns: “Michael Schiavo effectively gets to kill his wife through starvation and dehydration.”

    Before that happens, Florida officials or a federal court should disqualify Michael Schiavo and let Mary and Robert Schindler nurse their daughter back to life with dignity.

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