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    On the radio just now I heard a news blurb about said "Terri Schiavo has been in a coma for the last 15 years"...and the MSM wonder WHY nobody believes them anymore.

    I say, if you rely on the MSM for your sole news source anymore now that internet access is so readily available then you deserve to be ignorant.

    Ignorance is only one step down from stupidity on my list of things that piss me off.

    Stupidity should be painful and ignorance should be taxed.

    (hey, I like that)


    Raven said...

    The MSM doesn't have nurses working for them-or better yet-nursing assistants. They will tell it like it is and would describe Terri's true condition. I sent an email to FOX asking them to get people involved with their stories who know what they are talking about...

    Michael Hawn said...

    "Stupidity should be painful and ignorance should be taxed"
    that is a good quote. I will be using that.
    And the MSM is doing what it can to allow Terri's Husband to Kill her.

    kender said...

    Thanks Michael.....I came up with the last half odf that quote is a Kender Original and I will be shipping it off to China next week to have it mass produced by kids in sweatshops for 3 cents an hour and be selling it here in the states for 69.95...until then feel free to use it.

    MaxedOutMama said...

    Yes, they are so stupid that they can't even tell the difference between a coma and PVS. And they care so much about the truth they couldn't be bothered to find out.

    Not very encouraging, is it?

    kender said...


    M+ said...

    "Stupidity should be painful and ignorance should be taxed."
    I think I'll post that as my "Quote for...".
    It's funny how I've been hearing that whole "coma" thing being reported so much. I'm so glad I have alternative news sources to keep me informed.

    Ogre said...

    IF we charged a 1% tax on ignorance, we'd have a billion-dollar surplus.

    joekujo said...

    "Stupidity should be painful and ignorance should be taxed"


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