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    As I begin this post it is 11:36 PM, PST, and I can hear letterman on TV in the other room.

    Linked in the title is, a website dedicated to Terri Schiavo. For those of you that haven't heard go to the site and read all about it. It is a sad story but one with hope.

    The hope is that terris husband, an evil cretin (IMO) will let her family have care and custody of her. But that is not his plan. His plan is to have her feeding tube removed next Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, and let her starve to death.

    Since I have heard about this story monday I have been constantly thinking about it. It has weighed heavily on my mind, and I can't help but think that if my one of my sisters husbands did this to one of my sisters he would have been disappeared a long time ago. But that is not the case here. Terris family isn't like that. They have taken the legal road. I keep thinking what if this were my mother? One of my sisters? Or even my wife? I could not do what this man is planning to do. Or what if it were yours? Could you?

    How can you help? Read the website. Follow the links I will put up tomorrow and spread the word. The MSM doesn't seem to be helping. There are alot of bloggers covering this, but still, even with the latest motions filed by Terris parents it looks bleak. There is a court hearing on Monday the 21st.

    Hopefully bloggers can spread the word and make a difference with this. Bloggers brought down Dan Rather and that Eason guy. Bloggers are quickly becoming a powerful agent for change and an honest spokeman for the truth.

    Let us make that an even more solid truth this weekend.

    This is not the country I want to live in, where a man can starve his wife to death and very little gets said about it. This is America. We stand up for the little guy, (and gal), we stop the bad guys and bullies. We make things right.

    Bring me your tired, your poor, your wretched refuse yearning to breathe free.
    You should all know those words well.
    Those words promise Freedom.
    Those words promise Hope.
    Those words promise Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
    Let those words of hope ring out not only for those that wish to come here and make a better life for themselves, but also for those here without a voice. Let those words of freedom ring out this weekend across this land in defense of Terri Schiavos right to life.

    Starting tomorrow evening at 6 PM PST I will blog once an hour until I hear about the outcome of the latest appeal for Terris life monday afternoon. I will be answering emails and comments as they come in as fast as I can. I hope to bring more attention to this travesty of justice that goes against everthing this country stands for. I will not sleep, though I may snooze in my chair.

    I will be living on caffeine, nicotine and insanity...insanity because this is a crazy thing that is coming to pass, and if Terri is allowed to starve to death then we have all lost a bit of our humanity and gone a bit insane.

    Pass the word. I pray that monday afternoon I can say that Terri will not begin to be starved to death on tuesday. If she is then we should all bow our heads in shame.


    KraftyOne said...

    Hey Kender, I looked through the website you linked to, but I still have some questions:

    Was Terri always mentally handicapped?
    Did she have a living will in place?
    What caused her condition in the first place?


    Beth said...

    A Blog-In! I love it! I just linked it on Blogs For Terri. I keep insane hours at the computer so I'll likely be online during the hours few others are. I'll keep you company!

    kender said...

    A Blog In....I hadn't thought of kind of is huh?

    KraftyOne said...

    Kender replied to me:

    > Read through the myths about Terri...she was not always mentally handicapped, she did not have a living will in place and what exactly caused her condition in the first place is not known, although the husband has always been suspected of foul play of some kind, I don't believe there was ever proof of anything to charge him with. <

    Thought I would post that in case anyone else had the same questions.

    KraftyOne said...

    Thanks - didn't read that section. I read through the timeline thinking that the answers to those questions would have been there. Its so sad that so many people don't have wills. Did you know that when Sept 11 happened, some 2700 children had to enter foster care because their parents didn't have wills in place? If you don't have a will - even if you have close relatives WILLING to take the children, they still have to go into foster care and those relatives have to petition to gain custody. Over 1,000 of them are still in foster care.

    Sort of off topic, but everything you have brought up in the last couple of days reminds me of why I love the business I have. The reason that most people don't get a Will done is the cost (anywhere from $300 - $800 depending on the State). We include a Last Will and Testament as well as a Living Will as part of the service. We even encourage people who have kids that even if they don't keep the service, just to get it for a month to get their will done.

    supercat said...

    I've written some about Terri on my blog at Observations of the SuperCAT!. There's a Q&A section that might be helpful (original material).

    Caoilfhionn said...

    Do you have a trackback on this blog? I can't find it. I wanted to trackback to you.

    Caoilfhionn said...

    According to the author of the book, Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H.,Psychiatrist and expert medical witness, and the author of the book, Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them, was quoted as saying, “I have studied men who exhibit pathology in their relationships with women. Profiles of the twelve different types of bad boys are explained. Michael Schiavo fits the profile, described in the book as the Prince of Darkness (see chapter 13). O.J. Simpson was cited as a classic example of this type, and there are indeed similarities between the two men. It is especially significant to note that O.J. flew into a homicidal rage when he realized that Nicole was totally abandoning him, as is characteristic of these impulsive men who most dread being abandoned by their woman. Similarly, Michael Schiavo was likely to have known that Terri had begun making plans to divorce him, since she had told a coworker and family member. Stalking is characteristic of this type of man, as well. And a girlfriend of Michael’s, Cindy, accused him of stalking her in 2001.”

    deignan said...

    There is a possibility that the direct approach will work: offer the husband an attractive settlement for this one time affair.

    Please consider pledging.

    It's worth a shot.

    supercat said...

    Buying off Michael isn't going to work unless one can offer (1) an extradition-proof island, or (2) immunity in exchange for turning state's evidence.

    KraftyOne said...


    I meant to get to this before today but was pretty ill this weekend. Anyway, I finally got a post up on my blog about this and got my emails out.

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