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    Big Tip o' me Tam to Redneck Guru

    If you are one of tender sensibilities and virgin ears I urge you, gentle and obviously new reader of this blog to skip ahead, check my links or exit this site. The link in the title has me beyond angry. Beyond pissed off. Beyond all caution and worry for the words I am about to spew out into the ether of cyberspace, so consider yourself warned.

    For many years now the dumbass environmentalists (fuck them with a huge splintery tree limb), have been whining, crying and suing left and right to force auto makers to build cleaner, more economic cars. Not once I'd wager have these USELESS FUCKS ever considered that more economic cars would lead to LESS FUEL TAXES!!!!!


    So now what are the planning to do??? The state, (not the envirofucknuts), wants to install GPS in cars and charge by the MILE!!!!!! WTF?????? They would put in a chip that allowed your odometer to communicate with the gas pump to calculate your tax everytime you refueled.

    Now I know I am going to sound like some fucking conspiracy theorist here but can anyone say BIG BROTHER??????

    Oregon, (fuck those dumbass backwards ass hicks too!!!!!), is already testing this system out, and alot of states are looking into this idea and keeping a close eye on what develops.

    I would rather see toll roads than this tracking shit. If they put a GPS into every car to play big brother then they better damn well also monitor cars when they get stolen. If they have the capability to monitor your car for taxes then they better be willing to catch these pieces of shit that steal cars and catch them within ten minutes of your car being reported stolen. At the very least they should be able to recover them that fast.

    They should also make penalties for GTA much harsher. Imagine if the state has the power to track your car to steal money from you, (taxes are theft) and can find your car instantaneously then auto theft will take up quite a bit of the cops time, so to discourage these scummy thieving bastards that prey on society and steal one of our most valuable and useful possessions penalties should be much harsher to make them think twice before stealing your car.

    Now, do you really think that states that adopt this system for tax purposes will repeal the current gas taxes already in place? Hell no. And how do you suppose they will calculate the new tax rate? I can tell you one thing. If they do this there will be alot less driving being done. People will only drive when the need arises. Tax revenue will fall even more than it has.

    The sierra club, (Useless seven sandwich eating gutter slugs the whole bunch of 'em), will love this idea. Force people to take the bus more, make 'em move closer together, stop urban sprawl. All of these things could very conceivably come to pass if this system is enacted. Imagine the hit on the economy if everyone decided that they would only drive when they absolutely had to and refused to go out and spend money on recreational pursuits.

    We should do that if it comes to pass. The American consumer is the single most powerful group on this planet. If a majority of the American consumers decided to stop spending money on everything but the neccesities for six months we could bring this country to its' knees. The economy would virtually grind to a halt. Of course it can't work that way because if everyone did that we would be out of a job for the most part. Then again what a clusterfuck for the government if everyone quit spending money and then were forced to go on unemployment as almost the same time.

    You fucking lefties want a socialist country? We could give you one, you whining, connniving, useless pieces of sewer flotsam. Keep on where you are headed, dickheads, taxing and taxing and taxing us to death. After six months with a bunch of people straining the unemployment rolls simply because they chose to only spend money on the basic necessities and caused a collapse of the system as a protest may finally show you asshats what those of us on the right understand. That a viable economy is one that is active, and taxing the hell out of us to pay for everything because your fucking bureaucracy is slow, bloated and overpaid for a job that the private sector does better and cheaper is a sure fire way to bring about your precious socialist country, where everyone is equal and ambition can be put down in favor of the Great American Nanny State.

    You probably don't see the connection between the story of GPS tracking in cars for tax purposes and the drive for a socialist state, but I do.

    Time to call the ACLU....AGAIN!!!!


    Trey Desolay said...

    There's fascism from the right and from the left, Kender. We both know that. Over here on the left, I'm no less horrified than you are about this. I hope you do call the ACLU. It is a civil liberties issue.

    I'm so glad I no longer live in California. Yes, I know that what happens there will eventually happen here, but at least it gives me and Lillet time to plot our escape.

    KraftyOne said...

    Interesting. If we can't pay for road repairs, why not simply raise gas taxes? I don't like the idea of being tracked either, and this would discourage large gas-guzzling vehicles - not the other way around. Now, Kender, I know you believe that we can do anything we want to the environment and that it will just happily take it, but, well, you're wrong.
    Anyway, road services are one area that is run better publicly than it could be privately. If it were run privatly, what would be the incentive for the private company to do a good job of it?
    Give me another solution - instead of just whining about the solutions that people are trying to come up with - that doesn't include us all needlessly driving tanks around. Try to be productive - instead of just whiney.

    kender said...

    Whiny? There is a big difference between whiny, which is what the left is, and PISSSED OFF, which is what I am. First off, gas tax revenue has been STOLEN for many years here in CA by an out of control democrat government, and has NOT been being used for roads.

    Secondly, toll roads, which we already have a couple of here due to Caltrans selling out the public, could be used for this quite well.

    M+ said...

    I was going to comment, but I don't want "Big Brother" to know what's on my mind.
    Or is it already too Late?!?

    Kat said...

    If we were all driving nuclear, electric or hydrogen cars, then I would understand the need to find a different tax system or vehicle (no pun intended), but with the rising number of people in california driving and paying 2.50 per Gallon or whatever it is now, I don't understand why your roads aren't covered and then the toll roads.

    Now, if we did have other types of energy driven vehicles, then we still wouldn't need a GPS system although, i will tell you that the little black box that they want to put on their is more than a simple GPS or number of miles you traveled, they are expecting this to act like the little black box from an air plane and tell them everything you just did. HOw fast you were traveling, whether you hit the brakes right before you drove over that member of NAMBLA, etc.

    If it was something else, every year you would have to get inspected and your car would be hooked to a computer and they would just download your digital miles traveled since the last download and that's how you'd pay taxes.

    this is for more.

    kender said...

    Yes it is for more. There are already court cases about the little black box they are putting in new cars. I recall a case where the police wanted access to it for investigating an accident.

    Our roads suck here in Cali. We have very few toll roads. We have a huge influx of people, ever expanding communities, more cars and congestion, and the sprawl is un frikken believeable. You can drive from Santa Monica, at the ocean, for over 70 miles inland and never hit any open land save parks and hillsides that (so far) can't be built on.

    In southern california the first deadly sin is Open Land.

    "...and they looked out upon the vast expanses of orange groves and sage brush and the president of KBhomes said "Verily, here is a land we can cover with high priced houses and miles of asphalt and strip malls and big box stores."

    And then the construction companies did lay waste to hillsides and valleys alike, chasing the rabbits and cougars into the ever decreasing hills, replacing long quiet meadows with strip malls and McDonalds, car washes and nail salons, filling the valley with row upon row of ever more costly houses, cramming them one unto another so at night the neighbors could hear the carnal cries of those luckier than them and the president of KBhomes said, "It is good" as he boarded his private jet to fly away to his secluded house on a beach in Maui where nobody could hear the carnal cries of the whoring jackals that suckled on his rich, rich....that's enough of that eh?

    KraftyOne said...

    Kat has a good point too... Shouldn't the rising price of gas be at least sort of compensating for the reduction is gas consumption?
    By the way, whether you are whining in a sniveling little voice, or whining at the top of your lungs, you are still whining. A whine to me is a complaint without an offered practical solution. However, since you reminded me of your toll roads idea, I'll apologize. Just chalk it up to poor reading due to illness yesterday on my part!
    In Colorado we already have emissions testing every couple of years - by Kat's idea, this could be the same time they check your odometer... it would require a national database of odometer readings linked to VIN numbers, but at least thats a far less invasive method than GPS.

    Kender - nice parable. You have KBHomes too huh? They're everywhere... at least we still have a lot of open space where I live. We'd have more if you Californians would quit moving here... :-)

    Ogre said...

    Come on, Kender, tell us how you really think!

    I've seen some of the things they are testing in OR -- they can be beaten rather incredibly easily -- simply duplicate the signals with your own box -- which can be made relatively cheaply with some parts from Radio Shack.

    And you're right about the reasons the roads don't have enough money -- the damn politicians take the money that's supposed to be used for roads (gas taxes) and use them for social programs.

    Yes, private roads can work. What's the incentive for the road builder to make a better road? They can charge a toll on it, and there will be competition. I'm not saying I'm for private roads, I just know the government has been screwing it up for so damn long that a 2-year old could do it better.

    supercat said...

    Cars already have a device to record how many miles they are driven. What's the need for adding the GPS nonsense, unless to keep a list of who's showing up at what political rallies, etc.?

    Anonymous said...

    Well, I completely agree with kender. they shoudl not do this and if they are going to then they shoudl use it for everything not just taxes. But on a different note completely I dont want BIG BROTHER knowing any of my business, I dont thinkit is any of thier concern, if i am not killing, stealing, or hurting then leave me be. I already dont spend money unless i ahve to, and i dont go many places without a need anymore. I have worked in the auto industry, adn i can tell you they are also putting chips in cars that will enable the police to turn your vehicle off, no more car cahses on TV sorry Kender, the news will have to find somehting else to focus on. And i would like to state for the record once again moving out of Cali was the best decision i ever made, but i sure wich that the nation would stop doing stuff cause California did it and look it works....damn smoking laws...anyway i just wanted to comment adn add my own two cents....mysha

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