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    So Michael Newdow lost his bid to stop GW from having a prayer at his inauguration.

    Was there ever any doubt?

    Personally I think since it is Georges' bash, then George should set it up any dang old way he wants. Personally, if it was my inauguration, I might just have some pole dancers in red, white and blue one piece swimsuits just to tick off the dying feminist population. Maybe toss in whole choir singing some James Brown or something. "Jum' bacnkismysel'hhyyyaahhh" Something like that. Or go REEEAAALLLYY solenm. Everything quiet and somber, everyone in black talking in whispers, that kind of thing.

    Naaahhh......I'd go with something like my first idea. Make it a holiday and everything. National Party Day. Oh yeah.


    I think Newdow has become a Newshog, so henceforth, his name is Michael NewsHog the Atheist. Rings rather nicely in the ears does it not?


    KraftyOne said...

    Yeah, this guy is an idiot. I was wondering how long it would take you to make a comment about him. Anyway, these guys on the far left athiest "religion offends me" kick need to grow up. I am a bit skeptical about the price tag of the party ($40 million?) since it seems especially gluttonous for someone who claims to be so religious, but since it doesn't come from taxpayer money, I don't really care.

    I like your idea for a party. Can I come? Although piece swimsuits? I think something like this would be better:

    Have a good one.

    Kat (if you read this) - my reply about the gun stuff is still coming, I'm just rather busy right now for such a lengthy topic.

    kender said...

    K1, great link. Yes that would do nicely. Sexy yet still tasteful. Perfect party favor.

    MaxedOutMama said...

    Kender, you're right. There was no doubt. I was wondering myself why he bothered. In a sense it is a private party. It's not the State of the Union speech. The only mandated part is the oath of office.

    There have been several whumping threads on DU lately about religion and whether any religious expression should be excluded from the public realm.

    Richard Nixon said...

    His picture is in the dictionalry next to egomaniac.

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