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    Army Spc. Charles Graner Jr. gets 10 years for the "abuse" that happened in Grab-An-Arab prison (Abu Ghraib) and what, I wonder, will any of the "insurgents" that have beheaded innocent hostages get if they are ever caught?

    Actually the thought occurs to me that the ACLU could go international and defend them claiming that they were only excercising their freedom of religion.


    wandering coyote said...

    Wish I had a reference for you but I don't right now. If I come across it I'll send it. Apparently he'll only do a year max. Damn, I wish I had the link, I know how you are...

    kender said...

    Yes, I do like the links to back up the tales, but they still haven't come out with the liberals mother goose version of modern tales to alter the truth, so you probably won't have one soon.
    If you do it will probably be one of the following:

    A) a link that shows just how the ACLU will defend these cretins.


    B) A link about the soldier "only" serving one year.

    Personally I think one year is probably 50 weeks too long.

    Lillet Langtry said...

    Whoa. Kender, are you actually saying you don't think Graner should serve time? WTF? That guy's a total fucking abusive prick. Everyone who contributed to the prisoner abuse shit, including Rumsfeld, should be locked up for life. Not only for engaging in illegal behavior, but in acting in much a reprehensible manner they put all our troops over there at a much greater risk.

    I'd shoot Graner in a second. In the gut.

    kender said...

    And what, dare I ask, should be done to insurgents that are caught? This man was following orders. I don't believe he deserves ten years when people in this country that commit much worse crimes get less. Yes, he was military, yes he was in charge of some things, but this was, in the grand scheme of things, a small item. I dare-say that the mental anguish suffered by those people kisnapped is much worse, and if any of those kidnappers are ever caught and brought to trial I would wager a fair amount of money that they will get much less than ten years.

    If they get found in certain parts of the world they may even be rewarded.

    Lillet Langtry said...

    Who is saying that kidnappers and murderers shouldn't be punished? Of course all the people who beheaded hostages should be caught, tried, and incarcerated.

    Garner wasn't "following orders" to the degree he came up with his inventive methods of humiliation. But the consent of the administration to run a train on the Geneva convention is deplorable. It's reprehensible morally, and retarded strategically.

    Plus the guy is just a sadistic prick. His ex wife had about 8 restraining orders on him before he shipped out.

    Oh, and I come from a military family, so don't start Hanoi-Jane-ing me, you!

    Dude, we will help pay for your son's college tuition though, if you get us some Ritalin! ;)

    kender said...

    Man you REALLY wnat that Ritalin huh? College is taken care of already. It's a rare treat for people these days to be able to say that money isn't a worry anymore, especially in their mid thirties, but even if tuition rises 500% in the next thirteen years the only concern he will have is getting accepted to the college he wishes to attend.

    Try an online pahrmacy for your Ritfix. I hear you can get ANYTHING on those sites.

    BTW, the GC only applies to signatories. The only reason we tried to adhere was for the supposed "moral high ground", which I think was a mistake. You must fight fire with fire, and when you confront evil victory is the only acceptable outcome. No Quarter, No Mercy, No Surrender!! Victory or Death!!

    KraftyOne said...

    Kender, I'm kinda with Lillet on this one. Do you really hate our troops that much? Perhaps you just don't understand the idea and purpose of the Geneva Conventions?

    What Graner did to the Iraqi prisoners was terrible. However, what he did to our soldiers was even worse. If we did not punish him (and really, what he's getting isn't really bad enough) then from now on anytime we were at war our soldiers would not have any rights as POWs. We would be sending the message that it is okay to interrogate any POW any way that you wish. Is that how you want our soldiers to be treated?

    Ever heard the Golden Rule? It doesn't always work out, but it has NO CHANCE to work if the better party doesn't step up and give it a chance.

    Graner should be punished. Not only for what he did, but also for crimes against American's everywhere - especially our troops.

    Related side note: The beheadings increased dramatically AFTER the Abu Ghraib scandel broke news. Golden rule...

    kender said...

    I just don't believe that what he did was a sbad as the world is trying to make it out to be. In interrogation you must break your subject down. This means using psychological, as well as physical means. The worst thing to a muslim is to degrade them. If you need to extract information, or make certain that there is no info to be gleaned, you must break their spirit. A worse thing would have been outright physical abuse. Electricity, fire, extreme beatings etc. etc.tying people up nude, and piling them up nude, or cuffing them to a bar while they are hooded and making them stand for hours is not that bad in teh grand scheme of things.

    And our treatment of POWs has never earned us any fair treatment in return. The germans treated us the best, and that was barely human. The Japanese? Don't even start on the Japs treatment of POWs in WW2...the koreans? Not nice to our boys...the viet cong? Well documented sadists. In contrast to that german POWs in WW2 were brought to the states and treated very kindly. In the south there was a POW camp that got more and better food for teh prisoners than the nearby town was able to get. There was alot of local animosity about that also, and when I find that story again, I will post it.

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