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You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!
(Right) - Mackers World
(Right) - Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!
(Right) - RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
(Right) - Madtom at ThisFuckingWar!
(Right) - Cao's Blog
(Right) - Michael J. Totten sets things straight!
(Right) - Rebel Rouser tells it like it is!
(Right) - Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!
(Right) - Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!
(Right) - Where's Your Brain?
(Right) - Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>
(Right) - Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!
(Right) - Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings
(Right) - The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!
(Right) - CouchGrouch
The VERY occasional rantings of another Right leaning Libertarian like me! - The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! - Out of the Ashes
(Right) - Erics Random Musings
(Right) - Skiritae
(Right) - YankeeBlogger
(Right) - Stop the ACLUdotORG
(Very Right!!!) - Stop the ACLU
(Very Right!!!) - Tazmedic
(Read the archives!!!) - Amandarin
(A clever friend from the other side of the street) - Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend! - Popdex
Iraqi Blogs
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
Blog Archive
- In the midst of battle...
- Is this just asking for it?
- The Costs of ILLEGAL immigrants.
- A quirk I have noticed.
- I'm late with this but...
- This was too funny....mostly!
- San Francisco; Bastion of Insanity!!!
- So I know I am going to get yelled at for this!!!!
- ADD is BS!!!!!!!
- Titan is a 'flammable' planet!
- Well DUUUUHHH!!!!!!!!!
- Not Professional Reporting
- "W is NOT my President!!!!"
- While waiting for important emails..
- I have a few minutes so....
- A few people have asked so....
- My Favorite Boss.....
- To all the whiny fucks that joined the U.N....
This post has been a long time coming. Let us forget for a moment that the people that sneak into America are commiting a FEDERAL OFFENSE. If you or I, dear fellow American, committed a federal offense we would be looking at time in a federal prison. These guys? Nope. They get slapped on the wrist and sent back home only to come right back. Unless they comit a crime here. Then we spend the money to lock them up here for however long and when they get out, IF American citizens are lucky, they get deported then.
Let's not forget for a moment that these people that sneak in here very often take the money they make, that they, for the most part don't pay taxes on, and send it back to family in their home countries. It is estimated that the immigrants from Latin America ALONE send 30 BILLION a year home.
And Bush wants them to send more!
Of course not all of that is from illegal immigrants, but I am going to be kind here and go with a figure that is from
and will consider that 43% is a fair estimate. Tell you what. To save the liberals that may cry about this post let us lower that to 33%. One third. That is 10 BILLION dollars. That is alot of money to be sent out of the country every year. Maybe we should factor that number into 'foreign aid' figures huh?
But that is not the point here.
The point is that today kids we are going to examine how much money these criminals cost us, as a nation, in healthcare, education and incarceration.
The tab is rising as the number of immigrants continues to swell from coast to coast. The American Hospital Association reported that its member facilities provided $21 billion in uncompensated health-care services last year.
While not all those costs can be attributed to undocumented aliens, new Census data show that non-citizens are, by far, this country's largest group of uninsured residents — 43 percent of the total.
link to story
There's that pesky 43% again. Forty three percent of 21 Billion is about 9 billion dollars and change. Take that by 33% and roughly we get 3 billion dollars. I know this is probably a low number for what illegal immigrants cost us in health care, and is a relatively small drop in the big bucket, but that is 3 BILLION dollars that we could save, minimum just from healthcare alone.
I know this number is low because California alone spends 1.4 billion on healthcare for illegals every year. One state. We aren't the only border state either.
Some stats for you.
"Although a national total of annual unreimbursed medical expenses for illegal aliens is not available, it is clear that those costs are more than one billion dollars, given estimates for Texas ($393 million), Los Angeles ($350 million), Florida ($40 million), and U.S.-Mexico border counties ($300 million)."
"The problem is on the rise: Immigrants (legal and illegal) who arrived between 1994 and 1998 and their children accounted for 59 percent of the growth in the size of the uninsured population in the last ten years."
FIFTY NINE PERCENT!!!!! This is part of the national healthcare problem people.
Enough on this. I could go on for hours about healthcare alone.
Providing K-12 Education to Illegal Immigrants: Costs to States
Seven point nine Billion!!!
In 1999, the latest year for which full data is available, states claimed expenses of $1.5 billion for incarcerating illegal aliens that were either A) serving time for a federal crime or two misdemeanors. This doesn't include quite a few of these criminals in their costs, so we will leave that total at 1.5 BILLION.
Now let us total that up shall we?
Healthcare: 3 BILLION
Education: 7.9 BILLION
Incarceration: 1.5 BILLION
These are very lowball figures. They equal 12.4 BILLION a year in costs from illegal immigrants.
This is how I know these figures are too low.
If one state can rack up 10.5 billion a year in costs then the true figure is probably well over 20 billion and could well be over 30 billion. But like I said, I am trying to be fair.
You can do more of the research on this. I fully expect it. You are bloggers after all. I have tried to be fair and understate the costs. Believe me, I know these costs must be higher, however, reading all this research is making my head spin.
Let's not forget for a moment that these people that sneak in here very often take the money they make, that they, for the most part don't pay taxes on, and send it back to family in their home countries. It is estimated that the immigrants from Latin America ALONE send 30 BILLION a year home.
And Bush wants them to send more!
Of course not all of that is from illegal immigrants, but I am going to be kind here and go with a figure that is from
and will consider that 43% is a fair estimate. Tell you what. To save the liberals that may cry about this post let us lower that to 33%. One third. That is 10 BILLION dollars. That is alot of money to be sent out of the country every year. Maybe we should factor that number into 'foreign aid' figures huh?
But that is not the point here.
The point is that today kids we are going to examine how much money these criminals cost us, as a nation, in healthcare, education and incarceration.
The tab is rising as the number of immigrants continues to swell from coast to coast. The American Hospital Association reported that its member facilities provided $21 billion in uncompensated health-care services last year.
While not all those costs can be attributed to undocumented aliens, new Census data show that non-citizens are, by far, this country's largest group of uninsured residents — 43 percent of the total.
link to story
There's that pesky 43% again. Forty three percent of 21 Billion is about 9 billion dollars and change. Take that by 33% and roughly we get 3 billion dollars. I know this is probably a low number for what illegal immigrants cost us in health care, and is a relatively small drop in the big bucket, but that is 3 BILLION dollars that we could save, minimum just from healthcare alone.
I know this number is low because California alone spends 1.4 billion on healthcare for illegals every year. One state. We aren't the only border state either.
Some stats for you.
"Although a national total of annual unreimbursed medical expenses for illegal aliens is not available, it is clear that those costs are more than one billion dollars, given estimates for Texas ($393 million), Los Angeles ($350 million), Florida ($40 million), and U.S.-Mexico border counties ($300 million)."
"The problem is on the rise: Immigrants (legal and illegal) who arrived between 1994 and 1998 and their children accounted for 59 percent of the growth in the size of the uninsured population in the last ten years."
FIFTY NINE PERCENT!!!!! This is part of the national healthcare problem people.
Enough on this. I could go on for hours about healthcare alone.
Providing K-12 Education to Illegal Immigrants: Costs to States
Seven point nine Billion!!!
In 1999, the latest year for which full data is available, states claimed expenses of $1.5 billion for incarcerating illegal aliens that were either A) serving time for a federal crime or two misdemeanors. This doesn't include quite a few of these criminals in their costs, so we will leave that total at 1.5 BILLION.
Now let us total that up shall we?
Healthcare: 3 BILLION
Education: 7.9 BILLION
Incarceration: 1.5 BILLION
These are very lowball figures. They equal 12.4 BILLION a year in costs from illegal immigrants.
This is how I know these figures are too low.
If one state can rack up 10.5 billion a year in costs then the true figure is probably well over 20 billion and could well be over 30 billion. But like I said, I am trying to be fair.
You can do more of the research on this. I fully expect it. You are bloggers after all. I have tried to be fair and understate the costs. Believe me, I know these costs must be higher, however, reading all this research is making my head spin.
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Nice analysis. I knew the costs were high, but I'm nor sure I realized just how out of control the problem is.
So...lets assume worst case scenario. Lets say the cost is higher than you said anywhere in your analysis. Lets say it was 40 billion dollars spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants. Sounds terrible doesn't it? That is...until you realize that around 1.4 TRILLION dollars was spent on healthcare in the U.S. in 2003.
That makes the amount spent of illegal immigrants roughly 3% of the total healthcare cost in the country. Is this number still a big number? Yep. Is it something that should probably be addressed in some fashion? Yep. Would getting rid of every last illegal immigrant in this country make even a dent in the cost of healthcare in this country for the rest of us? Not noticably.
The problems with healthcare are far more complicated than this.
If you really want something to get upset about with illegal immegration, read this article:
Kinda long, but really interesting.
I don't care what percentage of the total cost of healthcare the illegals take up. The point is they are here ILLEGALLY! They have broken a FEDERAL LAW!! If you or I do that we go to a federal prison.
These people should NOT be allowed to come here and get a better life when they do it illegally. They are criminals. They should be deported. The border should be sealed. Harden it. Build a huge wall. Dig a giant trench. Fill it with sewage. Something. ANYTHING!!!!
I am tired of these people sneaking in and having their way with our system, and nobody tosses them out. And while they are at it, write a new law that take away the anchor baby loophole. So what if they are born here. If their mother sneaks across teh border to have them toss 'em both out and tell them that the kid can come back when he is 18.....IF he can prove who he is. He was born to a criminal. Maybe we don't want that mindset here.
Two things:
First, this was a response that you wrote to a topic when we were talking about the problems with the healthcare system and the current extravagent costs and other problems with it right now. As such, my response was right on target that, while it may be an issue to you, this is an issue with immigration and not a solution to healcare issues.
Second, Damn those illegal immegrants for coming here and taking all of our best jobs! I was so hoping that I could grow up to become a professional fruit picker. However, every time I go to apply to be a janitor, fruit picker, or other wonderful profession below minimum wage, some illegal immegrant already has that job! How dare he/she!?
Seriously, a large part of our economy is built on the labor of these 'criminals'. Perhaps if we got rid of all of them you would like to volunteer to pick fruit at $2/hour?
K1...I have spent years working right alongside illegals, doing the same job they were doing, for the same pay. The difference was that I was there to learn the job I wanted to be in, not simply working there to send money back home for my family.
I had a friend once that sold homemade burritos and did other odd jobs. He would walk through the barns selling, for one dollar, the most excellent chicken and rice burritos tha he would make the night before in his little room. He did this for years. One day he announced he was retiring and moving home to mexico. We were sad to see him go, mostly because we knew that was the end of a great burrito man but also because we liked him ery much. While talking to him that afternoon I asked what he was going to do with all of his spare time in retirement. He informed me that he would have no spare time at all, that he had a family in Mexico and owned a restaurant and two taxi companies and that, in fact, he was a very wealthy man where he came from because he came here and worked many years to send money home where his brother invested it.
Like it or not the world needs fruit pickers and ditch diggers also. Cream rises to the top. Those that have the skill, drive, luck or brains to get ahead can. Those that don't can pick fruit.
And this post was inspired by you K1.....Look here This is where you asked me about it.
No...actually it was here:
And we were debating what could be done about the healthcare system. You said you thought it would help to get rid of the illegal immegrants. I said I wanted to see numbers on it.
Who do you propose should do the fruit picking if not illegal immegrants?
First off it would help some. Whether the figure is 12 billion or 30 billion, it is still alot of money and these people should not be here, period, end of story. They are criminals. They should be punished not rewarded.
As for who can pick the fruit? Put people to work. Thehomeless could do it, but that would just disprove the old liberal adage that most homeless are people down on their luck and not people that are just too damned lazy or messed up from drugs or mental problems to work.
Put them to work. If they still don't want to work then let them starve. Unless of course they are truly mentally disturbed. Then place them in a home to care for them and if they are violent lock them down and protect society.
If their family doesn't wnat them locked in a home because it is too mean then let the family take care of them. In california you are responsible for taking care of your elderly parents, whethere you want that responsibility or not. Why should it be any different for mentally handicapped people?
It is a simple solution. Toss out the illegals and secure the border. Put the homeless to work. If they don't want to work and the have a mental disorder lock them up. If they don't want to work and they don't have a mental disorder let them fend for themselves. If people won't work and turn to crime lock them up. Make prison a punishment. Make it harsh. Make people NOT want to go back there to the point that working seems better than prison.
It really is simple when you get rid of all the cry-baby feel good BS that the left has pushed on us. Yes it is sad that the world works this way and that people can't all be healthy, wealthy and wise, but that is how it is and the world still needs fruit pickers and ditch diggers.
Yes, well, this would work well of course. In 2000 an estimated 3.5 million people experienced homelessness. Many of these are children (about 30%). Many are probably mentally handicapped/druggies etc. Lets just assume what is probably an unreasonably high number of workable age and health homeless people of 3 million.
In contrast, there is an estimated 8-11 million illegal aliens.
See any issues with your brilliant plan?
Homeless numbers here:
Noproblems...they already have seasonal worker visas. Just make sure these people go home when their visas are up.
K1- As for healthcare costs for illegals, it's free to them and expensive for the taxpayers. Hospitals are closing by the dozens, even as far away as NJ. for one such article. This is the tip of the iceberg, for we support illegals even if they never use the hospitals. Our tax dollars support their children in school, school lunches, plus our insurance rates rise because they rarely carry auto insurance. Plug in a Google Search to see the costs of illegals.
And do NOT give me old, tired mantra of them working the jobs no one else will do. Who the hell did them before the illegals flooded us? Mostly the 1st-time job seekers, lower IQ workers, and the lazy ones who wanted no resposibility. There's nothing wrong with the idea of young people having to clean toilets, pick produce, or wash cars. These mostly unskilled positions teach invaluable lessons of commitment, pride in doing a job, loyalty to an employer and responsibility for showing up on time and working to the best of your ability: lessons needed to progress in any career. Most youngster today want to start near the top and advance rapidly, while never learning the basics of ethics, business, or personal relationships. As long as cheap labor floods the US, and businesses lood only at the bottom line, this mess will continue.
If you really want to control illegal immigration, you really need to take the jobs away, as in really penalize the employers who hire undocumented workers. Of course, nobody has the guts to do that. Let's instead blame all our financial problems on the 10-11 million undocumented immigrants (just a fraction of the U.S.'s 296 million population).
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