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    As you know, I believe that the far left, in concert with the ACLU, is taking this country down the wrong road. A road leading, at best, to socialism and at worst to communism. A road that our Founding FATHERS, (none of this PC crap about founding "framers") would have found abhorrant. A road that they would have considered as being traitorous and those on it would have been worthy of hanging for their crimes against us.

    So let me propose Plan "D".......a plan that is so devious that it would be worthy of the farthest leftwing wackjob of all leftwing wackjobs. In fact, it is their plan, turned around on them.

    You see, their plan is to change things from the inside. That can be our plan also.

    Simply put we need a large amount of republicans to register as democrat and change the democratic party from the inside. While we are inside, we will still donate the republicans, and we will use our position to vote for the person that is the least likely democratic candidate to win against the republicans.

    If enough republicans go 'undercover' we can, in a relatively short time, turn the democratic party into a shambles, or push them off the road to socialism/communism. Perhaps we can destroy the ACLU also.

    This won't be hard to do either. All you have to do, once you go undercover, is to state values completely OPPOSITE of your own. You will fit right in by spouting off crazy ideas about 'the poor', bitch about Bush, complain of "American Imperialism", and say that "the rich" need to be taxed more all while calling for more social programs to help the "downtrodden". They will never suspect you are a mole.

    Of course you will have to learn not to point out things that are obvious to people with common sense. Try to remember while you are doing this that you are saving the country, and you are only saying those things as an operative of the Truth and of Patriotism. Swallow your disgust at lying, knowing that the best spies and behind the scenes people MUST LIE to keep their agenda unknown and affect the change they so dearly know is needed. When it is time to vote in a primary vote for the most obvious loser, all the while complaining that the party is going to hell in a handbasket.

    If enough right thinking people do this it will work.

    So....whaddya think of Plan D.


    Richard Nixon said...

    Horrible understand that by registering as a democrat your IQ drops significantly, the risk is too high, don't try it.

    K.T.Dixon said...

    You do harm your name sake, Tricky Dick. Deviousness is the name of your game, Mr. President.

    I say this is a great idea. In any war, including the war of thoughts, one must be willing and able to penetrate the enemy to its deepest layers, and this can only be done by assuming their tactics thereby leading them to believe that we are like them. By doing so we gain their trust and access, and are able to strike at the underbelly of the entity which is trying to drag this country into Socialism.

    Give a line, and I will sign…….again.

    Rebel Rouser....OUT!

    Anonymous said...



    kender said...

    I saw a Not-Head.....on my fucking cool is that:D

    Anonymous said...

    This IS Raed! Stop posting on my comments section you fat fuck!

    kender said...

    I see Not Heads.....

    M+ said...

    I've long ponderd this possiblity myself. Change the democratic party from the inside. The gears are turning!
    As for the ACLU... send your money to the ACLJ (check out their website). That, or we start an unceasing lobby of our legislature to change the law that allows the ACLU to file a suit and be reimbursed by tax payer dollars when they lose. That would end their shennanigans REAL fast!

    KraftyOne said...

    You'll probably be shocked to hear this, but I don't disagree with you that the Democratic party needs changing. I'm not sure that hard-line conservatives are the ones we really want doing it, but it needs doing. Additionally, we need at least one more viable party platform. At some point, some third party needs to get 5% of the vote so that they can have federal funding and participate in debates as well. What we don't need though is for the Democratic party to become like the Republican party - see, we already have one of those. Creating a more myopic view and limiting debate would not be healthy for anyone.

    Not related, but I thought this article would be something you might have something to say about Kender:

    kender said...

    Actually I believe that there is a vast difference between hardline republicans and the vast majority of republicans. The majority is who I am calling on. Then again that statement may also depend on someones definition of 'hardline'.

    I am not sure I agree with the PNAC anymore than I agree with the current course of the extreme left, (the guys running the party and the ACLU), but feel that the left must be changed first. If we don't derail this socialist/communist trend, we will never be able to do anything else, about anything, ever.

    The extreme right is far less of a threat than the extreme left. If we don't stop them now, we may very well have no rights at all.

    KraftyOne said...

    Oh - I disagree. I think the extreme far right is at least an equal threat if not greater threat than the far left - especially to our rights and liberties. It is the far right that wants to create this Orwellian state of fear, constant war, overriding unchecked governmental supervision, religious persecution and indoctrination and limited choices.
    It is also the right that poses a risk to all of our safety with their ethnocentricism, holier than thou attitudes, and opposition to safe gun laws.
    Tangent: Don't get me wrong on gun liberties. I think people should be allowed to have (most) guns, however, I think that there is little solid argument against some precautions that could make their ownership more safe for everyone. More extended background checks, required training courses (we require people to pass a test before they can drive a car for safety reasons, why not guns?) and stiffer penalties for people who sell guns without following the laws would provide a much safer atmosphere under which guns would be allowed. I also don't really see a good reason for people to own easily concealed handguns and think they should be limited to law enforcement and military.
    Okay, sorry for the tangent.

    Anway, my point that I meant to make here is that the far right is easily as dangerous, and in my opinion more dangerous, to our way of life than the far left.

    kender said...

    Good tangent....but it is the left that wants to take guns out of our hands. It is teh left that is allied with teh ACLU, an avowed communistic group that dearly want to curtail civil liberties and destroy the "propertied class". The left wishes to create a nanny state, taking care of everybody from the cradle to the grave, and as an immediate threat they are much worse than the the long run, if we can defeat the leftists that have taken control of the democratic party, the right can be handled, but th elonger it takes to bring the left back to level ground, so to speak, the more entrenched the rightwing will be and therefore harder to remove. If given a choice of which one to live under, were one to be teh deciding factor for this country, I would choose the right. The left woulld tax me unmercifully and simply create a socialist/communist country.

    M+ said...

    Actually... It's the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum that want to use government to enforce their views. It's not a matter of which group holds a more exalted view of government, so much as their exalted view of their ideology. What they are genuinely expressing is a weakness in their own conviction. They do not believe that their particular way of thinking is capable of standing on it's own, so they want the government to force it upon those who disagree with them.
    Personally, I have a firm enough conviction in the validity and truthfulness of my Christian faith that I don't feel as if the government needs to support my views. I ask only that they do not attempt to silence me.

    kender said...

    Michael, thanks for stopping by. You are correct....the extremists on both sides are a danger, and weak at that. Well, weak in their hearts anyway. Wonbderful point.

    Thanks again for stopping in.

    r/r said...

    i'm not with enough time to read all the politics so i'm cutting through and wishing you a merry christmas and some happy holidays. keep up the good work. politics later. already drank to everything i can drink for but i'll see if i can't think up anything else. have fun.

    Anonymous said...

    Are you so deeply afraid of opposition in your righteousness that you feel that practicing deceit and dishonesty is your only option? Is your philosophy so fragile that you must resort to wholesale mass lying in order to achieve your "Godly" ends?

    The people who most often practice tactics like the ones you describe? Fascists and Communists.

    Perhaps some political history before the histrionics might be in order.

    P.S. They will know you by your spelling -- it is "abhorrent".

    kender said...

    and all you can actually say that is fact based is a spelling error? Sometimes, in a war, and that is what we are in here in America right now, a quiet, bloodless civil war, you must take the tactics of your enemy and use it against them. The left has NO MORAL QUALMS about anything. The radical left must be stopped. Then the radicla right. If the rad. left is not stopped first we will not be able to stop teh rad. right. But then you, anonymouse, are abviously not bright enough to see that.

    KraftyOne said...

    I liked Michael's comment too. Good comment Michael.

    I disagree with you still though Kender. I think the right, were they to become theoretically entrenched as the dominant power, would be far more difficult to get rid of than the far left. A government who would with tyrannical dictatorship-like control over our rights and privileges (far-right) would be much more difficult to get rid of than a government that would be overbloated and unwieldy and unsteady (far-left).

    Hopefully this is not truly the choice we have to make and we can start pushing towards a more moderate view. Move away from our current far-right leaning government while avoiding the myopic black-and-white view that we have to swing the complete opposite direction.

    Anonymous said...

    Great post, Nascarblue. Couldn't have said it better myself. As for you Kender, get a clue! I have never read such horrid rubbish anywhere. Infiltrate the ACLU and the Dem Party as though they were the Ku Klux Klan or mafia? What kind of weed are you smoking out there in LA? Or is it just too much Fox, Limbaugh, Coulter, Liddy or God knows who eating away at your tiny brain?

    What makes this nation the greatest on Earth is our diversity. That is our strength not our weakness. Besides, should you launch your plan "D", we'll have no recourse but to launch our plan "R". Infiltrate and expose the Republicans and Religious Right for the hypocrites and bigots they truly are.

    Anonymous said...

    nascarblue (324 posts) Tue Dec-28-04 08:37 PM
    Original message
    Anyone up for taking on a midget racist republican?

    I had a bout with some jerk off on blogger. His blog is "Kender's Musings"... .

    He was talking about getting rid of the ACLU and infiltrating the Democratic party by registering as a Dem. He wants to get rid of any other political party! I was surprised he's a racist and lives in LA near me! I think he could use a little bit of leftward direction.

    Anonymous said...

    nascarblue (330 posts) Tue Dec-28-04 08:34 PM
    Response to Original message

    7. Nice link,, thanks... I wish I had read that earlier...

    I had a bout with some jerk off on blogger. His blog is kenders musings... .

    I wish I would have read this instead of wasting time smashing one of his takes. He was talking about getting rid of the ACLU and infiltrating the Democratic party by registering as a Dem. He wants to get rid of any other political party! A real sleaze bag, racist. I was surprised he's a racist and lives in LA. He must not be too popular.

    kender said...

    Nascar....I started going through all the links you sent...and I will finish, but damn, man, like most leftists nuts, you are too damn wordy. The links I went through, until I just got tired of reading, had NOTHING to back up the points until I got to the last one I have read so far, and that was the link on Afghanistan. Yes, the country is full of criminals...and will change, but it has to start somewhere....those people have been very poor for a long time, so it stands to reason that the warlord gig is going to die out slowly.

    If you think we are living in a communist state then you are a complete idiot. Total. A moron.

    And bring on your friends from DU......I know I can't change your minds....but I will have alot of fun pissing you off.

    And as a closing comment should read that book about talking to a conservative, it won't do you much good here, as I am not a conservative or a racist, but those facts, though pointed out to you several times, continue to elude you.

    Like I said....MORON!

    Redneck Guru said...

    Ahhh...alumni of the Democratic Underground. That explains so much!

    2 things liberals cannot do, put anything they are discussing into the actual context into which it ocurred, and/or discern cause and effect. It is the key to their failure as a viable party.

    Kenders post here was a tongue in cheek suggestion. The Democratic party in this country is failing miserably and making fools of those that would count themselves as members. They don't need any assitance from Republicans, people that post to the Democratic Underground are helping run them into the shitter as it is.

    (How'd all that court action go in Ohio, dimwits? Here's a hint:

    It isn't stealing an election when you get the most votes.)

    If anything, the Leftwing nutcases that call themselves Democrats, and spout their drivel, their fiction, unfounded facts, and socialist fantasies on Democrat Underground and like minded sites deserve the ridicule they get in the conservative press and in the conservative blog world. Any people that place any credence in nascarblue's ability to pick a fight he has any chance of winning on facts truly belongs in the lunatic column.

    kender said...

    Democratic: A political party in the U.S.

    Underground: Where rodents live.

    You can make the connections:D

    fasteddie said...

    Man I make a mistake and have to delete to edit on these things.

    I skimmed and might go back and read, but left coast komrade kender, how are the dems taking us down the road to communism, if the Republicans won the election?

    Kind of hard to send the country to hell, if you're not in control. No this next four years will be determined by Uncle W. and his minions of evil handlers. Iffin uncle Georgie can do a good job, forget the issues, if the country can thrive, I'll give credit where credit is due. Luck ha!

    No Bush's main test will be Iraq. We will see how well conservative leadership works there. If he fails there he can't blame the dems. It's like that Iraqi saying I've been reading: "Me and my brother against my cousin, me and my cousin against the stranger." * Here’s a kerry type flip flop for you to decipher, I was against the war, but I support the attempt at Democracy in Iraq now, and oppose Osama Bin Laden. I am American after all. I just don't think my cousin Bush is doing a good job.

    Best regards, your cousin eddie.

    The answer to the riddle of my flipping and flopping: I hope it works, but opposed the invasion, because in my heart I know it won’t work. Iraq from a historical, and military stance looks unwinable. The Dynamics of it make Viet Nam look simple.

    kender said...

    O.K. Eddie..I am going to pull a common left tactic that I encounter all the time. But I promise you it won't be as boring a reading through a bunch of links that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand, as I have so often done trying hard to understand someone elses position.

    First off you will need to see one of my archived posts:

    This will explain how we are being slowly turned into a communist country.

    And as for the dynamics of Viet Nam compared to Iraq, I must point out that Iraq, unlike Viet Nam, has no major world power backing her up. The Vietnamese had China and the USSR. The war is won.

    Once the elections go, and they will, they new government of Iraq will tell us to leave, and we will. Then, unfortunately, the Shia will most likely wipe up the country with the Sunnis' asses, leaving the Kurds alone, and eventually Iraq will be much better.

    Civil war is, I'm afraid, inevitable. If they "insurgents" had NOT fought, and had instead come running to the ballot box, demanding an election and fair representation, then perhaps Iraq would be one of those rare countries that doesn't have a bloody civil war to decide who gets to be the boss.

    But they didn't.

    kender said...

    Sorry Eddie...I put the wornd link in the last comment.

    You want to read the post titled So Communists are no longer a threat...dated Dec. 6th

    fasteddie said...

    well I will read your quote, we can dicuss that some time, but I am primarily interested in Iraq, if you hadn't noticed. Osama John just totally unreasonable, you and I are not too politically close at all but he groups us all together what an ass.

    Well the world power thing is subjective. If you consider the whole of militant Islam a world power, I do, then the U.S. and the west has a problem. Dealing with true believers all riled up, it doesn't matter how strong your military is. The majority of the Arab world is Muslim and I believe our policies in Iraq have bred more radicals ready to blow themselves up and us too, then all the inflamatory words of Osama Bin Laden.

    here's one url for you now I'm going to read your anti communist-manifesto, and go to bed, ciao for now.

    fasteddie said...

    how many points is that? who has the time to go through all those points?! Okay, you are a looney who should be locked away for your wild... hahhhahaahahah oops I guess I support the theory then. Sorry j/k. hehheh.

    Seriously that book is of it's time, written in 1960? The points are mostly irrelevant. If you expect my "A" game, sorry I'm too tired and I don't see communism as a pressing problem it's been descreditted thoroughly.
    I will adress China, since it's the major remaining Communist power in the world. China was admitted into the U.N. right after WW2. When the U.N. was formed. They were a charter member. mostly by the diplomatic efforts of Soong Mei-ling the wife of general Chiang Kai-shek China's nationlist leader. Not a communist, he opposed the communists in a war that predated ww2. The U.S. supported him broadly.

    When the Japanese invaded, communists, and nationalist Chinese formed an alliance to fight them. (Me and my cousin against the stranger..) Now I mention Chiang's wife; where Chiang was the iron fisted leader who stood up to the Japanese and the communists, his wife was the glove, much loved around the world for her great charm. Something she put to good use in getting China a charter membership in the U.N. and being put on the Security council. This was a coup considering that the government was weak from fighting the Japanese and about to reengage it's war with the Communists.

    Now when the People's Republic of China the reds, finally pushed the Nationalist blues out, they moved their government to Formosa, renamed Taiwan, and started manufacturing bikes. That's when the political rangling began. It was a major sticking point of the Cold war giving the PRC recognition at the U.N. the Reds, wanted to take the REpublic of China's spot arguing since they were now in Taiwan, they, the Reds were the proper power to recognize. If they took that spot, it would also mean another Communist country on the security council in the U.N. The U.S. repeatedly vetoed it, and supported their long held ally the POC in Taiwan as the recognized gov. This at the time of course was something to worry about, since the Red wave was seemingly sweeping the world.

    This all ended in 1971 when Nixon, our own Tricky Dick, a famous anti communist went to REd China to relax relations and to counter balance the Soviet

    Now the reason this guy's book was alarmist then is we were about to be overwhelmed by communism. It was the cold war. Communism was a real, true boogie man to the capitalist. Countrys seemed to be falling left and right. For you to say that communism is a threat today people will laugh at you, because the realities of today and 1960 are very much changed. In fact the eleven years after the book had been written, the climate had changed enough that Nixon, used reopened relations with China in it's chess match againts the Soviets. The Russkies and the Chinese while both communist gov.s did not trust each other.

    Nixon killed two birds with one stone, he gained favor with China and weakened Russia's influence on Asia. If you remember the great fear back then, was that Viet Nam's falling would just be one more domino and all of Asia's other countries would fall all the way down into India finally stopping before Australia. Something that history has proven didn't happen, and proves this guy writing at the time was mistaken about the significance of Red China joining the U.N.

    Communist China is becoming more capitalist all the time.

    kender said...

    What you said is true, however, I am pointing out that the current path that the extreme left, which has hi-kacked teh democratic party, along with the ACLU, is leading us down this road. They may not be called communists, (well, the ACLU is) but they are sure acting like it.

    fasteddie said...

    well I just took one point I know a little about, because China is turning into a economic giant. I thought people were worried about China? and all that and i get a one paragraph reply? hahaha.

    You know the Democratic party hate so much that Bush won that they are moving as we speak closer to the right. i just got off the phone with John Kerry and he said "Eh,Couldn't hurt."

    You know my hero presidents are mostly all democrats, Roosevelt, JFK, and drum roll please, Clinton. heh heh
    And nixon was a good president too bad he was so corrupt. I mean besides viet nam th country was run well under him.

    So you know where we need to be like communists in this country? Here's where we need to be more like the communists: health care. That's it. Nothing else.

    We are the richest country in the world and we have a screwed health care system.
    would it be insidious to have health care for all? Or would that be too much on the government teat?

    I mean when you think communistic theory's which ones scare you the most?

    And why is the ACLU so evil? I am totally ignorant on that one.

    The Sandmonkey said...

    Ehh, Kender, i am actually a liberterian so i am being an impartial observer here. So my question to you is this: why try to destroy your opponent when they are already doing the job for ya? I mean, they plan to run Hillary in 2008. Hillary, man! Freakin Hillary clinton! You think they have a snowball chance in hell of actually winning?

    They are well on their way to permenant minority party status and they will do it to themselves. You just wait and see!

    Otherwise, plan D is great!

    KraftyOne said...

    Okay, so if Sandmonkey is a libertarian, and Kender is a libertarian, why are they so against the democrats? Shouldn't they be equally against democrats and republicans? Maybe they are really just confused republicans. You libertarians need to get together and support your own party with your own candidate. I know that party exists, but they are lacking your support because you are so focused on attacking another party.

    Heck, I would probably vote libertarian if they could just get enough of a movement together to be viable. Even if I disagree with some of their points, at least it would move us toward having a much needed third party.

    KraftyOne said...

    I removed my other comment because I wanted to add to it. They really should allow you to edit your own comments after you make them.

    kender said...

    Yes, they should let you do that.

    I can't speak for sandmonkey, (check his blog...great stuff, take it from a Crackaaa), but I am a libertarian, with a republican stance. Face it, the libertarian party is still relatively small, and frankly things have been too close in this country politically to vote libertarian.

    As much as the far-right scare me, and I mean the extreme far right, the extreme far left scares me more, as it seems they are having much more success in achieving their goals. We are very far away from a christian theocracy....but we are flying down the road to a socialist or communist country by legislation and judicial activism.

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