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The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
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    This has nothing to do with the tsunami. What the link in the title leads to is a hidden danger. Government cover-ups of this have gone on for years. We need to stop this people, immediately. Click on the link and read this website!!!! Write your elected representatives. For God's sake, if you don't help who will?


    M+ said...

    I've heard about this before. Some of the things that our lawmakers do really scares the Hell out of me.

    Just a guy said...

    Why is the government so damn sneaky and underhanded? Why can't they just do what is really in the best interest of the people and the world? It sucks a lot.

    I wish I could say there was a perfect government, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

    kender said...

    So, just a guy, what exactly do you think we should do about DHMO?

    Matthew said...

    Nothing to do with the tsumani... the truth is this has everything to do with the tsunami.

    Richard Nixon said...

    Di=2. Hydrogen, this could also be written as H2.
    Can you guess the rest?

    Origins: In
    1997, Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student at Eagle Rock Junior High School in Idaho Falls, based his science fair project on a report similar to the one reproduced above. Zohner's project, titled "How Gullible Are We?", involved presenting this report about "the dangers of dihyrogen monoxide" to fifty ninth-grade students and asking them what (if anything) should be done about the chemical. Forty-three students favored banning it, six were undecided, and only one correctly recognized that 'dihydrogen monoxide' is actually H2O — plain old water. Zohner's analysis of the results he obtained won him first prize in the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair; garnered him scads of attention from newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, universities, and congresspeople; and prompted the usual round of outcries about how our ignorant citizenry doesn't read critically and can be easily misled. In other words, a tempest in a teapot.

    KraftyOne said...

    Aww, Nixon, now you went and ruined all the fun... :-)

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