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Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!
(Right) - Mackers World
(Right) - Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!
(Right) - RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
(Right) - Madtom at ThisFuckingWar!
(Right) - Cao's Blog
(Right) - Michael J. Totten sets things straight!
(Right) - Rebel Rouser tells it like it is!
(Right) - Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!
(Right) - Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!
(Right) - Where's Your Brain?
(Right) - Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>
(Right) - Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!
(Right) - Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings
(Right) - The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!
(Right) - CouchGrouch
The VERY occasional rantings of another Right leaning Libertarian like me! - The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! - Out of the Ashes
(Right) - Erics Random Musings
(Right) - Skiritae
(Right) - YankeeBlogger
(Right) - Stop the ACLUdotORG
(Very Right!!!) - Stop the ACLU
(Very Right!!!) - Tazmedic
(Read the archives!!!) - Amandarin
(A clever friend from the other side of the street) - Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend! - Popdex
Iraqi Blogs
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
Blog Archive
- Talk about your environmental disasters......
- Merry Christmas to all
- This is Plan D!!!!!
- Hi Gang....Welcome to......
- This is part of what is wrong in this country.
- School is in.
- This was too funny not to post.
- So communists are no longer a threat?
- Freedom of Speech under Attack in Britain!
- What part of illegal is so hard to understand?
- Here comes the U.N. dirty laundry day.
...Todays episode of "Let's Piss Off The Liberal Left".
Alright let's get started shall we?
Todays show highlights the liberal lefts' agenda to destroy America as we know and love it. Just so none of our brainwashed-closet-communist-liberal-wackjobs out there in the blogosphere don't get confused (we know how easily THAT happens) we are going to define the word "Liberal". defines a liberal as: "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties"
I believe that most liberals, being the brainwashed automatons that they are belive in their heart of hearts that this definition does indeed describe them.
THEY ARE WRONG!!!! But then we know that don't we?
Now that we have that established I will explain just why todays "liberals" are liberals of a dangerous stripe. These are not the liberals of yesteryear, whose sole intent was to help poor people prosper. The new liberal of today is bent on the destruction of our civil liberties with the end goal of communism in mind.
There are, unfortunately, many people that don't realize this, and happily support the democrats and the ACLU, ignorantly toddling along this most destructive road, all the while believing that they are honest patriots that just want what is best for America.
In an earlier post I posted a list of communist goals for taking over America. Most of these things have been put into action by the democrats, and undereducated Americans who have lost, or in the case of the younger generation never had, their critical thinking skills, never saw it coming. America has stood by long enough watching these bastards destroy our country while leading us down the road to a seriously weakened nation. If this continues for much longer this Great Experiment in Self Governance will fail, and not because it doesn't work, but because We The People got too damn lazy to protect ourselves and forgot the principles this country was founded on in the first place.
I will take these definitions one at a time.
Progress is just what the democrats are accomplishing. Progress towards a nany state that coddles you from the cradle to the grave. Progress towards a socialist or communist country. The difference in what they get is completely up to you. If you stand and fight now, their "progress" can be halted and trends reversed towards our days of greatness. The days when an American could make a better life or not, depending on their drive, ambition and skill. The left, in league with the ACLU, is dragging us down the road that will lead to our demise. Anyone that reads this, or anything else that state these truths are, if they do nothing to fight it, complicit in this plan and should be brought up on charges of treason. That is right. All you "liberals" out there that know what is happening are TRAITORS!!!
Reform. Just what is the left and the ACLU trying to reform? I will tell you. A great country where, once upon a time, and man could take hard work or a good idea, toss in some intelligence and maybe a smidge of luck and be a successful person. They could better their place in society. When that happened his family would have a bigger home and could afford to have those things which denoted wealth, whether it was a housekeeper or a bigger car, or perhaps be able to afford a better college for their kids. The "reform" happening in this country now is completely against all those things that made America great. We are told that the state can raise our children better, instilling in them "Politically Correct Values" of "Tolerance" and "Global Thinking". These are terms that are leading us astray.
Protection of Civil Liberties. Under the guise of protecting our civil liberties the ACLU is trying to force feed us 'Tolerance'. Tolerance is one thing, but blind aquiesence to evil is completely another. Should we tolerate NAMBLA simply because they claim that the things they do are their 'beliefs'? The ACLU, by the way, is counsel for NAMBLA, pro bono at that. Should we tolerate the constant assault on our civil liberties by being told that school children can't sing Silent Night in school because it is a 'religious song'? What ever happened to Freedom of Speech? I guess it doesn't apply if religion is involved. At least if that religion is Christianity. If it is Islam we must 'tolerate' it, or be labeled a bigot and possibly a racist.
Now on to the bonus round.
The ACLU. ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, said ""I have continued directing the unpopular fight for the rights of agitation, as director of the American Civil Liberties Union." Now that may sound innocuous enough. It is the right, indeed the duty of every citizen to question the government, after all it is our government. By the People For the People Of the People...remember that? But Roger Baldwin takes it to a step that, if successful, will have made the cold war a failure. He was nothing short of a communist.
The rest of his quote goes like this "I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
Do you hear that you brainwashed leftists?????
"Communism is the goal" Do you see where you are leading us by being sheep? Is it any wonder that so many people would vote for Bush knowing what you know now?
I realize that alot of people that vote democrat are not well off, but do you idiots actually think that getting rid of the propertied class is a good thing? Do you not have one ounce of ambition to better yourself and own your own house? Or make enough money to go on a vacation somewhere you always wanted to see?
Or do you want to sit on your ass and let the government take care of you and tell you where to live by assigning you a house and tell you what you can do for a job because that is what they need done? Do you really not see where the current democrat party is leading you? Are you so dense that this sounds good to you?
Communism, under any name is evil...socialism is one degree removed from communism, and is just as evil in its' own way. The long and short of it is if we don't do something to stop the far left and the ACLU we are doomed. Freedom is doomed. Liberty is doomed. If these guys are successful a great nation will perish, beaten from within by laziness on our part and traitorous bastards with law degrees.
Stand up people...stand up and fight before it is too late.
"Liberty is often a heavy burden on a man. It involves the necessity
for perpetual choice which is the kind of labor men have always
dreaded." --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Alright let's get started shall we?
Todays show highlights the liberal lefts' agenda to destroy America as we know and love it. Just so none of our brainwashed-closet-communist-liberal-wackjobs out there in the blogosphere don't get confused (we know how easily THAT happens) we are going to define the word "Liberal". defines a liberal as: "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties"
I believe that most liberals, being the brainwashed automatons that they are belive in their heart of hearts that this definition does indeed describe them.
THEY ARE WRONG!!!! But then we know that don't we?
Now that we have that established I will explain just why todays "liberals" are liberals of a dangerous stripe. These are not the liberals of yesteryear, whose sole intent was to help poor people prosper. The new liberal of today is bent on the destruction of our civil liberties with the end goal of communism in mind.
There are, unfortunately, many people that don't realize this, and happily support the democrats and the ACLU, ignorantly toddling along this most destructive road, all the while believing that they are honest patriots that just want what is best for America.
In an earlier post I posted a list of communist goals for taking over America. Most of these things have been put into action by the democrats, and undereducated Americans who have lost, or in the case of the younger generation never had, their critical thinking skills, never saw it coming. America has stood by long enough watching these bastards destroy our country while leading us down the road to a seriously weakened nation. If this continues for much longer this Great Experiment in Self Governance will fail, and not because it doesn't work, but because We The People got too damn lazy to protect ourselves and forgot the principles this country was founded on in the first place.
I will take these definitions one at a time.
Progress is just what the democrats are accomplishing. Progress towards a nany state that coddles you from the cradle to the grave. Progress towards a socialist or communist country. The difference in what they get is completely up to you. If you stand and fight now, their "progress" can be halted and trends reversed towards our days of greatness. The days when an American could make a better life or not, depending on their drive, ambition and skill. The left, in league with the ACLU, is dragging us down the road that will lead to our demise. Anyone that reads this, or anything else that state these truths are, if they do nothing to fight it, complicit in this plan and should be brought up on charges of treason. That is right. All you "liberals" out there that know what is happening are TRAITORS!!!
Reform. Just what is the left and the ACLU trying to reform? I will tell you. A great country where, once upon a time, and man could take hard work or a good idea, toss in some intelligence and maybe a smidge of luck and be a successful person. They could better their place in society. When that happened his family would have a bigger home and could afford to have those things which denoted wealth, whether it was a housekeeper or a bigger car, or perhaps be able to afford a better college for their kids. The "reform" happening in this country now is completely against all those things that made America great. We are told that the state can raise our children better, instilling in them "Politically Correct Values" of "Tolerance" and "Global Thinking". These are terms that are leading us astray.
Protection of Civil Liberties. Under the guise of protecting our civil liberties the ACLU is trying to force feed us 'Tolerance'. Tolerance is one thing, but blind aquiesence to evil is completely another. Should we tolerate NAMBLA simply because they claim that the things they do are their 'beliefs'? The ACLU, by the way, is counsel for NAMBLA, pro bono at that. Should we tolerate the constant assault on our civil liberties by being told that school children can't sing Silent Night in school because it is a 'religious song'? What ever happened to Freedom of Speech? I guess it doesn't apply if religion is involved. At least if that religion is Christianity. If it is Islam we must 'tolerate' it, or be labeled a bigot and possibly a racist.
Now on to the bonus round.
The ACLU. ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, said ""I have continued directing the unpopular fight for the rights of agitation, as director of the American Civil Liberties Union." Now that may sound innocuous enough. It is the right, indeed the duty of every citizen to question the government, after all it is our government. By the People For the People Of the People...remember that? But Roger Baldwin takes it to a step that, if successful, will have made the cold war a failure. He was nothing short of a communist.
The rest of his quote goes like this "I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
Do you hear that you brainwashed leftists?????
"Communism is the goal" Do you see where you are leading us by being sheep? Is it any wonder that so many people would vote for Bush knowing what you know now?
I realize that alot of people that vote democrat are not well off, but do you idiots actually think that getting rid of the propertied class is a good thing? Do you not have one ounce of ambition to better yourself and own your own house? Or make enough money to go on a vacation somewhere you always wanted to see?
Or do you want to sit on your ass and let the government take care of you and tell you where to live by assigning you a house and tell you what you can do for a job because that is what they need done? Do you really not see where the current democrat party is leading you? Are you so dense that this sounds good to you?
Communism, under any name is evil...socialism is one degree removed from communism, and is just as evil in its' own way. The long and short of it is if we don't do something to stop the far left and the ACLU we are doomed. Freedom is doomed. Liberty is doomed. If these guys are successful a great nation will perish, beaten from within by laziness on our part and traitorous bastards with law degrees.
Stand up people...stand up and fight before it is too late.
"Liberty is often a heavy burden on a man. It involves the necessity
for perpetual choice which is the kind of labor men have always
dreaded." --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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Kender - every post of yours reminds me of an old saying:
"Don't make a mountain out of a molehill."
You constantly take small, limited examples and in these you see conspiracies and trends. You're like the people I had to follow to work this morning. We got a light dusting of snow last night. There was still snow on the side of the road. The roads themselves, however, were just wet and dirty from the sandtrucks. Nonetheless, I had to follow people going 45 mph in a 75 mph zone and was late to work. My point here is that people tend to overreact. They see the snow on the side of the road and are blinded to the reality that the road is just wet - and getting dryer as the sun comes up. They get all worked up about a little thing and stop seeing reality. I see this happening in you. You are looking for trends, expecting conspiracies. I stopped reading Raed recently because he became the same way. Stay reasonable. Take facts as they are, not what you attempt to infer from them.
I'd reply to this post, but it really just comes off as a rant and not a very logical or informed one.
Thanks for pointing out NAMBLA to me though. I did a little research on them - those people are wacked out and need to be locked up and shut down.
I want to edit the first line of my last comment. It should have said "Every recent post of yours increasingly reminds me..."
K1...if you compare the communists goals list, and what the democrats have done in the last 30 years, you will see a pattern of enacting those goals, to the detriment of America. The ACLU is a communists organization. The founders words made that clear.
Do you own property? If so, would you feel ok if the government decided that you should live in another house and gove your house to someone else, under the "all proprty is owned by the people and we will assign it as we see fit" policy?
America was built by people that believed that if you work hard you should be able to better your position in teh world, i.e. more money, and bigger house, more opportunities and the list goes on.
Communists ideals are everything belongs to everyone. That is the anti-thesis of American philosophy. Socialism needs much higher taxes to support all the people under it's system of achieving the goal of 'parity'. In other words, the gap between rich and poor is less, however generally speaking you can only get so rich before you hit a plateau. Conversly you only fall so far before socity puts up a net. That sounds neat, but really takes away the incentive to shine.
As an example, my wife is in sales, and has a small salary. More than enough of a salary to meet the bills, but she is very ambitious, so she is in a comissioned job. The government taxes her at over 43% on the comissions. Why? She is the one out there using her skills and abilities, skills and abilities that she had to develop on her own without any government help AT ALL, and for some reason they feel it is ok to take almost half of what she EARNS. Luckily it is a great deal of money, and with an outstanding financial advisor she is able to take quite a bit of it and put it places that make her more money and, at the least, defer the taxes.
That is what America is about. Making something of yourself and bettering your position. If the liberals and the ACLU have their way, ultimately that will just be a part of a history lesson where someone in the future teaches kids how anyone in the U.S. could become wealthy and more secure with hard work and intelligence...Once upon a time in America.
Well, first, the guy who wrote those communist goals was not a communist. He was a raging conservative. Any list that he wrote up would simply be against whatever he believed. Since it was written in the Cold War times, anything you wanted labled evil was labled Communist. I do see that many of those things have come to pass, but they have come to pass both through conservative and liberal administrations, so its a little lopsided to be throwing all the blame one way.
By the way, I am not a proponent of Communism. I do think you should be able to work hard for your money. I work as a DJ on weekends and I love getting cash tips because when the tip is part of the bill it gets taxed at that same high rate. I love that under the American system, I can start my own business (as I have) and do as well as I want with it depending on how hard I want to work at it.
I do not own property yet (I'm pretty young for that yet), but I will someday, and I would never let someone take from me what is mine. However, there should be some balance between allowing the rich to be rich while being compassionate in that wealth. There's lots of government programs that could be gotten rid of to make way for a decent healthcare system.
"Since it was written in the Cold War times, anything you wanted labled evil was labled Communist."
Yeah, like everyone always says Stalin was a communist. Where do they get that? And the Soviet Union crushing the Hungarian democratic revolution? You'd think that was some kind of communist plot!!
"I do not own property yet (I'm pretty young for that yet), but I will someday, and I would never let someone take from me what is mine. However, there should be some balance between allowing the rich to be rich while being compassionate in that wealth." you would never let anyone take away YOUR property but you have no problem with labeling someone "rich" and compassionately relieving HIM of HIS property. Interesting.
I'm off to lunch so I'll actually reply later, but CMAR is funny. One of those people who reads the words, but not the intention.
I'll reply to his off base assumptions when I get back.
So, when I first read the first part CMAR's reply I couldn't decide if he was crazy or sarcastic. I then decided he was a lot of both. Then I realized that since he didn't in any way actually reply to what I said about the guy who wrote the article not being a communist himself and that his ramblings made no sense, I decided to ignor that one.
The second part of his reply also has little to do with what I wrote, but I'll humor him and perhaps clarify what I wrote. At no point did I say "only take from the rich" actually, I never talked about increasing taxes at all. I did say that there are some government programs and spending initiatives that could be restructured to support some kind of healthcare program. When I talk about myself, I assume I am going to be rich (or at least wealthy) because I am going to be. In rereading what I wrote however, I did realize that I implied that the rich should be compassionate in their wealth. What I meant is that our wealthy country (as a whole we have a very weathly country) should be compassionate in that wealth - as a country. It would be great if people could be trusted to do with their money what might be best for the community and civilization in general. However, I don't think people are at that level of maturity yet.
Anyway, that whole comment was a reply to Kender's question about accepting communism where government assigns you a home/job/car/etc. and my reply was emphatically that I would not support that for anyone.
Wow - that was all much more of a reply than CMAR's post really deserved but, what the heck, its a slow day at work...
So...Mr. Grouch. Let's assume for a moment that you and everyone else in this country pays no taxes. Keep what you make, right? That sounds wonderful. Heck, what I save this month alone on taxes would pay for the computer upgrade I've been wanting.
So... let's assume this wonderful scenario is the case. How long would the systems we enjoy last? A week? A month? A year? Roads would start to deteriorate pretty quick, but thats just the beginning. Since the government wouldn't be able to afford to pay its employees, we would soon lose all of our teachers, all of our politicians, and all of our military. Now, I could happily do without the politicians, and you could make a decent argument that, if handled properly, schools may be able to be privatized (although I'm not sure I buy this entirely). However, our soldiers would go hungry pretty quick. They would lack all support. Maybe you think this would be okay, but I do not.
How about our local law enforcement and fire stations. Perhaps when your house is burning down and no one comes, you could hook up a garden hose and sprinkle water on it?
Your rant, that you just went off on, shows that you have the same reading disability as CMAR. You read words, but do not comprehend them. You then twist them into whatever you thought I was going to say and then you react to that instead of what was really written. You apparently missed my point about not needing to raise taxes at all or minimally, among other things.
I also at no point said one thing and meant another. I said and meant the same thing. What I said was that CMAR was off-base in his assumptions of what he thought I meant. Like it or not, language is a terrible way to communicate, leading to misunderstandings and incomprehension all the time, but it is all we have. In this respect, a responsible reader must at all times try to understand the meaning of what the writer was trying to say, rather than irresponsibly applying their own biases to to the writer.
All government programs are socialist programs. You already live in a Socialist Democracy. We currently have socialized schooling, socialized transporation, socialized military, and many other programs. Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because some idea is new to you that it is foreign entirely.
On the topic of compassion. Compassion is what civilization is built on. It is one of the major differences between a civilized country and a non-civilized one. Hell, I'm not even religious and I know that helping the least of your brothers is a good idea. You probably consider yourself to be religious (playing odds here since I obviously don't know you at all) and yet don't follow the teachings laid out to you. You consider anyone who has had a bad turn of luck or unfortunate circumstance a "moocher". Get off your high horse. All successful people are successful today not only because they worked hard, but also because someone, or some program, helped them out.
On the topic of maturity. If you had the option to pay what you would like to the government to run things like military, road work, forest services, public education, emergency services, etc. Would you pay what you currently do? Would you even pay enough to support those programs at a minimal level? Would you pay into all these programs, or just the programs you support? Would your neighbor? Our founding fathers knew that people would not (or at least not enough). They had no problems with taxation, and their only issue was with taxation without representation. This is the country you live in. Taxes are part of it and have been from the beginning. As so many conservatives are fond of saying: "If you don't like it: leave."
I hope you have a Merry Christmas (if such is your belief) Mr. Grouch/Grinch.
I so didnt mean to remove The Grouchs post...that was a mistake on my part and I apologize...I am reposting it below:
K-1 You waffle more than John sKerry- "I said this but I meant something else." Words have meaning and that is how we communicate. Yes, your post did seem to imply the wealthy should give more. This is fine, so long as it's voluntary.
You also commented "Our wealthy coutry should be compassionate in that wealth." Just who, do you think, is the "country"? Yep, it is the working people, who make this "country" what it is. The country is the producers, not the "moochers". And by inference, taking from the "country" is taking from the workers.
As to the comment of "people being trusted to do the right thing with their money, giving to the community and civilization." Key words- "their money": Just who the hell are you to tell us what to do with our money! My money goes where I want it to go. You're sliding onto the Socialist page with this one. Your beef of us not being that "mature" yet (to give money to community and civilization) furthers your Socialist mantra of "To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability"- taken straight from the Communist Manisfesto.
Krappyone- My previous post said NOTHING about taxes as a way of contributing to the community and civilization. I'm not opposed to ALL taxes, just most of them. BTW, the Constitution and Bill of Rights put forth the responsibilities of gov't; therefore, taxes should be used only for those purposes, such as the military, fire dept, etc, not for welfare broodmares.
Your post did not differentiate between taxes and voluntary donations. Big difference there, so maybe if you spent less time ridiculing the names of those who post, you could make your ideas clear without wasting our time.
You write quite a bit, but most of your words are wasted. Much of your effort comes across as condescending and scornful, such as your first post to CMAR, then to my post (Reminds me of the Libs- nose in the air, 'cause they're high-toned, wealthy, and damn sure better than any conservative-minded person.) Your ideas/wishes/facts aren't carried to logical conclusions, you .... Oh, hell, this is a waste of my time, I forgot the old addage- "Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." Think I'll go hunting and kill something...
Grouch said; "the Constitution and Bill of Rights put forth the responsibilities of gov't; therefore, taxes should be used only for those purposes, such as the military, fire dept, etc, not for welfare broodmares."
I have nothing to add..........
except Kender you are wasting time on the corner blog, they are socialists......I stopped going after my wife was verbally assaulted by an incomprehensible moron with no common sense.
I wish I had the time to reply to all of this, but I'll have to just hit a few points.
Yep - many government schools are bad, some are okay, and some are pretty decent (although rare). I'm sure you are very proud, and rightfully so, of your wife. People who work hard to make something of themselves deserve everything they can get. What if her family had never been able to afford private schools? Would she be as successful today? What I said before was that: "All successful people are successful today not only because they worked hard, but also because someone, or some program, helped them out." Fortunately, your wife had parents who were able to send her to private schools. She probably received help from many people at different points in her life. Unfortunately, not everyone gets this kind of help from the people around them. For these people, many of them receive help from some sort of governmental program. I do not doubt or question that many of these programs are abused by lazy people who truly are moochers. However, just because SOME people abuse it, does not mean that all do. These systems need serious reform - not abolition.
I've never seen anything that says that public school turn out kids at a cost lower that public education. Certainly better educated, but everything I've seen is that that education comes at a price. Do you have anything more on that claim?
I agree on the creating jobs thing. Bring back the street sweepers and the elevator button pushers. It would create a much nicer society to live in and give opportunities for people.
I don't know what you know about global warming and other environmental issues. There is a limit to what we can do to this world before it becomes uninhabitable - we just don't know where it is or when it will become irreversible.
Fortunately, no one is making you live in Germany. I happen to love it there - as a place to visit or maybe live short term, but I also have the American spirit that I want to be able to make my own destiny which you are correct in saying is much easier here than there.
On to Mr. Grouch.
First, my actual last name is Kraft (hence KraftyOne). Trust me, I have heard every combination of crap joke and every combination of cheese joke (Kraft Cheesy Macaroni! Cheese Head! Everything tastes better with Kraft cheese!). I stopped being annoyed by people making fun of my name early in middle school and have since found it amusing. I sincerely apologize if you never made that step and I offended your sensibilities by having a little fun with your chosen moniker.
You are right, I did not make any distinction between taxes and donations – mainly because I wasn’t talking about donations at all. What was your point with this comment?
You are correct, I was a bit condescending to CMAR, his post kind of asked for it though. I was not however, condescending to you (except for the having fun with your name bit). I replied in a much friendlier tone than even your original message. By your last comment, which I will graciously ignore, apparently something I said really got to you…
What are you hunting? Something yummy I hope! I have a bunch of deer in my freezer right now I bought from a coworker who ended up with too much. Wild meat is so much leaner than stuff you get at the store. (pointing out that I have no issues with guns for hunting or protection)
Well, it was going to be a quick post, but here I’ve gone and replied to everything. Ah well.
Man - sorry for the bad typing in places up above. I'll try do a better job of rereading my stuff before posting.
What I said before was that: "All successful people are successful today not only because they worked hard, but also because someone, or some program, helped them out." You need to recheck your premises. I went to public school and dropped out of college after 5 years. Then I went to work to repay ALL of my college loans. I did manual labor for another 6-8 years moving up in the business, then decided I like computers better, so I learned networking. On my own. I consider myself successful.
When liberals speak in absolutes, you can see right through their premises.
"All successful people"? Indeed!
Even with a very narrowly defined view of "successful people" it is doubtful that ALL of them recieved help. Once you admit that, you can say perhaps ALOT of successful people recieved assistance, but you can also say that ALOT of unsuccessful people have recieved help as well, which renders whatever point you were trying to make completely invalid.
So if it isn't the assitance, what differentiates a successful person from one that is not? MANY unsucessful people think of themselves as victims, where MOST successful people would consider that attitude a hindrance. that would be my premise.
Don't they teach you anything in College? When I was there I learned to make a bong out of a coke can.
Peace through Victory.
Did you not just notice yourself proving my point? "I went to public school and dropped out of college after 5 years." You went to public school. My guess is that this is where you learned to read and write. It is probably also where you learned the ability to learn, the ability to teach yourself, so that when you were ready to learn about computers, you had the fundamental skills necessary to do so. Could your parents have afforded private school to teach you the same things if public school had not been available? If they could, could all parents?
I will take your point though that I did speak in an absolute which is almost always false, so let me clarify. The OVERWHELMINGLY VAST MAJORITY of successful people are successful today not only because they worked hard, but also because someone, or some program, helped them out. I suppose if you looked really really hard, you might find someone who was an orphan or something with no education at all who taught themselves pretty much everything they know and are now successful. You could also go back several hundred years (or even about a hundred years) and find lots of people who might qualify as successful for their time period. However they are not especially relevant today.
And I completely agree with your victims comment. But a 'victim' could be given all the all the assistance in the world and still not succeed. I'm not saying that assistance guarantees success. Attitude is a huge part of it. I am just saying that everyone deserves at least whatever assistance can be reasonably granted and allow them to then make of themselves what they will.
Guess what? I homeschool my kids. No public school,no private school. My wife has no college degree.
They consistently test out at 3-4 grades higher than they would be in public, or private school.
So that part of your argument in not valid. Before public schoiols (the concept of which is part of the core communist program btw), people still learned to read and write. Some people taught themselves.
I guess your use of the term "assitance" has to be clarified. If assistance is food in your mouth and a roof over your head, then yes, I guess we all recieved it.(no kidding). If it is something beyond the necessities of life that somehow gives someone en edge, I still disagree. What makes MOST people successfull is an innate drive to set themselves apart from their peers. To refuse to be part of the herd, to be an individual and take responsibility for one's actions and credit for one's accomplishments.
There are plenty of successful people that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but more have made themselves so by hard work and determination.
My contention is that there are MORE unsuccessful people that were give "assistance" of some kind above and beyond sustenance that have failed miserably.
Again, it makes your point meaningless.
Redneck. Great on the home schooling and congratulations on your kid’s success. One word of (honestly, I'm offering this as very friendly advice, don't take it wrong) advice would be to make sure that your kids get out to play with other kids. I've met some great and intelligent kids who were home schooled but greatly lacked social skills and were emotionally immature because they never interacted with other children their own age - just their siblings.
So, is it then your contention that if it is just some innate drive that allows people to be successful that we do not have control over this? That some people are simply unsuccessful because they lack this drive? Should we devise a test to sort out these people and maybe just not bother sending them to school or helping them out? Maybe its genetic and we could just shoot the people who lack it and therefore clean out the gene pool?
I would rather live in a society that tries to give people the opportunity and tools they need to succeed than in one that just says "screw you, you were born to a poor and uneducated family, so you too will be poor and uneducated". Maybe you prefer the dispassionate alternative?
K1, I must take exception to this bit here....
"I would rather live in a society that tries to give people the opportunity and tools they need to succeed than in one that just says "screw you, you were born to a poor and uneducated family, so you too will be poor and uneducated". Maybe you prefer the dispassionate alternative?"
We do, indeed, live in this society. People have the opportunity to better themselves and their lot in life. They must take advantage of it. Nobody is going to give anyone anything.
You have done this. You worked hard for your scholarships and took jobs while in school. This is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. You took some drive, ambition and initiative, tossed in some hard work and focus and went out and got that degree. So should someone that is lazy or think they are owed something by society be handed the same things you worked so hard for? I certainly don't think so.
This is what is great about our country. Individuals can, and often do, sieze the opportunities that are there for the taking. They work hard and stay focused on their goals, and most of the time achieve them. Rarely, I believe, is someone thwarted by anything but a lack of intelligence or very bad luck. Example: Athletes that are injured too badly to continue being athletes or people that lose cognitive ability due to an accident or the onset of a disease. But these are the exceptions to the rule.
The fact is, if you want it badly enough, in America it is possible. But it is only possible because we are not yet a socialist country.
I think we kind of lost focus on this discussion. I'm not talking about handing people success. You can't. Many people who win the lottery end up broke because they don't know what to do with it. I'm talking about removing the roadblocks to success. Kender, you pointed out one of those roadblocks - health. If you lose your health, you lose a lot of your possibility for success. The other major one is education. Its the old "Give a man a fish..." saying.
I would rather have a National Health Care system than a National Welfare system. We have it backwards right now.
Actually there is one major move we can make in this country, tomorrow, that would make the entire healthcare system much closer to being solvent.
Throw out ALL of the illegal immigrants. If they are here illegally, deport them. If they came here and had a child here, explain that if they wish to live here, either come here legally or not at all. Tell the children that they will have the choice, at 18, to decide if they want to come here, but until the time that there parents come here legally ar the child turns 18, they can't live here illegally.
No health care, with the exception of immediate care for life threatening problems. Once they are stable deport them. No ongoing care.
That one move will save us billions. I will have numbers and supporting info for now, I just returned from New Years in Vegas and after three days of non-stop debauchery I need sleep.
I'll be interested in seeing those numbers since I REALLY don't think this idea would make much of a dent (if any) in the healthcare system's problems.
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