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    Just jumping on the bandwagon here, folks. As my Right Wing Brethren Don Surber, Expat Texan, my bud and fellow blogger Jay from Stop the ACLU, and Dr. Melissa Clothier, one of the most astute women I have known in my life are showing the lefties are searching high and low for something, anything they can use to try to knock the Sarah-cuda out of the race.

    The experience meme, even though it is useless and will backfire, is being constantly touted. From Dr. Clothiers blog;

    It’s already vicious. And they’re going after her experience, but here is the best response via an Insty commenter:

    Reporter: MR. McCain, how do you respond to charges that Palin has no experience?
    McCain: If Obama had as much experience as Ms. Palin, he’d be ready for the VP slot, too.

    The left is crapping their collective panties today, the media is having a panic attack and the right wing base is energized like I haven't seen them in a long while. I personally consider Palin as McCains checkmate, or "chickmate" as you will and the next 60 days are going to be vastly entertaining as the left tries more and more desperate measures to save their messiah from crucifixion.

    On election day I will bring the nails, one of you folks bring the hammer and we will crucify Obamas political life to the Cross of Truth and Freedom and save the Republic.

    Glory hallelujah Brother...Glory Hallelujah.


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