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The name say it all
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    In a surprising bid to bring about more equality in the nation Presidential Candidate Barack Obama unveiled a new plan to bring about a more equal standard of living. His plan is simple, will increase employment of formerly unemployable people, decrease carbon footprints and bring about racial harmony and foster an deeper understanding of what the poor in our society endure day to day. Calling his plan "S.L.U.M." which stands for "Simply Living Under Me" Obama promises his new plan will create a standard of living across the country that is much more equal than todays standard.

    In a nutshell the plan is this;

    Tax everybody to the point of being unable to keep a decent standard of living, thereby increasing poverty and lowering the standard of living for more people, so more people will live in slums, ghettos and barrios.

    As an adjunct to this program Obama plans to hire hundreds of thousands of ghetto, slum and barrio residents to enforce new housing codes which will include letting grass and shrubs die, parking cars on lawns and having at least two full families of at least three generations living in each single family home.

    Another part of his program is the Graffiti Corps, also known as that Tagger Team, a corps of specially trained citizens who will rove at will and apply graffiti to fences, buildings and cars. Only approved graffiti, such as "I HOPE you are happy" and "I DID promise you change" will be allowed.

    More on this as it develops.


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