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    Yes I said it.

    Actually what caused me to come to this conclusion was posting a comment over here at Jay's to a moronic moonbat. Come to think of it, all moonbats are moronic, so I repeated myself there.

    Anyway, let's compare the classic undead, such as vampires and werewolves to the american left and especially the ACLU.

    Classic Undead;
    A soulless creature that cowers at the sight of a crucifix and lives by sucking the blood of other creatures that it ambushes in the dark. Cannot be seen in a mirror's reflection.

    American Left Undead;
    ACLU Lawyer;
    A soulless creature that cowers at the sight of a crucifix and lives by sucking money from the government by suing Christians it ambushes. Refuses to be seen in any media interview, since the glaring light of truth shone upon the world through an honest question is the ACLU Lawyers equivalent of a mirror.

    American Left Undead;
    Liberal Whiner;
    A soulless creature that cowers at the sight of a crucifix causing an immediate call to it's brethren at the ACLU and wants everyone to live in a dream world by sucking hardearned money away from those with drive to coddle those with no drive. Can usually be seen braiding pit hair in San Francisco or following Cindy Sheehan like a slavering moron.

    Classic Undead;
    A diseased creature that appears normal during the day but changes hidiously during certain times of the month into an unrecognizable creature of destruction, as do some women.

    American Left Undead;
    ACLU Lawyer;
    A diseased creature that appears normal until they enter a courtroom, where they immediaately turn into a creature with hypnotic powers over judges that twists reality to attempt to switch the world to their dreamland version of reality, an example of which is the European Union. This version of reality is failing miserably.

    American Left Undead;
    Liberal Whiner:
    A diseased creature that appears normal when you talk to them in polite company but readily becomes a raving madman at the mention of Bush, the Global War on Terror or Rush Limbaugh.

    Classic Undead;
    A soulless brain eating creature that wanders through the land randomly attacking people to further it's agenda of destroying people to consume their brains. Unable to think for itself.

    American Left Undead;
    ACLU Lawyer;
    A soulless, brainless creature that wanders through the land looking for other brainless creatures to further it's agenda of of destroying the U.S. by brainwashing it's gullible inhabitants. Unable to think for itself.

    American Left Undead;
    Liberal Whiner;
    A soulless, brainless creature that wanders through the land looking only at the liberal slanted media and believing that up is down, the palestinians and radical muslims are peaceful people and the war in Iraq is illegal. Unable to think for itself.

    As you can see, just my cursory look at the New Undead has opened my eyes, and I am sure, your eyes also.

    The only question remains is this;

    Do we use stakes through the heart, silver bullets or beheadings to protect ourselves and our country?

    I vote for silver bullets. A stake through the heart means you must get within their reach, and I am leaving the beheadings to the "peaceful radical muslims".

    Now, how many more can you come up with?

    XPOSTED@Cao's and The MadTechs

    Linked at Real Teen


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