About Me
Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.
You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.
Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
- RG in The Low Country!
(Right) - Mackers World
(Right) - Ric and Georgina at Release The Hounds!
(Right) - RN at Dead Republican Presidents!
(Right) - Kat, sometimes in pajamas!
(Right) - Madtom at ThisFuckingWar!
(Right) - Cao's Blog
(Right) - Michael J. Totten sets things straight!
(Right) - Rebel Rouser tells it like it is!
(Right) - Maxedoutmama is a research Goddess!
(Right) - Andrightlyso! smacks on idiots!
(Right) - Where's Your Brain?
(Right) - Warm'n'fuzzy conserva-puppies>
(Right) - Crymeariverbend2 has a gnarly truth stick!
(Right) - Jeffrey at IBC is HQ for Iraqi bloggings
(Right) - The Sandmonkey cuts through the APU!
(Right) - CouchGrouch
The VERY occasional rantings of another Right leaning Libertarian like me! - The Lone Ranger
A Man of Rare Integrity! - Out of the Ashes
(Right) - Erics Random Musings
(Right) - Skiritae
(Right) - YankeeBlogger
(Right) - Stop the ACLUdotORG
(Very Right!!!) - Stop the ACLU
(Very Right!!!) - Tazmedic
(Read the archives!!!) - Amandarin
(A clever friend from the other side of the street) - Literal Lunacy
A Most Beloved Friend! - Popdex
Iraqi Blogs
- Iraq the Model
- Ali returns!!!
- Raeds Place
(This is where I go when I want to piss off some insane "Unrealists". Thanks CMAR!) - Khalid Digging for Secrets!
- Kurdo's World
- Baghdad Burning
(The infamous, the mysterious, the mostly hysterical Riverbend!!!!)
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
Blog Archive
- Stop The ACLU's Interview With Alan Sears
- Guns=Freedom or Why is The Second Amendment So Imp...
- UN-PC Parody for your Sunday
- My Heroes Have Always Been Camelboys (with apologi...
- The American Right
- Stop The ACLU Radio
- Well no wonder the Muslims think they are the only...
- Just A Run-Of-The-Mill-Bed-Wetting-Liberal or, He...
- "No good, I've known too many Spaniards"
- Talk about working in theory.
- Just a quick question....
- Forget Vampires and Werewolves, The Left and the A...
- Guard Our Borders Blogburst Roundup (sorta)
- ACLU, Here's Your Sign!!!!
- Militant Environmentalists and Wind Power (or, Let...
- Since I can't cuss at STACLU
- Too Much Death....Too Much Sadness.....
- Forget China, Europe will be Our Next Enemy
- The KOS is a POS, (not to mention a wuss)
- WTF??? Who's a Racist Now Bitch???
- Banned 'Toons and a Great New Toon Campaign!!!!
- Deconstructing Miers
- Do You Hate the French Yet?
This is how I see the American Right, where we stand and what we believe, without the religion tossed in.....YET!!!!
We are tired of paying high taxes to support the dregs of society....pulling down the cream to raise the dregs is evil and supports laziness and rewards stupidity.
Work Hard, no one owes you a living, a house or any education beyond basic reading, writing and math. If you want a better lot in life work for it, it is there for the taking IF you have the drive and intelligence.
We won't let you starve in the streets but don't care if you want to be lazy and live under a bridge.
If you are truly handicapped we will help you...A lot....but of you try to pull that mental handicap crap you had better be a real good actor or seriously demented. If you are seriously demented and you get violent we lock you up...for life, we don't need violent people wandering around.
If you commit a crime you go to jail where you will be punished....A lot...we don't need stupid people walking around.
If you kill someone and it is NOT in self defense you go to jail....we don't need violent people walking around.
If you do it in a heinous manner we will kill you for it....not only do we want violent people locked up we don't want to house you for the rest of your life at our expense.
The money we make should be, for the most part, ours.....not the governments to fritter away for more social programs.
We should have a very secure border, and people that sneak in are criminals and should be bagged and tagged so they can never come back.
A proactive offense beats the hell out of a reactive defense anyday....reactive defense is for cowards and victims....and we are neither.
Our money that we pay in taxes should stay at home....countries that get aid from us and hate us anyway should be told to fuck is not our governments job to make sure that people that live under corrupt third world governments and starve are fed.....that is THEIR governments job.
The UN is an anti-American group and should be tossed out of America and told to shut their useless mouths.
The ACLU is an evil organization that should be charged as a criminal organization.
Capitalism is good, socialism is evil.
The individuals socio-economic mobility is the backbone of a great country, and small business is the backbone of socio-economic mobility.
Radical environmentalists have done more damage to business in the U.S. than any other single factor and should be taken to task for it.
The individual should decide how much charity to give, and not money is just that, MINE!!!!
Rapist, murderers, pedophiles, thieves, drug addicts and whiners are NOT "victims of their misunderstood childhoods"...they are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, thieves, drug addicts and whiners, and with the possible exception of the whiners they should all go to jail for a very long time....except pedophiles.....they should be shot upon conviction.
Oh yeah....political correctness is bullshit....either grow a thicker skin or go away....sometimes life isn't with it....and you have absolutely NO RIGHT whatsoever to NOT be offended!!!
Any questions?
**The above was a comment on another blog. I won't say which one as they deserve no more traffic, and I hate giving them any to begin with. However I stop by there to hone the old talons and it works well. Below is part of a response by them regarding the above statements.**
From Fr*****: "Kender.....In case you are under the mistaken impression that your fulmination refutes the belief that you are a racist, fascist, sectarian, think again. Thanks for your input. IÂ’m sure we can put it to use as we define the American right."
**My reply is below, and finally I have shown you, but more importantly myself, once and for all that the people on the other side of the street are indeed non-thinking, brainwashed people that truly wallow in their ignorance. I feel sorry that people such as this are so blinded by their hatred however, it gives me hope that the socialist left is indeed losing power like Dean after his scream.**
""Fr***** did what I say show one bit of racism? Or fascism?
Fascism subjugates the individual in favor of the state.
Racism is the belief that someone is inherently inferior because of their race.
I am an individualist. The antithesis of a fascist.
And unless "STUPID" or "LAZY" is now a race and I missed that memo I utterly fail to see how you can call me a racist.
I am also not sectarian....the "sect" of success is open to those willing to work for it.
You people really do not comprehend this do you???
You honestly do not understand the meanings of the words you throw around and only see what you wish to see in what you read and not the truth, and I cannot believe that people that claim to be educated can read what I wrote and say it is fascist or racist.
Now I am laughing at you guys.....I have been worried that socialism and EU style policies are a threat to guys aren't a threat, anymore than the dems are a guys are truly brainwashed and nothing more than a joke that neither understands that which you are discussing nor the fact that you are utterly comical in your ignorance.
Thank you for being so enlightening to me today.......I gave you your rope, and in true idiot fashion, you hung yourselves.""
Nuff Said!!!!
Linked at Stop the ACLU
We are tired of paying high taxes to support the dregs of society....pulling down the cream to raise the dregs is evil and supports laziness and rewards stupidity.
Work Hard, no one owes you a living, a house or any education beyond basic reading, writing and math. If you want a better lot in life work for it, it is there for the taking IF you have the drive and intelligence.
We won't let you starve in the streets but don't care if you want to be lazy and live under a bridge.
If you are truly handicapped we will help you...A lot....but of you try to pull that mental handicap crap you had better be a real good actor or seriously demented. If you are seriously demented and you get violent we lock you up...for life, we don't need violent people wandering around.
If you commit a crime you go to jail where you will be punished....A lot...we don't need stupid people walking around.
If you kill someone and it is NOT in self defense you go to jail....we don't need violent people walking around.
If you do it in a heinous manner we will kill you for it....not only do we want violent people locked up we don't want to house you for the rest of your life at our expense.
The money we make should be, for the most part, ours.....not the governments to fritter away for more social programs.
We should have a very secure border, and people that sneak in are criminals and should be bagged and tagged so they can never come back.
A proactive offense beats the hell out of a reactive defense anyday....reactive defense is for cowards and victims....and we are neither.
Our money that we pay in taxes should stay at home....countries that get aid from us and hate us anyway should be told to fuck is not our governments job to make sure that people that live under corrupt third world governments and starve are fed.....that is THEIR governments job.
The UN is an anti-American group and should be tossed out of America and told to shut their useless mouths.
The ACLU is an evil organization that should be charged as a criminal organization.
Capitalism is good, socialism is evil.
The individuals socio-economic mobility is the backbone of a great country, and small business is the backbone of socio-economic mobility.
Radical environmentalists have done more damage to business in the U.S. than any other single factor and should be taken to task for it.
The individual should decide how much charity to give, and not money is just that, MINE!!!!
Rapist, murderers, pedophiles, thieves, drug addicts and whiners are NOT "victims of their misunderstood childhoods"...they are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, thieves, drug addicts and whiners, and with the possible exception of the whiners they should all go to jail for a very long time....except pedophiles.....they should be shot upon conviction.
Oh yeah....political correctness is bullshit....either grow a thicker skin or go away....sometimes life isn't with it....and you have absolutely NO RIGHT whatsoever to NOT be offended!!!
Any questions?
**The above was a comment on another blog. I won't say which one as they deserve no more traffic, and I hate giving them any to begin with. However I stop by there to hone the old talons and it works well. Below is part of a response by them regarding the above statements.**
From Fr*****: "Kender.....In case you are under the mistaken impression that your fulmination refutes the belief that you are a racist, fascist, sectarian, think again. Thanks for your input. IÂ’m sure we can put it to use as we define the American right."
**My reply is below, and finally I have shown you, but more importantly myself, once and for all that the people on the other side of the street are indeed non-thinking, brainwashed people that truly wallow in their ignorance. I feel sorry that people such as this are so blinded by their hatred however, it gives me hope that the socialist left is indeed losing power like Dean after his scream.**
""Fr***** did what I say show one bit of racism? Or fascism?
Fascism subjugates the individual in favor of the state.
Racism is the belief that someone is inherently inferior because of their race.
I am an individualist. The antithesis of a fascist.
And unless "STUPID" or "LAZY" is now a race and I missed that memo I utterly fail to see how you can call me a racist.
I am also not sectarian....the "sect" of success is open to those willing to work for it.
You people really do not comprehend this do you???
You honestly do not understand the meanings of the words you throw around and only see what you wish to see in what you read and not the truth, and I cannot believe that people that claim to be educated can read what I wrote and say it is fascist or racist.
Now I am laughing at you guys.....I have been worried that socialism and EU style policies are a threat to guys aren't a threat, anymore than the dems are a guys are truly brainwashed and nothing more than a joke that neither understands that which you are discussing nor the fact that you are utterly comical in your ignorance.
Thank you for being so enlightening to me today.......I gave you your rope, and in true idiot fashion, you hung yourselves.""
Nuff Said!!!!
Linked at Stop the ACLU
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Thanks for turning comments back on! Here is where I stand by paragraph starting with the second paragraph.
Disagree. We have some of the lowest taxes of any civilized country. They just need to be spent more productively (i.e. Medical Care instead of Welfare)
Sort of agree. I think we should also include other education (music, arts, science) as part of basic education.
Sort of agree. I'm not sure I want to wait until someone is "seriously demented" before we try to get them help.
Agree. And to go a step further, we should kill that person in the same way they killed their victim.
Sort of agree. Taxes need to be spent much better. Only then could we possibly tell how much we really ought to pay.
Sort of agree. I don't think that sneaking into a country should be a capital offense. That seems a bit extreme. But we definitly should know who is coming in and going out of our country.
Sort of agree. You can also have a proactive defense that can be very effective. This would include more secure borders...etc. So far, all we have seen is reactive offense.
Disagree. How do you tell the difference? If the countries people love/like us but their government does not (China), do they get help? If the countries government loves us, but the people do not (England), do they get help? There is no good formula for this.
Disagree. It needs some work and reform, but the idea is still a good one.
Agree. Although having a group dedicated to preserving our rights is a good idea too...the ACLU is just failing miserably at it.
Disagree. Both can be good. Both can be evil. Depends on how they are used.
Completely disagree. In many cases, environmentalists have forced businessed to inovate in ways they never would have otherwise.
Sort of agree. You pay for the benefits you recieve. If you do not wish to receive those benefits - and so therefore not pay for them - you need to live somewhere else. However, charity falls outside of benefits, and so I agree.
Agree. For every person who becomes a criminal from a broken or difficult childhood, there are 10 who had worse childhoods and yet grew up just fine.
Basically agree. Not all P.C. is bullshit, or rather, it depends on what you define as "P.C.". For instance, some people would include not using 'nigger' for black people as just being P.C. Those people would be wrong. However, in many cases, yes, people need thicker skins.
So...does that make me Right? Left? Middle?
Maybe I wasn't clear about illegals...I did not mean to insinuate that we should kill them...the phrase "bagged and tagged" probably seems wrong....and as for you being right, left or middle....perhaps you are the same as you consider me? Just disagreements on a few differing subjects...a mostly correct thinking individual?
Doesn't everyone consider themselves a mostly correct thinking individual? No matter how wrong they are? :-)
Anyway, I think a lot about Churchill's saying 'If at 20 you're not a liberal you have no heart, if at 40 you are not a conservative you have no brain.' (or something like that). I'm a pretty young guy, so, while I tend to be pretty logical about things, I'm also generally rather compassionate and forgiving.
My question about Churchill's statement is this: At 40, do you still have a heart? A lot of conservative ideas to me tend to answer that question 'no'.
A heart tempered by pragmatism and realistic views of how the world works....that is the heart of a conservative.
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