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    Linked in the title is Jay's Blog, the illustrious founder of this blogburst and the StoptheACLU blog. Go check it out. He has a much better post than I do about this weeks open topic blogburst.

    I am going to switch it up a bit and NOT put down all of the reasons I hate the ACLU, as I only have a life expectancy of about 80 years, and even if I were 5 again, I wouldn't have time for that huge task. Nor can I choose one thing I hate worse than the other about the ACLU and their anti-American agenda.

    Instead I am going to simply say this. People like this, that really cannot see the evil that the ACLU is pursuing show their idiocy and their utter lack of comprehension.

    To all of you leftists out there that buy the crap the ACLU is shoveling I kindly ask that you remove yourselves at once from our great country and go live with people that share your astoundingly low threshold for cognitive thought.

    That would be france.


    Sarnt D said...


    France, lol.

    loboinok said...

    LOL! That guy said I take the cake! I like cake!

    kender said...

    Yeah Jay, I would so worry about this guy.

    A guy that is either in 7th grade thinking he is "old school" with the maiden stuff, or a guy reliving his 7th grade glory days with the maiden stuff?

    Can we say "live at home makes minimum wage" everybody?

    Jason said...

    Can we say just a grown man who likes Maiden (pre-7th Son) and their album art, probably makes more than you, and strongly disagrees with your extremist views? So please tell us what is so damn evil about protecting civil liberties. Is it because your extreme right agenda would work so much better if people had much less freedom or what? What was Bush's quote about how much easier his job would be if he were a dictator?

    You should be thanking the ACLU for protecting your freedoms instead of posting such vitriolic crap about them. But hey, you're free to be as vitriolic as you like, and you've got the ACLU out there defending that right.

    kender said...

    Yes jason...I am so sure you make so much more than I do....and as the post said, if you do NOT understand how the ACLU is so bad, and badly in need of reform, then your comprehension skills are too low ofr me to waste my time explaining about it.

    Now, I have a show to do, so I will take up the maiden question when I get to the station.

    kender said...

    And no jason, you get no trackback ping, no linky love, not even a comment from little link...that's it.

    Jason said...

    Aaawwww, you hurt my little feelings now. You're so right. Defending civil liberties: bad. Calling people who disagree with you anti-American: good. I look forward to the one or two hits your little radio show might bring in. Oh yeah, and if you hate my blog, you'll really hate my movie!

    kender said...

    I jumped over to your movie, but didn't feel like a crapfest for lunch and have decided not to watch it.....and my show won't give you any blog maybe a few, but I promise not to mention you on the show, as you think I am extreme, and I know you wouldn't want a bunch of extremists checking out your ramblings.

    Yuo're an idiot....go away!!!

    Sarnt D said...

    LOL! Jason calls that a movie? Please! Without A Paddle was better than that and it wasn't even CLOSE to a movie.

    Jason found the cure for insomnia. If you think I'm kidding, I'm really not. I'm an insomniac. I stay up an average of 3 days at a time. I've now had a nap after only 17 hours.

    Lol, a movie.

    kender said...

    Haven't watched it...won't pay for it.....with one of my jobs being in "the industry" and having logged too many days to count on set, mostly in indy films, I think I would have heard about it by now....especially if it is a pro-lefty thing....most folks in the industry are seriously hardcore non-thinking leftists.

    wandering coyote said...

    You fuckin fat ass wrinkled Oompa Loompah... You don't 'work in "the Industry", logging too many days to count on set." What a bunch of crap... Were you not breast fed as a kid little Kendal? Awww, no wonder you're such a lying insecure loser.

    wandering coyote said...

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOu are fuckin hilarious. See you at the NY Fringe Fest bigshot. Radio show? Indy films? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jason said...

    Up 3 days at a time, huh? Can you say meth? That would explain quite a bit.

    Raven said...

    OMG what a bunch of teeny boppers you have over here Kender. LOL their age shows through their words.

    Caoilfhionn said...

    Their IQ's are showing, too, Ravenhood. Jealous little craptards banging on their high chairs...I bet their mom's still do their laundry.

    Sarnt D said...

    Hey Jason, I'm sorry you're so ignorant and your documentary was worse than PBS, but coming back with a drug comeback is really immature. Insomniacs don't need drugs and neither does a Christian. I'm sorry you've finally met someone who doesn't need drugs to be a normal person, but try that on someone who'll take offense to it, instead of making yourself look like even more of a fool.

    kender said...

    Mentioning your "movie" is one thing...advertising where and when?

    Not without money up front costs money up in this site.

    Jason said...

    Wow, that's weak dude, but I suppose I should expect to be censored by people who are against civil liberties. I wasn't actually expecting any of your readers to come see it. Something tells me you don't have much readership in San Francisco anyway.

    Am I at least allowed to correct Republican Vet? It's a comedy, not a documentary. Did you catch how we milked Rick Santorum for publicity?

    kender said...

    That wasn't censorship wanna spread the word when and where your movie is playing on this site? That'll cost speech is one thing, commercial speech is another, and yes, I get to decide which is which here, as this is my site.

    I may go read the review later.

    So, DV or film?

    Just curious.

    Jason said...

    Just out of curousity, how much would you want for a showtime mention that none of your readers would attend in a weeks-old burried thread?

    It was shot on DV, of course. There's no way I could have done it with such a low budget and so quickly if I used film.

    kender said...


    Thought so.

    Rock on mighty film maker.

    Rock on.


    Jason said...

    Get with the times! DV is the wave of the future. Film is nice and all, but hardly within the means of DIY independents like myself.

    But you never answered my qustion. How much for an ad that nobody's going to see? I'll give you a free copy of Washington Interns Gone Bad and I'll even throw in my lastest short, A Guy Walks Into a Bar, but you'll have to run a banner on your home page. I figure with that turing into zero extra seats filled, you're getting the better end of the deal, and it'll give you some new material to rag on me about. For all you know it could be the greatest thing since Citizen Kane and you'd still be able to bash it because it was made by an unapologetic obnoxious leftist. It's a win-win situation for ya!

    kender said...

    DV is NOT the wave of the future....DV is for amateurs and broke ass wanna-be's. Occasionally pro's use DV to capture a certain feeling. For teh most part pro's sneer at DV...but that MAY change.

    And I really DON'T want to see either of your films, although "Interns" may very well be funny.

    Just not into aiding you in any way, shape or form.

    Perhaps if we had gotten off on better terms it might be different, but I have no interest in finding out now.

    And I do haev friends in the bay area, and very well could ask them to go check out the film for me, but then a seat would be filled and how would that make you look?


    Jason said...

    Aaaawwww, I love you too! Try getting a little more sleep. Maybe you'll be less cranky.

    kender said...

    Actually, I had plenty of sleep when I wrote that.

    And I am cranky because peopel like you are idiots and make up 49+% of teh population....but then THAT is exactly what AVERAGE IQ means.....and you guys (lib'ruls")are "The lower 49", IQ wise.

    Jason said...

    If you're going to call somebody an idiot, it helps if you don't have a bunch of typos. Your arrogance toward those who disagree with you is funny though. I'll have to make sure to have an angry republican guy who hates everyone else character in my next film.

    PS: if you want to discuss IQ's, do check out this handy chart showing average IQ's in states and how those states voted.

    And by the way, how come you haven't enlisted yet? Don't you have a war to support?

    kender said...

    Just make sure the guy is a short fat troll....liek me...and what do I care of typos...I am not a typist....and I knwo about your just proves that brainwashing in higher education works...I put very little stock into degrees anymore.

    As for enlisting, I tried four times...a missing kidney and dialysis stooped me dead in the water, but I have a brother in each branch right now plus retired military peppering the what is your reason?

    Jason said...

    My excuse? I don't support the war. Duh. I find your mention of brainwashing to be highly ironic, given the sort of stuff you spew. Isn't this back and forth so much fun? I guess it beats working.

    kender said...

    Actually I am working.

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