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    For those of you that need a bit of a history lesson, let me tell you about the Fairness Doctrine.

    In 1949 the FCC took the (wrongheaded IMO) view that station licensee's were "public trustees" and as such they had a DUTY to make certain that both sides of an issue received equal airtime.

    In the 80's, under Reagans deregulation, that was tossed out. The result is Rush, Savage, Boortz, Levin and a whole host of others that are considered "Conservative" radio personalities.

    Why do I bring this up?

    Because Air America is getting their ass kicked in the ratings. Having already being tossed from at least two markets because they couldn't pay their bills, this sad attempt at countering those on the right with a counter-point is failing in legendary form, and it is a real possibility that Air America could feasibly disappear in the near future.

    If, by some stretch of the imagination, Democrats retake power in D.C., and Air America is no more, what odds would you lay that the Fairness Doctrine is brought back in force?



    Even odds?

    I would give you 4-5 that the Dems would bring back the fairness doctrine so fast that your head would spin as if you had been assualted by force to listen to Air America non-stop until you couldn't stomach the smallest shred of common sense...kinda' like A Clockwork Orange.

    The Fairness Doctrine History can be read here.

    Crossposted at The Wide Awakes


    M+ said...

    Yes, the Fairness Doctrine would suck for Talk Radio. And then the backlash would kill the music industry because Christian groups would make demands that the other side of whatever moral (or should I say immoral) messages, that are so common today, be allowed on the air as well.

    kender said...

    Wow, M+, what a great tactic to keep something on the air....and the music industry IS dying...and I am helping to kill it.

    M+ said...

    See that? I ain't just another pretty face! I've been holding onto this plan for quite some time now.

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