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Feel free to post comments, rants, or even personal attacks. It simply shows your wish for taunting if you do the latter.

You can say anything you want here. But if you get stupid I reserve the right to point it out, call you lots of inventive names and laugh like hell.

Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Iraqi Blogs
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
Give me some love
You can email me here


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Snarky Kender
of the
TTLB Ecosystem

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    Blog Archive
    ******ON THE SHOW*******
    Tonight we will be covering whatever comes up in the next few hours that catches my fancy...fridays is open discussion...

    And about those T-Shirts?

    It COULD happen!!!


    Anonymous said...

    It's so sad to see you spending all your time sniveling for callers to your late-late-late-nite "show".


    P.S. Remember to please keep my IP address private.

    Cao said...

    Kender, oh so excellent job and I'm going to have the links up today to the show in its entirety!

    Great job! And 69-whatever-your-name-is lefty-coward-who-won't-say-who-he-is, it's so great to know that you're listening! Whatever you're saying on Kender's site to attack him while he's on the radio leaves more fodder to fisk you with! lol!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    LOL of course it does Cao! How silly of me! LOL


    P.S. I have absolutely no relation to, I promise. But please please don't publish my IP address either -- it's far too revealing.

    flash q fiasco said...

    Why don't you tell me why I should spend my time some evening listening to you rather than doing something else? Come on, I'm your number 1 liberal pansy. If you can give me a cogent reason to call in, I'll even let you whine like a NEA rep at a gun show for as long as you like. I owe you that much for the part you played earlier - it couldn't have gone better than if I'd handed you all scripts to work with.

    You're facing the grim reality that your only audience are a few people that you know a priori and a couple of assholes like me that think it's funny to watch neanderthals like you struggle with something that's far beyond your ability to work. Go back to your horses, it's where you belong.

    I personally don't listen because your small bag of tricks is only barely amusing as it is. What you don't understand is that all of your chest beating and 'clever' little phrases come across as being impotent and weak in this medium. You only have your own ideas to stand on here and that makes you a cripple.

    kender said...

    Flash? Don't listen.

    Really. I don't like you.

    Signal Hill SUCKS.

    Stay away...and if you call and say your name I will hang up on yoru ass.

    Anonymous said...

    damn, kender has his ass handed to him again.

    kender said...

    "damn, kender has his ass handed to him again"

    So you say anonymouse.....but I laugh harder with each comment.....I have a is me on the air.....and not you flash/anonymouse/anondontpostmyIP69.3.5.3534

    Anonymous said...

    LOL your "show" that's on "the air" is just a podcast with no callers. Sounds easy enough...sign me up! LOL

    Caoilfhionn said...

    This is really weird..two sets of comments. Anonymouse is a loser.

    Gribbit said...

    Anonymous: noun; 1.pitiful excuse for a Frenchman; 2.coward that's afraid of his own name; 3.a simple minded troll who has nothing to say of substance, but would rather spend his/her time playing juvenile games; 4.Spineless moonbat (see also Dumocrat) 5.Proud defender of that which has no logical defense

    adjective;1.spineless; 2.cowardly; 3.yellow (not to be confused with the color); 4.weak; 5.without cooth; 6. of French origin; 7. disguised as French but actually German

    Anonymous said...

    Awwwwww how cute, look at kender's cohorts crawling out from under the rocks to try to defend him. Poor little kender. Maybe you can get one of these guys to call your show to pretend to be the liberal you've been begging to call for a week now.

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