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    Seeing how those "end-times" I have heard about since bible school as a kid seem to stick with me like a scene from a movie that burns itself onto your retina and won't let go, awakening you in the middle of the night in a cold sweat I feel I must point this out.

    Linked in the title is a blurb about the Real ID Act.

    If this phrase from it is true:

    ...which specifies that by 2008 all Americans who want to enjoy privileges such as bank accounts and air travel will be issued what will most likely be RFID-enabled ID cards...

    Then that pesky part regarding the last days and something about the mark of the beast and not being able to do anything without it seems to haunt me.

    Would someone with a better knowledge of Revelations PLEASE set my mind at ease?


    Ogre said...

    That's a bit of hyperbole there. They have passed a Real ID Act, but as of yet no one is required to carry it. I've got more over here:

    M+ said...

    Suffice it to say that all we need to know is that the Good Guys win in the end.
    As for the ID card. I think that there are enough people, Christian and non-Christian alike, who're familiar with the passage you reference (Revelations 13:16). That should create a groundswell of opposition to being forced into taking one. Objections being based upon freedom of religion.
    But then again, the ACLU is doing their damnedest to take that away from us.

    Kat said...

    Let me be the person of reason here.

    There are many scholars that have reviewed the revelations writings as more like political code for the destruction of the current state those living in were writing about.

    For instance, the mark of the beast has been interpreted as Roman citizenship and/or subjects there of and being a rebel or person that did not bow down to the roman state and carry letters of mark would be unable to buy anything.

    Further, the whore of babylon and the fall of babylon was widely interpreted to actually mean rome and the many kingdoms (seven?) that it dealt with, obtained tribute from, etc and the fall of babylon was the fall of the roman empire and the destruction of the merchants (by far the mercantile aspects of the roman empire absolutely drove its desire to expand its borders and control states).

    The other issue is the return of the Jews to the holy land. During the Roman empire, the Jewish state was pretty much destroyed and these folks were in every essence attempting to stir up rebellion and regain the Ca'anan/Palestine for themselves (read Josepheus the historian for the time and then you will better understand revelations).

    Of course, one should never disregard the ominus repetition of history. though, I see in a world with credit cards, atm/check cards and other electronic devices/identification that we have been heading here for awhile (since the first application of the social security number).

    So, what we must be looking for and insuring that we limit is the ability of the state to coordinate and use this information for controlling citizens.

    In some ways it seems a direct violation of the 5th amendmtn. Not bearing witness against oneself, not to mention the ability of a person to feel secure in their persons, papers and belongings.

    This is where we need to watch the government.

    kender said...

    I forgot about the historical interpretation....thanks Kat.

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