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Blogs I Like
In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
Iraqi Blogs
The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
Send me some greenbacks
The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
The Wide Awakes
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    With the news that Susan Sarandon will move out of the country if John McCain is elected I thought I would offer my services, again, to all those simple, America hating cretins that whine every four years and say "If that guy's elected I 'm moving out of the country. It is a constant threat of Babs Streisand, and that mouthy wench has yet to actually leave.

    At least Johnny Depp did what he said he'd do and lives in France. Of course he still makes his living from the goodol' U.S. of A. by starring in films made here in Hollywood, but he never said he wouldn't, he just decided to be an ex-pat and live somewhere else.

    Anyway, enjoy;


    NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kenders' Kiss My Ass and Get Out of My Country Travel Agency.

    There are currently 28 countries with travel warnings from the State Dept. and I plan on giving them all a lot of new residents if McCain Wins!!!!!! A lot of my liberal leaning friends have said they are moving out of the country if McCain wins. Barbra Streisand said the very same thing many times, along with a bunch of her nosy, whiny cronies. She is still, by the way, in Malibu. Wussy Bitch.

    To see some of the wonderful places a lot of liberal wusses are gonna be hanging around for the next four years if McCain wins click the link.

    ***Click Here For State Department Travel Warnings***

    To all of you that have sworn to move out of the country if McCain wins, let me be the first to offer you my humble services as a travel agent.....for free.

    That's right folks....if McCain wins the election I will, for NO CHARGE, find you the fastest way out of the good ol' U.S. of A. and I bet the GOP may even help fund some of those trips.

    So don't be a wuss like Streisand and her bunch, (excluding Depp, he actually moved), and stick around and whine. MOVE. Stand by your words and get out of the country.

    There is only one catch to my services. I will not be setting up any place for you to stay. That is your job. I will not let you pick where you are going. That is my job.

    I will simply tell you your departure time and place.

    So pack warm socks and sunscreen, kevlar and your last will and testament, cuz it's gonna be a fun ride with Kenders' Kiss My Ass and Get out of My Country Travel Agency.


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