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    Somewhere out in the vastness that is the United States of America there sits a factory. Built in secret by noam chomsky this high tech marvel of idiocy pumps out cloned liberals. Each succeeding generation, it seems, is being refined to drool more, think less and squawk louder.

    Case in point is the latest cretin to be unleashed upon the blogosphere, BJ over at breaking dim bulbs. BJ, (who goes by the name billy joe, either because he is trying to get those much sought after redneck creds going or he just likes having his hobby as a nickname) styles himself as the destroyer of the right wing blogosphere. far he has called big dog a traitor without backing up that little lie, tried to rag on wild bill (who is completely up front and honest about everything) and now claims that I don't care about the truth because I said I don't care what McCain says one way or another.

    McCain is not gonna get the nomination, so he doesn't matter in the race for the oval office.

    Billy Joe likes to twist things around and ignore the claims he has made about others. I want to know why this little mattress-thrashing-cum-burping-gutter-slug feels he can lie about people and get away with it, but that answer will never come, as BJ is too busy making stuff up and following his mom in the family business. I understand she has passed along her first set of kneepads to BJ tho, as a gesture of good luck, so maybe he'll be too busy in the future to keep posting lies about his betters.

    BTW BJ, let your mom know I caught her show in TJ once and was just she still friends with that donkey?


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