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    And why am I not surprised?

    While the United Nations is pushing for French troops to form the "backbone" of an international force in Lebanon, Paris is "cautious"about sending its military to help Lebanon's army take control of the south and disarm Hezbollah, Turtle Bay and French officials said yesterday. [link]

    Oh, really? Fwance? "Cautious"?!

    Several countries have offered troops for a UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon but France, which agreed to head the force, has only committed a small amount of soldiers amid concern about the lack of clarity over the mandate. [...]

    France took the diplomatic lead in drafting a UN Security Council resolution on a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah but has become increasingly concerned about the exact rules of engagement for the troops.

    According to Le Monde, Paris wants "guarantees" for its soldiers and is worried it will face reprisals from Iran and Syria - supporters of Hezbollah. [emph. mine -- Kat][link]

    Aw, poor widdle wannabes - they want to make sure they don't have to actually, um, you know, act like a military and face opposition! Apparently, fwance's definition of "military duty" is sitting around sipping fwench wine and having the ladies swoon over their spotless uniforms. God forbid that they should actually... fight!

    I think the Marquis de Lafayette would be mortified...

    (crossposted from CatHouse Chat)


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