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    Article eleven of the Mexican Constitution states:

    Article 11. Everyone has the right to enter and leave the Republic, to travel through its territory and to change his residence without necessity of a letter of security, passport, safe-conduct or any other similar requirement. The exercise of this right shall be subordinated to the powers of the judiciary, in cases of civil or criminal liability, and to those of the administrative authorities insofar as concerns the limitations imposed by the laws regarding emigration, immigration and public health of the country, or in regard to undesirable aliens resident in the country

    Pay attention to that bit.

    "Everyone has the RIGHT to enter and leave the Republic, to travel through its territory and to change his residence without necessity of a letter of security, passport, safe-conduct or any other similar requirement."

    This is the reasoning behind the Mexican governments failure to secure their side of the border between the United States and Mexico, which is one of the requirements, I must point out, of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

    At the same time, the Mexican government has secured its southern border with Guatamala and Belize, taking the hypocritical stance that the Rights guaranteed to the citizens of Mexico under the Mexican Constitution do not apply to people that aren't citizens of Mexico.

    I am sure that Senor Fox agrees with the ACLU, the american left and other socialist groups that state that the rights that American Citizens enjoy under the American Constitution apply to the criminal aliens that have broken into our country and flouted our laws.

    If the rights of the Mexican constitution only apply to citizens of Mexico, why do the rights of the American constitution apply to the citizens of Mexico and other countries after they have broken into the U.S.?

    For the Mexican government to maintain such a hypocritical policy is absurd.

    For Bush to cave to the demands of a government that holds the rule of law in the highest esteem only when it benefits their citizenry is beyond outrageous.

    Then again, the Mexican government is only doing what our government should be doing...watching out for its own citizens first and foremost.

    Bush is the best President Mexico ever had.


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