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    By now you have all seen the story linked in the title about the italian red cross, (supposedly not affiliated with the ICRC) hiding terrorists that the U.S. military was hunting in exchange for releasing two italian aid workers that had been taken hostage. (and yes you leftist tards, I said HUNT VERMIN.....get it right...jihadis are vermin, the american left is vermin, along with the DUmbass parallel universe, the aclu, the dnc, cindy "the mouth" sheehan, mikey the moron and the entire on air crew of err america)

    We give a lot of aid to those damnable commie's, (italy), and they stab us in the back like the cowards they are. They are no better than the terrorists, only instead of guns and bombs they use deception and treachery.

    Here is what we gave italy in aid for the last four years:

    2001; 1.493 BILLION
    2002; 2.313 BILLION
    2003; 2.393 BILLION
    2004; 2.484 BILLION



    Add that in to the BILLIONS that ILLEGAL ALIENS cost us each year. I know how to fix all of our deficit problems.

    STOP giving money to our enemies.

    Fuck the italians.

    They now rest with the french on the list of nations that have shown their true colors.

    Cowards all.


    Raven said...

    Damn. 18 billion? What a price to pay for this shit.
    I used some of this in my post today about Italy.
    I'm really pissed off about this.

    kender said...

    Eight billion....that is a lot of money Raven....too much for an enemy of teh US to get.....we need to stop foreign aid.

    The MaryHunter said...

    No chump change there, kids. I believe that's also nearly the same number of "new governments" that Italy has had over the last century.

    whttigergrl said...

    There are indeed plenty of problems here that could use that money, such as the deteriorating education system in this great country of ours. hmmmmm. Or perhaps I shouldn't get into all the things that money could be helping else I rile the kender even more. Much love and see you at the drunk show... maybe.


    beamish said...

    That's a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions in dollars and military equipment we've collectively given Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia in the last 30 years.

    Alnot said...

    Hi Kender, It truly is a Mad, Mad World that we live in. Despite a long hot, humid summer and my air conditioning breaking down. I am still up and functioning. I decided to drop by and see how you are doing. Still giving the left the scoldings they so richly deserve I see. I have been preaching about frauds, baby killers, murderers, hypocrites, child rapists and another assorted sins of the left myself. The evidence is overwhelming and deep denial never changes the facts or the truth. Keep your integrity because it is all an honorable man has in the end.

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