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In no particular order):
Note: "right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. I know what I mean by it. How do you take it?
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The Other Side Of The Street
New York Liberals that aren't all that bad
(for NY Libs)
The name say it all
(Pissed Liberals)
Luna Kitten
See? I told you I had a liberal friend!!!
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The 101st Fighting Keyboarders
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    (yes yes, I know, this is completely shameless self promotion, but just this once(?) bear with me)

    On Friday I have a couple of SPECIAL SHOWS over on Xradio dot biz.

    "Why are they special Kender?" you ask?

    Funny you should ask.

    As far as people are concerned at The Wide Awakes with making very certain that The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth gets out over the ether of cyberspace, this show is VERY IMPORTANT.

    You see, I have a SPECIAL CALLER that is going to be calling in to speak with me on friday, July 18th, at 6:15 PST, (9:15 EST), who happens to run a website.

    "You don't say Kender", I can hear you all asking yourself right about now with just a hint of sarcasm in your voice, (and maybe a touch of hurt if you are a lefty that hasn't been asked to do a special interview, you insufferably thin skinned sot), and this particular "webmaster" is as far left as you can be without having a hammer and sickle tattoed on your arse.

    This fellow runs an anarchist website, (and if you really want the info email me for it, as I refuse to give him traffic), and he has called an ANTI-ILLEGAL immigration group racists, as those moonbats are wont to do when they can't get away with calling you a fascist...oh wait, I think they have called us that also.

    You see, the group he has said such nasty, untruthful things about is Save Our State, a grassroots organization that was started to put pressure on our government to SECURE our borders and STOP THESE CRIMINALS!!!

    Apparently those on the left think that rounding up criminals (read: illegals) that sneak into our country is wrong. This is simply yet another example of how the left fails to use LOGIC and REASON when dealing with the real world.

    Nasty things and OUTRIGHT LIES have been written by these people about PATRIOTS that are trying to do SOMETHING about the invasion of the United States of America.

    That is OK though.

    Tune into friday evening to hear the INSANITY of the FAR LEFT finally EXPOSED!!!

    If you wish you can email me questions you would like to have asked at

    So step on over for a good old fashioned M'Bat Bar-B-Q...and it's BYOB folks. That means "bring your own bile"

    Oh yeah, I said two shows huh?

    At midnight I am back on with a great group called The After Midnight Project.

    Go check out their site and be sure to go here and listen to "Take Me Home".

    There will be prizes handed out on the midnight show, (prizes TBA) and maybe even an autograped CD will be one of 'em.

    Catch it all on

    Just click "Listen Live"

    Crossposted at The Wide Awakes


    loboinok said...

    Can't wait...will do my best to listen!

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