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    Do you know what the definition of 'dhimmitude' is? No? Read on, but you will have to follow the links to learn.

    I have two blogs now. This one you are reading and this other one here:

    In a comment to a post of mine, an extreme post, or so the commentor thought, I was accused of the same hatred that the islamic extremists harbor. Quite the contrary. I don't harbor that hatred. In that post I was simply going to the logical conclusion of the liberals apparent wish that the U.S. pull out of Iraq. I never stated that I was simply following along to the liberals logical conclusion, nevertheless, that is where I ended up.

    So I wish to take this time to clarify myself.

    In continuing to read this post, and follow along with my thinking here, you, dear reader, are going to have to take some responsibility and click a couple of links and read.

    If you don't READ the pages that the links take you to, don't bother posting a comment that you think has the slightest chance of swaying me in my stance. If you do follow the links and read the pages, and you still have a comment that doesn't agree with my line of reasoning, THEN, and only then, may you feel free to post a comment. I truly believe that if you read these pages that you will come away believing what I have to say. If you don't, I will probably lament either A) your public school education or B) your utter lack of reading comprehension.. To begin here are your links. the Sept. 18th post titled Eurabia Jihad Watch......then read: you finish with that read the next link, but I warn you it is a bit longer:,filter./news_detail.asp

    Now, if you have read all of these links, feel free to post a comment regarding the following comments.

    I don't like war, but sometimes it is necessary.......I believe that the liberals, and anyone that disagrees with the fact that we are in Iraq is a fool.....I don't care what the rest of the world thinks of us, as they don't have our best interests at heart.....I think if we have to march the world over to eradicate radical islamic terrorists then that is what we should do...I believe in spreading the ideas of Freedom and Democracy.....yes, even through the use of force, for if Freedom and Democracy were able to thrive where we need apply force then, in a vicious circle, we wouldn't have to apply the force...see the thinking here?....I know some of you may say I am engaging in circular thinking, and I don't care...the bottom line is radical islamic regimes, and the terrorist they spawn, (and believe me, it is NOT us that spawn them), need to be destroyed...not negotiated with....not bargained with...not placated....but mercy....we are dealing with an enemy that uses fear, and the most evil of tactics, and they will give no quarter nor show is their way or death...don't believe me? the koran.....I know they say it is a religion of peace, and it can be....but these guys have taken it to an extreme that, if they had the power, would have made hitler and the holocaust look like a day in the park......imagine for one moment a world where extreme islamic rule is the law.....and if you think for one minute that they are not going to try that think may not see that in your lifetime....but the day will come...people in the U.S. in the late 30's believed hitler wasn't a threat to the world......he was, and we stopped him...just like we will stop these extremists now....tolerance is not working in Europe....and in another 10 years when other countries are experiencing what the Dutch are going through now they will realize the folly of their current to all you 'tolerant' liberals out there that are afraid to offend someone if you speak out for what you believe in I say you need to believe in something besides isn't working for europe, and it wouldn't work here....just remember when it all comes to a head and you wake up and say we need to stop these guys before we lose our Freedom that is wasn't you that saw it comeing....but us that saved your ass.


    KraftyOne said...

    I'd like to have more time to respond to all of that. There are a couple interesting points in there that I had not previously considered.
    A couple points not taken into account in those readings:

    The most important of these is that not all islamic people are extremists/terrorists and not all arab-looking people are islamic/muslim. Not all terrorists are islamic/muslim and not all dangerous states are terrorist ones. North Korea is no less of a threat (actually more so) because their aggression is centered in their government and their million-man standing army. What is the cost/opportunity ratio for going to war? Is there any cost in civilians that is too high in your opinion? For instance, if we had to kill 1 innocent, peaceful person for every 1 terrorist would that be worth it? How about 10? Twenty? How do you quantify suffering as a result of war?

    "Liberals" as you like to lump everyone who opposes the war and Bush admin do not all oppose it for any semblance of a centralized reason. Some believe that if you are going to go to war, do it right, do not do it with the extreme incompetence and callousness this administration has shown. Don't send our troops to war AND THEN LATER go after $87 billion dollars for the correct gear. Send them with the correct gear in the first place. Don't go to liberate a country with too few troops to simultaneously guard all the major border crossings, all the weapons depots and do the business of liberation. Go with an overabundance of troops, so many that none of our troops have to stand by helplessly as the weapons they are supposed to be guarding are taken from them by a much larger force. As we all learned when we were little (except Bush and Cheney apparently) "There's safety in numbers!" "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best." "Until you can do a job right, don't bother doing it at all."

    Thats enough for now. Thanks for the articles.

    Dan said...

    So you believe in spreading Freedom and Democracy but you think we should be in Iraq? Is that what we're doing there? I guess I'm confused. I thought we were creating a horrific mess and ensuring that Iraqi citizens are either less safe or dead. The last time I checked, Freedom and Democracy didn't equate to inviting in radical Islamic fundamentalists like Al-Zarqawi to operate as warlords. (But hey, at least we've gotten rid of the secular government Saddam had in power).

    Look, I'm glad that Saddam is gone. I cheered when I saw his statue fall. But the fact is, Iraq is less safe and less free right now than it was two years ago. Moreover, we are no longer fighting resistance, we are fighting an insurgency. Unless you are talking about freedom from your life, or freedom from your safety, we haven't given the Iraqis anything close to freedom. So far we have failed miserably and I don't see an end.

    kender said...

    Kraftyone.....response forthcoming....

    kender said...

    I like the points you make. North Korea is indeed a dangerous country. Neither here nor there at this moment. Why do you assume that I think just because someone has brown skin or is arab looking, whatever that is, that I feel they are a terrorist?

    As for the cost/opportunity ratio. Don't you mean the cost/benefit ratio? There is not a decent cost/benefit ratio for war. The soldier that shoots down an enemy must always live with that, even if he believes he was doing right. One human life wasted is too many. However, life is not fair, and there are no innocent bystanders. There is no way to quantify suffering, either as a result of war, disease or accident of birth. Life is pain.

    As for lumping people in under the liberal umbrella, that is just how I talk. I do agree with you on sending in troops fully prepared. However, it was a democrat that gutted the military, and caused that situation. His name was Bill Clinton. How do you think clinton got his "budget surplus"?

    As to your comment about a lack of manpower on the ground. I place blame squarely where it belongs. On the shoulders of the corrupt governments of france, germany and russia. If you don't believe that last statement, simply pay attention to the news. Those countries refused to send any troops. Why? Becasue they were on a gravy train called the Food-For-Oil Express. a railway run by Kofi Annan and his henchmen at the U.N. Keep an eye on that story as it unfolds. In the end, you will see I am right about that too.

    Your move KraftyOne

    Richard Nixon said...

    Krafty one is correct, not all Muslims are terrorists. However, everyone that has attacked Americans or American interests, with the sole exception of Tim McVie has been an Arab. When you clean your house you sweep out the dirt, and we know where the dirt is. We should focus on Arabs because they are the most prolific terrorists, unlike in the 80's when terrorists were a split between arabs and europeans.....the euro-terrorists are all gone. I do not hate Arabs, I have worked with them, I actually like some of them. I have spent over a full year of my life spread amongst several arab countries....a month here, a few months there.....I have also fought Arabs.
    Fortunately they can't shoot, unfortunately they don't bother, they use the indescreminant destruction of bombs instead, this should tell you something about them and their morality (terrorists that is, not Arabs) children and women are great targets.

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