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    Breitbarts article on Big Hollywood ridiculing celebrities for making a pledge to better the world and work with our new messi-I mean president after spending 8 long years denigrating the former President and making anyone who supported him want to strangle them for their arrogant stupidity is a work of genius, of course, because well, it's Breitbart. But he inspired me to put together my own pledge list, and the video version will hopefully be out soon.

    I pledge to give as much of a chance to Obama as his sycophantic cultic moonbat contingent gave Bush for eight years

    I pledge to contribute to global warming

    I pledge to increase foreclosures on the unwashed masses

    I pledge to exploit the poor and the weak

    I pledge to grind my heel into the working mans back

    I pledge to tell more racist jokes

    I pledge to hire more illegals, and screw American workers

    I pledge to pay my illegal workers lower wages

    I pledge to destroy the environment

    I pledge to club more baby seals

    I pledge to wear more fur

    I pledge to eat more meat

    I pledge blindly hate people not like me

    I pledge to be greedier

    I pledge to be meaner

    I pledge preach at you more, and tolerate you less

    I pledge to work for war, because there is no money is peace

    I pledge to laugh at stupid celebrities who think pledges will change the world

    I pledge to be more close minded, spout more platitudes and believe in utterly empty kumbuy-friggin-yah measures while the wolves howl at the door.

    What’s your pledge?

    I pledge to treat their president as they treated mine, to treat them as they treated us, because together we can, together we are and together we will be following sheep.

    What's your pledge?
    PETA’s call to remake the image of fish by changing their name to “sea kitten” — a cuddly and adorable moniker to be sure — got me to thinking. Men have many euphemisms for female private parts. Renaming fish to sea kittens, while a warm and fuzzy thought, causes many problems and has the potential to sow massive confusion in the world.

    First off, I am wondering, if we change the name of fish to sea kittens will we have a nickname for fish as we do for land cats? Land cats (for those who may live under a rock or are completely obtuse) are also called pussycats. I am certain I don’t have to lay out the obvious thought following the preceding one other than to say a whole new world opened up before me with PETA’s latest campaign.

    The problems start with men and where our brains are located. Many women believe we tend to think with our stomachs. Other females believe our thought processes emanate from a little lower on the male anatomy. For us males, the prospect of confusing the pleasurable pastime of fishing and eating fish with the sometimes equally gratifying diversion of lovemaking will no doubt cause our brains to cramp up and our heads to explode, thus denuding planet Earth of males capable of reproducing.

    But simply calling fish something cutesy sounding won’t change the fact that they are still slimy, pointy-headed, bug-eyed but tasty creatures. It’s the confusion sown by this radical change that will no doubt make speaking about carnal delights and lunch even more interchangeable and take the connection between them to a rhetorical level never before imagined except in the minds of perhaps Larry Flynt or Camille Paglia.

    I am thinking a sea kitten sandwich sounds much more exotic than a “Filet-O-Fish,” but a seapussy sandwich is in the realm of the unknown. What about catfish? Would it now be catkitten? Or catpussy maybe? It’s probably a good thing former major league pitcher James “Catfish” Hunter has left this world otherwise he would have to be known as “Catkitten” Hunter — not the kind of nickname that would ordinarily land one in the Hall of Fame. And what about SpongeBob’s loyal sidekick Patrick the Starfish? Would he now be known as Patrick the Starkitten?

    New troubles also arise in the world of sport fishing. When a man tells his wife he is going trolling, she’ll look askance at him while making certain he takes the boat with him when he leaves the house. After all, if you say you are heading out to go “kittening” and tell the wife you will be bringing some seapussy home for dinner, well, I can see the trouble brewing now with PETA’s misguided attempt to save the animals, even the tasty ones. Try it on your wife tonight and see what happens.

    Other possible changes are whitefish being known as white kitten (whitepussy being trademarked by the aforementioned Mr. Flynt) and swordfish becoming sword kittens, which sounds a lot like some dagger-weilding, anime superhero. The problem of walking into a pet store and asking for kitten food is going to cause confusion not seen since Clinton muttered something about what the definition of “is” is.

    On the other hand, I envision a whole new industry of sea kitten recipe books. The Brits would also have a grand time with this change of nomenclature. A nation that eagerly scarfs down pussy and chips at lunch every day may actually help bring about world peace. Millions of kids eating pussy sticks for school lunch, however, are certain to get Dobson and his bunch in an uproar.

    Another great angle to this whole insane plan is the phrase “fishing expedition” to denote someone who is simply “casting about” in hopes of finding incriminating evidence. The phrase “sea kitten expedition” is simply too unwieldy, but the phrase “sea pussy expedition” makes it sound as it you are searching for lustful mermaids.

    By far the most egregious changes which will take place must be the ones to be foisted on us when churches everywhere start giving sermons about the loaves and the sea kittens. No matter how awkward the phrase, get used to it because no preacher in his right mind is going to do a sermon on the loaves and the seapussies. (If you hear of one, let me know. Now that’s a sermon I don’t want to miss.)

    This is obviously not a well thought out plan by the radical anti-people screwballs, and to tell you the truth, the concept of renaming fish as sea kittens has me laughing so hard I can barely type. It also makes me wonder if anyone at PETA gave an ounce of serious thought before saying, “Hey, yeah, let’s try to get people to associate fish with kittens.” However, that is not really the worst of it.

    The worst comes when we get stuck on stupid and let a bunch of misguided goofballs start making us feel guilty for eating ugly animals that taste good in some sad attempt to save the planet. God gave us ugly animals so we wouldn’t feel bad about eating them. That’s a fact. It’s in the Bible somewhere.

    At the end of the day I only have two questions running through my head. First, if sea kitten tastes so good might not land kitten be tasty also? And second, where can I go to get a tuna pussy taco?
    Romans 12:19 (King James Version) says;

    "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

    In these troubled times, friend, the Lord, like most large corporations is outsourcing some of the more tedious work and we here at Holy Vengeance Inc are proud to be the exclusive contractor for the King of Kings when it comes to Vengeance.

    When it comes to smiting for vengeance only the Big Guy himself can do it better. Our many years of experience in the Vengeance industry is proven by our track record and the many many people whose lives we have completely ruined who never had a clue it was us. You really thought O.J. did it didn't you? Nope...that was us. Flo-Jo? Us again. jilted lovers and angry neighbors have been coming to us for years, and now you should too.

    Once Vengeance of this caliber was reserved for the rarefied level of society of major celebrities and sports stars, but because of a special offer we made with the Big Guy Himself we are now able to offer vengeance packages starting so low you will wonder why you haven't smote that smart ass jerk in accounting yet.

    Our array of products range from the economical to the extravagant, so whether you just want to get back at that coworker who just grates on your nerves the wrong way or completely destroy the life of an ex and their new fling we got you covered.

    Starting with our "A Pox On You" package at $69.95 you can have little annoyances tossed at the object of your ire in as little as ten minutes. If it's really serious go with our 7 Plagues Package, guaranteed to get the object of your anger time in a state pen and a lifetime commitment of registering as a sex offender (offer not valid against targets who are elected officials in the Democrat party).

    So whether its just that stupid bitch a the office or that jerkass dill weed sunuvabitch that ran off with your best friend give us a call at 900-FUCK-YOU and start smiting today.